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Can you open snaps with Snapchat Web?

Can you open snaps with Snapchat Web?

Yes, it is possible to open snaps on Snapchat’s web version, but with some limitations. The web version of Snapchat, accessed at, provides access to some of Snapchat’s core features like viewing stories and sending chat messages, but the full Snapchat experience still requires the mobile app.

Quick Answers

Here are quick answers to common questions about opening snaps on Snapchat’s web version:

  • You can view and open snaps that you receive on the web version of Snapchat.
  • You cannot currently send or take snaps on Snapchat for web.
  • Snapchat states their web version is meant for chatting – not for capturing or sending snaps.
  • Any snaps you open on web will still show as opened on the sender’s end, just like on mobile.
  • Your opened snaps on web will sync across devices and show as opened on mobile too.

Opening Snaps on Web

While Snapchat’s web version has limited functionality, it does give you access to your incoming snaps. Here is how you can view and open snaps on Snapchat for web:

  1. Go to and log in with your Snapchat username and password.
  2. At the left side of your Chat screen, you’ll see your existing conversations as well as a list of any new unopened snaps.
  3. Click on a snap thumbnail to open it. This will display the snap on your screen, allowing you to view the photo/video.
  4. The snap will remain visible for the duration set by the sender, then disappear as normal.
  5. Once opened, the snap will show as opened for the sender.

So in summary, yes you can open and view snaps on Snapchat’s web version. The main limitation is that you can only view incoming snaps – you cannot currently send or take any on web.

Differences From Mobile App

Opening snaps on the web version differs in a few key ways from the mobile app experience:

  • On web, snaps open in a small pop-up window instead of taking over your full screen.
  • You can only view – taking or sending snaps is not possible on web.
  • Snapchat lenses, filters, and other creative tools are not available on the web version.
  • Advanced snap features like video notes or screenshot notifications are not supported.
  • Snapchat states their web version specifically focuses on chat, not the full Snapchat experience.

So while you can access your incoming snaps and stories, Snapchat web is purposely limited compared to the mobile app. Key Snapchat features like sending snaps, live streaming, AR lenses, filters and more require Snapchat’s mobile app.

Why Sending Snaps isn’t Supported on Web

Snapchat has explained that their web version deliberately only supports viewing incoming snaps and stories, not taking or sending your own. There are a few reasons why sending snaps isn’t enabled on Snapchat for web:

  • Needing mobile device hardware: Snapchat relies on a phone’s camera, microphone, sensors, etc to take snaps and videos.
  • Maintaining ephemeral experience: Keeping snaps temporary is harder to enforce on web browsers.
  • Focusing on chatting: Snapchat sees web as a complement for chatting, not replacing mobile.
  • Security and privacy: Sending snaps from unmanaged browsers introduces risks.

Overall, Snapchat wants to maintain the ephemeral, camera-driven experience that Snapchat is known for on mobile. So for now, Snapchat is keeping their web version limited to chat and story viewing only.

Opening Snaps on Desktop

Currently Snapchat’s web experience is only designed for browsers on desktop devices – not mobile browsers. Here are some key points about opening snaps from a desktop computer:

  • Go to on Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge browser.
  • Snapchat web does not officially support Safari, Firefox or other browsers currently.
  • Log in with your Snapchat credentials to access your chat and snaps.
  • Click snap thumbnails at the left to view them in a small pop-up window.
  • Like on mobile, snaps will disappear after being viewed.
  • You can take screenshots of opened snaps using your computer.

In summary, opening snaps works much the same on desktop web as mobile, with the pop-up window replacing the full screen view. Do keep in mind Snapchat web is designed and optimized for desktop only at this time.

Tips for Using Snapchat Web on Desktop

Here are some useful tips for accessing Snapchat on a desktop computer:

  • Use Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge – other browsers have limited support.
  • Bookmark to easily access web Snachat.
  • Enable desktop notifications to see new chat and story alerts.
  • Use keyboard shortcuts like “w” to open stories and “y” for chats.
  • You can video chat on Snapchat web just like on mobile.
  • Typing and chat works the same, including chat mentions.
  • Stories and Discover content is available and works just like mobile.

While Snapchat on the web is geared more towards chat, it can still provide a useful desktop access point to your incoming snaps and stories. With chat, video calls and notifications, Snapchat web brings core Snapchat functions to your computer.


Snapchat’s web platform at provides the ability to open and view incoming snaps in a small pop-up window. However, sending or capturing snaps is not currently possible on Snapchat for web. The web experience focuses on chat and story viewing, complementing the ephemeral Snapchat mobile app rather than replicating all of its features. For full access to filters, lenses, snap creation tools, and other signature Snapchat capabilities, users still need the mobile app. But Snapchat’s web version gives desktop access for quickly viewing snaps, continuing conversations, and watching stories.

Feature Snapchat Web Snapchat Mobile App
View received snaps Yes Yes
Send/take snaps No Yes
View stories Yes Yes
Filters & Lenses No Yes
Video chat Yes Yes