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Can you get rid of the Discover page on Snapchat?

Can you get rid of the Discover page on Snapchat?

The Discover page is a major feature on Snapchat that displays content from media publishers, brands, and influencers. It allows Snapchat users to easily watch curated stories, news, and other videos. However, some users may wish to remove the Discover page from their Snapchat experience for various reasons. In this article, we’ll look at whether or not it’s possible to get rid of the Discover page on Snapchat and steps you can take to customize your Snapchat experience.

What is the Discover page on Snapchat?

The Discover page is accessible by swiping right from the Camera page on Snapchat. It features tiles representing different publishers and content creators. Tapping on a tile opens up stories and content from that publisher.

The Discover page provides a way for Snapchat users to quickly access news, entertainment, and other information. It includes content from major media outlets like ESPN, BuzzFeed, Cosmopolitan, Vogue, and more. Brands like Taco Bell, Starbucks, and Netflix also have tiles where they post entertaining or promotional content. There are also tiles for influencer accounts.

Overall, the Discover page gives Snapchat a hub for engaging, vertical video content tailored to its young user base. For publishers and brands, it provides a platform to reach Snapchat’s audience.

Can you remove the Discover page from Snapchat?

Unfortunately, there is no direct way to completely remove or disable the Discover page within Snapchat. The Discover page is a core part of the Snapchat interface and experience. There is no setting or option that lets you take away this page entirely.

You also cannot selectively hide or block certain publishers from appearing on your Discover page. The content shown is universally the same for all Snapchat users.

So in summary – no, any Snapchat user cannot directly get rid of their Discover page or customize which content appears there. It is a permanent fixture as part of Snapchat.

Why might someone want to remove the Discover page?

There are a few reasons why a Snapchat user may want to get rid of the Discover page if they could:

  • Find the content uninteresting – They may not care about the media brands and don’t watch the videos.
  • Prefer connecting with friends – They may solely want to use Snapchat to communicate with friends and don’t need additional media content.
  • Dislike the content – Some users may find some of the Discover content objectionable or not relevant to them.
  • Distracting – Having a feed of endless video content can distract from using Snapchat to interact with friends.
  • Data usage – Loading Discover videos could use up cellular data allowance.

In essence, some users want to streamline Snapchat to just its social messaging functions. They have no interest in the media content side of Snapchat. Unfortunately the app does not allow users to pick and choose which aspects appear.

How to customize your Snapchat experience

While you can’t get rid of Discover entirely, there are a few ways to customize your Snapchat experience:

Don’t open Discover

The simplest option is to just not open the Discover page. You can access Snapchat while avoiding swiping over to view Discover content. This limits exposure but doesn’t eliminate the presence of the page.

Temporarily hide previews

In Settings, you can enable “Hide Alerts” which prevents content previews from automatically appearing. This stops Discover videos and stories from popping up on the Chat or Camera pages without you swiping over.

Block/unfollow publishers

While you can’t hide entire Discover, you can long-press a publisher’s tile and choose to unfollow them. This removes that publisher’s content from your Discover page. Do this to cut down on unwanted content.

Follow friends and influences you like

Make sure to follow your friends and any influencers you enjoy watching. Having more friend content makes Snapchat feel more social and less media-focused. Prioritize interacting with these personal connections.

Limit notifications

Disable notifications for Snapchat in your device Settings. This prevents distracting you with alerts about Discover content. You can still check Snapchat directly when you want.

Delete Snapchat

Of course, the nuclear option is to delete Snapchat entirely if you feel it has become too cluttered with media content and no longer serves your social needs. Reconsider if the app still positively adds value.


Unfortunately, Snapchat does not provide a way to permanently eliminate the Discover page from within the app interface. Some users may wish to remove Discover as its media content is not relevant to them. While you can’t get rid of it completely, you can minimize your exposure through habits like avoiding opening Discover, blocking certain publishers, and focusing on Snapchat to connect with friends you care about. But the Discover page appears to be a permanent fixture of the Snapchat ecosystem moving forward.

Pros of Discover Cons of Discover
Access to news and entertainment Content may not interest all users
Platform for brands and influencers to engage audience Can be distracting from social features
Curated, vertical video content Takes up data usage

Related Questions

Can I delete Snapchat Discover?

No, there is no direct way to delete or permanently remove the Discover feature within Snapchat. It is built into the app interface. You would need to delete Snapchat entirely to fully eliminate Discover.

Why can’t I remove Discover on Snapchat?

Discover is a core part of Snapchat’s product experience and business model. Snapchat wants users to engage with branded content and partner media organizations. Hiding or removing Discover pages would go against their goals.

Does deleting Snapchat delete Discover?

Yes, deleting the Snapchat app from your device would remove access to the Discover page and all other Snapchat features. This is the only way to fully get rid of Discover at this time.

Can you block channels on Snapchat Discover?

There is no way to completely block specific channels or publishers from your Snapchat Discover feed. You can long press a channel’s preview tile and select unfollow to remove that channel’s content. But there is no global block function.

Why do I have celebrities on my Snapchat Discover?

Celebrities and influencers will appear on your Snapchat Discover if Snapchat has verified their account and added them as an official publisher. Their content is part of the standard Discover experience for all users.

Is there a Snapchat without ads?

No, Snapchat will show ads on Discover as well as within your Stories feed. Brands pay to promote sponsored lenses, filters, and stories to all Snapchat users. There is no ad-free version of Snapchat available.


– The Discover page is a permanent part of Snapchat showing media and branded content.

– There is no way to fully delete or hide Discover within Snapchat.

– You can minimize Discover by avoiding it, blocking channels, and focusing on social features.

– Deleting Snapchat removes Discover but also eliminates all app functions.