Having someone delete you on Snapchat can be hurtful, especially if that person is your best friend. You may wonder if they can still be your best friend after unfriending you on the app. The short answer is – it’s complicated. While Snapchat friendships are real and meaningful, ultimately it comes down to how you both treat each other offline.
Why Would Your Best Friend Delete You on Snapchat?
There are a few possible reasons your bestie may have deleted you on Snapchat:
- They wanted a Snapchat break. Constantly staying in touch on social media can become exhausting. Your friend may have wanted a break from the Snapchat grind.
- They were tidying up their friends list. Some people declutter their Snapchat friends list from time to time by deleting old friends or acquaintances they no longer talk to.
- They were upset with you. If you two had a fight or disagreement, they may have impulsively unfriended you on Snapchat.
- It was an accident. It’s possible they deleted you unintentionally while trying to delete someone else.
- Their account was hacked. If their Snapchat account was compromised, the hacker may have removed friends.
Signs They Still Want to Be Best Friends
Even if your bestie deleted you from Snapchat, they may still want to maintain your friendship. Here are some signs:
- They add you back. If they refriend you on Snapchat shortly after deleting you, it was likely accidental.
- They’re apologetic. Your friend may explain why they deleted you and say they still want to be best friends.
- They engage with you offline. Do they make plans to hang out with you in person? This shows they still value spending time together.
- They communicate on other platforms. If they text, call, DM, or interact with you on Instagram, TikTok, etc., it’s a good indication they still want the friendship.
- They interact with your posts. Do they like, comment on, or share your content on other social platforms? These social cues mean they still want to connect.
Signs They Don’t Want to Be Friends
On the other hand, your friend deleting you on Snapchat could be a sign they no longer want to maintain the friendship. Here are some red flags:
- They don’t add you back. If weeks or months go by after they deleted you and there’s still no friend request, that’s not a good sign.
- They avoid communicating offline. Do they ignore your texts and calls? Are they always “too busy” when you try to make plans? Non-communication off Snapchat likely means they don’t want to be friends.
- They don’t interact with your posts. If they’ve stopped liking, commenting on, or sharing your content on other platforms, they may be pulling away from the friendship.
- Your conversations are dry. Do your in-person or texting conversations feel stiff, forced, or impersonal? The spark may have faded from your friendship.
- You never hear from them. Have they completely stopped reaching out to you unless you initiate contact? Unfortunately, that’s a likely sign of disinterest.
Ways to Reconnect After Being Deleted
If your goal is to rebuild the friendship after being deleted, here are some tips:
- Ask them to hang out. Arrange a one-on-one hangout to talk things over in person. This can help you reconnect.
- Send a thoughtful text. Send a text explaining you miss their friendship and would love to stay close friends.
- Reminisce about memories. Bring up happy memories you share to remind them of your strong history.
- Make your case. Explain all the reasons you value them as your best friend and want to work through any issues.
- Give it time. Don’t bombard them; give them space. With time, they may reconsider deleting you.
- Apologize if needed. If you did something to upset them, genuinely apologize and ask how you can make it right.
Cultivating Friendship Without Snapchat
Ultimately, true friendship runs deeper than any social media platform. Here are tips for maintaining a meaningful connection without Snapchat:
- Put in face time. Make an effort to hang out in person regularly to nurture your bond.
- Have deeper conversations. Don’t just small talk; have real, vulnerable discussions during quality time together.
- Create shared experiences. Do fun activities together like hiking, traveling, or volunteering to grow closer.
- Be dependable. Show up when they need you. Be loyal, trustworthy, and caring.
- Communicate other ways. Stay connected via text, phone calls, video chats, or even handwritten letters.
- Focus on offline gestures. Surprise them with their favorite coffee or bake them cookies. Small acts of kindness go a long way.
Should You Stay Best Friends After Being Deleted?
If your best friend deletes you, don’t panic. Take some time to evaluate why it happened and whether it’s signaling a deeper issue in your friendship. If you believe they still value you as a friend and want to make the relationship work, focus on rebuilding your connection offline. However, if they show no interest in maintaining the friendship, you may need to redefine the relationship and start moving on. Losing a best friend can be painful, but sometimes it’s for the best in the long run.
In Summary
Being deleted by your best friend on Snapchat can feel confusing and hurtful. But try not to jump to conclusions. There are many reasons it may have happened, including accidentally. Give them the benefit of the doubt initially. Pay attention to their actions afterwards – both online and offline. Do they seem engaged and interested in you still? Or are they distant and avoiding you? Base your decision on whether to try to restore the friendship on how they treat you overall, not just the Snapchat deletion. Snapchat is just one platform. Focus on nurturing your bond in person. If they no longer seem interested in being best friends, moving on with grace may be healthiest. True friendship means supporting each other’s growth, even if your paths diverge.