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Can you tell if someone has Snapchat plus?

Can you tell if someone has Snapchat plus?

There are a few ways to tell if someone has Snapchat Plus, the paid subscription service that unlocks additional features in the Snapchat app. Snapchat Plus costs $3.99 per month and gives users access to exclusive filters, the ability to change the app icon, see who rewatched their stories, and more. While Snapchat Plus subscriptions are private by default, there are some signs that can indicate if someone you know has upgraded to Snapchat Plus.

Snapchat Plus Icon

One of the most obvious ways to tell if someone has Snapchat Plus is if their app icon looks different from the normal yellow Ghost logo. Snapchat Plus allows you to change your Snapchat app icon to any photo from your camera roll. So if you see a friend with a custom Snapchat icon that’s not the standard ghost, chances are they have Snapchat Plus. The app icon will appear customized on their home screen and when they send you snaps or chats. Keep in mind that they can always change their icon back to the original ghost as well. But if you’ve noticed them switching between a custom icon and the normal logo, it’s a clear indicator that they have access to this Snapchat Plus feature.

Exclusive Creative Tools, Lenses, Filters

Snapchat Plus unlocks a library of exclusive lenses, filters, and creative tools that normal Snapchat users don’t have access to. For example, Snapchat Plus subscribers can use an astrology lens to see their birth chart and zodiac sign overlaid on their face. There are also lenses that turn you into a Disney character, animate cheerful foods dancing on your head, or overlay your bitmoji avatar. If you notice a friend using these special effects in their Snaps that you don’t have available in your own Lens carousel, chances are they’re subscribed to Snapchat Plus.

The same applies to filters. Snapchat Plus offers unique filters like Time Machine (aging filter), Vinyl (retro music vibe), and more. If you see someone creatively using filters or lenses that you’ve never seen before, there’s a good chance those fun effects are thanks to Snapchat Plus.

Snapchat Plus Badge

If someone really wants to flaunt the fact that they have Snapchat Plus, they can enable the Snapchat Plus Badge that appears next to their username on their profile. This purple badge explicitly signifies that they pay for Snapchat Plus. Not everyone with Snapchat Plus chooses to turn on this badge since subscriptions are private by default. But if you do see the Snapchat Plus Badge on someone’s profile, it’s definitive confirmation that they have the paid version of Snapchat.

Post Limit Increase

Normal Snapchat accounts can only post up to 3 snaps to their story in the past 24 hours. But Snapchat Plus increases your story limit so you can share more moments from your day. If you notice someone posting way more than 3 snaps to their story in a 24-hour period, it’s likely thanks to their Snapchat Plus subscription.

View Counts

Here’s a subtle clue: Snapchat Plus allows you to see how many people have rewatched your stories. Normal Snapchat users can’t see view counts. So if your friend mentions that a certain number of people watched their story multiple times, it means they have access to Snapchat Plus stats.

Location on Snap Map

With normal Snapchat, you can only see the location of friends if they choose to share it that day. Snapchat Plus lets you view the location of any friend anytime, regardless of their privacy setting. If someone seems to know your location without you explicitly sharing it, chances are they’re looking at the Snap Map through Snapchat Plus.

Posting Schedule

Snapchat Plus allows you to schedule Snaps and Stories to post in the future. So if you notice a friend is posting content at very specific times, like 7am every Tuesday, or their stories seem unusually well timed, it could be thanks to Snapchat Plus scheduling.

New Profile Features

Snapchat Plus subscribers can pin a friend to the top of their best friends list. They can also hide their subscriber count if they want their follower number kept private. Look for these custom profile options as potential signs someone has a Snapchat Plus membership.


While Snapchat Plus subscriptions are private, there are some telltale signs that someone has upgraded to Snapchat’s paid service. Custom app icons, exclusive lenses/filters, increased posting limits, view counts, and profile customizations can all indicate a Snapchat Plus membership. However, none of these signs are definitive proof on their own. The only way to know for sure if someone has Snapchat Plus is if they confirm it themselves or enable the Snapchat Plus badge on their profile. But keeping an eye out for these clues can give you a good idea of who around you is using Snapchat’s premium features.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much does Snapchat Plus cost?

Snapchat Plus costs $3.99 per month. It’s available as an in-app subscription.

What features do you get with Snapchat Plus?

Key Snapchat Plus features include:

  • Ability to change the app icon
  • Access to exclusive lenses and filters
  • Can see how many times friends rewatch stories
  • Increased story posting limit
  • Can pin one friend to the top of the best friends list
  • Ability to hide subscriber count
  • Schedule stories to post in the future

Is Snapchat Plus worth it?

Whether Snapchat Plus is worth it depends on how much you use Snapchat and if the exclusive features appeal to you. Casual users probably don’t need it. But frequent Snapchat posters may find it adds creativity and customization to their experience. If you love testing new lenses/filters or want insights into friend interactions, the $3.99 per month may be justified.

Can you tell who views your Snapchat story?

Normally you can’t see who views your Snapchat story or how many times. But Snapchat Plus shows you detailed story view analytics, including which friends rewatch your snaps and how many views you received in total.

How do I get the Snapchat Plus badge?

The Snapchat Plus badge appears next to your username if you toggle it on in Snapchat Plus settings. To enable it:

  1. Go to your profile
  2. Tap the gear icon
  3. Toggle on “Show Snapchat Plus Status”

The badge makes your Snapchat Plus subscription public to any friends who view your profile.

Indicators Someone Has Snapchat Plus

Here is a quick summary of some signs that suggest someone may have Snapchat Plus:

  • Custom app icon instead of the standard yellow ghost.
  • Using exclusive lenses, filters or creative tools not available to regular Snapchat users.
  • Snapchat Plus badge displayed on their profile.
  • Posting more than 3 stories in 24 hours.
  • Mentioning how many people viewed their story multiple times.
  • Knowing your location frequently on Snap Map.
  • Stories and Snaps always posting at very specific times.
  • One friend pinned at the top of their best friends list.
  • Subscriber/follower count hidden from their profile.

While not definitive proof, these cues indicate a friend may have unlocked Snapchat Plus premium features. The only way to know for sure is if they confirm it themselves.

Comparing Snapchat and Snapchat Plus

Feature Snapchat Snapchat Plus
Change app icon
Exclusive lenses & filters
View story analytics
Max story posts per day 3 Unlimited
Pin favorite friend
Hide subscriber count
Schedule posts


While Snapchat Plus subscriptions are private, there are subtle clues like custom icons, access to exclusive features, higher posting limits, and profile customizations that may indicate someone has paid for premium Snapchat. However, the only surefire way to confirm Snapchat Plus is by them enabling the public badge or admitting it themselves. But keeping an eye out for these signs can give you a good guess of who around you is using Snapchat’s expanded capabilities for $3.99 per month.