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Do Snapchat chats affect your score?

Do Snapchat chats affect your score?

Snapchat is a popular social media app that allows users to send photo and video messages that disappear after being viewed. One of the app’s key features is the Snapchat score – a number that provides an approximation of how active you are on Snapchat. Your score goes up when you send and receive snaps, chats, stories, and more. This has led many Snapchat users to wonder: do your Snapchat chats affect your score?

How the Snapchat score is calculated

Snapchat does not provide an exact breakdown of how the score is calculated. However, based on observational data from frequent Snapchat users, we know that many different activities can contribute to your score, including:

– Sending a chat – Each sent message adds 1 point to your score.

– Receiving a chat – You also gain 1 point when someone sends you a chat.

– Sending a snap – Sending photo and video snaps earns you 1 point per snap.

– Receiving a snap – You get 1 point for each snap you receive from friends.

– Viewing a story – Watching a friend’s story adds 1 point.

– Posting a story – Adding to your own story earns you 1 point per photo or video.

– Using filters, lenses, stickers – Each time you add these elements to your snaps, you get additional points.

So in summary, yes – sending and receiving chats 100% affects your Snapchat score. Each chat message earns you points, helping build your overall score. Chatting is one of the easiest ways to quickly rack up points on Snapchat.

How much do chats affect your score?

Now that we’ve confirmed chats impact your score, you may be wondering just how much chatting affects your total points. Here’s a breakdown:

– Each sent chat adds 1 point. So if you send 10 chats in a day, you’ll earn 10 points.

– You also earn 1 point for every chat you receive. If you get 15 chats from friends, that’s 15 more points.

– Chat streaks (when you and a friend have snapped each other within 24 hours for three or more consecutive days) result in a +1 by your friend’s name. Each day the streak continues, you both get 1 extra point per snap sent.

So chatting definitely generates points quickly. For comparison, here’s how many points other activities earn:

– Sending a snap: 1 point
– Receiving a snap: 1 point
– Posting a story: 1 point per photo/video
– Viewing a story: 1 point per story

As you can see, sending and receiving chats earns points at the same rate as posting snaps and stories. One key difference is that chats typically happen more frequently throughout the day. You might snap different friends once, but have multiple back-and-forth chats.

Does the number of chats affect your score increase?

Yes, the number of chats exchanged directly impacts how much your score goes up. Here are some examples:

– If you send 5 chats, you’ll earn 5 points
– Send 20 chats, earn 20 points
– Send 50 chats, earn 50 points

It’s a 1:1 ratio – each chat equals 1 point added to your score. The more total chats with friends, the bigger impact it will have on your overall score.

Similarly, the number of chats you receive also boosts your score:

– Get 10 chats from friends, earn 10 points
– Get 25 chats, earn 25 points
– Get 100 chats, earn 100 points

Chat streaks also dramatically multiply the impact of chats on your score. Each snap sent within a streak is worth 2 points instead of just 1. Here’s an example:

Day 1 chat streak: 10 snaps sent = 10 points

Day 2 chat streak: 10 snaps sent = 20 points

Day 3 chat streak: 10 snaps sent = 30 points

As you can see, the points quickly add up! Chatting frequently and maintaining streaks are key ways to get your Snapchat score into the thousands, tens of thousands, or even higher!

Does the length of chats affect your score?

No, the length or number of messages in a chat does not affect your score increase. You earn 1 point per chat regardless of whether it’s a short “hey” or long paragraphs.

For example:

– A 2-word chat earns 1 point
– A 20-word chat earns 1 point
– A 200-word lengthy chat still earns just 1 point

So feel free to have in-depth conversations without worrying about the chat length affecting your points. The number of chats is what matters most!

Do group chats earn more points?

Unfortunately, no – group chats still only earn 1 point when you send or receive them. Here’s a breakdown:

– Sending a 1-on-1 chat: +1 point
– Sending a group chat: +1 point

– Receiving a 1-on-1 chat: +1 point
– Receiving a group chat: +1 point

Group chats don’t earn more points because the points come from the act of sending/receiving a chat itself, not the number of recipients. The number of people in the group doesn’t multiply your points earned.

However, group chats can still help boost your score since they tend to increase your total number of chats sent and received within a day. Just don’t expect to earn extra points per group chat.

Do deleted chats deduct points?

No, deleting chats does not take away the points already earned. The points are added as soon as the chat is sent or received, and remain even if the chats are later deleted by either user.

So feel free to delete old chats to clear up clutter without worrying about losing points! The points stay in your score.

Can you lose points by not chatting?

Your Snapchat score will not decrease if you stop chatting or take a break from Snapchat entirely. However, your score will stop increasing during periods of inactivity.

To maximize your score growth, it’s important to chat consistently and maintain streaks with your friends. But you won’t lose the points already earned if you can’t chat daily.

However, if you stop chatting with a friend for over 24 hours, your streak will be lost. When a streak ends, you’ll see a “-” instead of the normal number by that friend’s name. This doesn’t deduct points, but it will slow your scoring growth since snap streaks earn double points.

Does your chat score expire over time?

No, your Snapchat points do not expire or decrease over time. You permanently keep all points earned from chats, snaps, stories and other activities.

For example, if you earn 500 points today from chatting, take a break from Snapchat for a month, then come back – you’ll still have those 500 points contributing to your score.

In summary, your score only goes up over time. The points never expire, even after long periods of Snapchat inactivity.

Can you earn extra points by replaying chats?

Unfortunately, no. Replaying or re-reading old chats does not add any additional points to your score. You only earn points when first sending or receiving new chats.

Here’s a breakdown of what happens when replaying chats:

– Original sent chat: +1 point
– Re-reading sent chat: 0 points

– Original received chat: +1 point
– Re-reading received chat: 0 points

So feel free to reread old conversations without worrying it will artificially inflate your score. Points are only earned on that initial sending/receiving of new chats.

Do chat notifications increase your score?

No, you do not earn any points for receiving chat notifications or previews. Points are only earned when you actually open and view the full chat message.

Here’s the breakdown:

– Received chat notification: 0 points
– Opening and viewing chat: +1 point

So don’t feel compelled to open chats right away just to get points. You can wait until it’s convenient without losing out on the ability to earn a point from that chat.

Can you lose points by reporting chats?

No, reporting a chat for inappropriate content or spam does not deduct any points or penalize your score in any way.

When you report a chat, here’s what happens to your score:

– Original sent/received chat: +1 point
– Later reporting the chat: 0 points (no change)

So feel free to report any concerning chats to keep Snapchat safe for everyone. Your score will remain completely unaffected by the report.

Do cleared/deleted chats affect your friends’ scores?

When you clear or delete a chat, it disappears from your own chat history – but it does not affect your friend’s chat history or points already earned.

Here’s what happens when you clear/delete a chat:

– Your chat history: Chat removed, but you keep points earned originally

– Your friend’s chat history: Chat remains visible, they keep points

So clearing or deleting chats only impacts your own chat list – it does not remove those chats or deduct points for your friends. Their scores remain completely unaffected.

Can you earn points while chat is paused?

No, you cannot earn any chat points while a friend has paused their chat with you. Pausing chat temporarily blocks you from sending messages to that friend.

Here is how pausing chat impacts your score:

– Normal chatting: +1 point per sent/received message

– When chat is paused: 0 points earned from sending messages (since messages will fail to send)

However, you will still get +1 point for each new chat received from that friend after chat resumes from the pause. The pause only blocks your ability to earn points for sent chats.

So pausing chat only temporarily limits your scoring ability in one direction. You start earning points normally again once chat is resumed.

Can you earn points while your account is locked?

If your Snapchat account gets temporarily locked, you cannot earn any new points until it is unlocked. This includes points for sending/receiving chats.

Here’s what happens when your account is locked:

– Unlocked account: Send/receive chats normally and earn points

– Locked account: Unable to send/receive new chats so you earn 0 points

However, your existing points remain visible once the account is unlocked again. The lock does not erase points earned prior to the lock.

So a locked account pauses your ability to earn new points from chatting until you are able to unlock it again. But your score will pick up where it left off afterwards.

Can you earn points from deleted accounts?

You cannot earn any points from sending chats to deleted Snapchat accounts. If you try chatting a deleted account, your messages will fail with an error.

Here’s what happens when messaging a deleted account:

– Chatting an active account: +1 point per sent chat

– Chatting a deleted account: 0 points (chat fails to send)

However, you’ll still earn +1 point for any leftover chats in your conversation history sent by that account before they deleted it. But you cannot earn new points going forward.

So while deleted accounts limit your ability to earn new points, the points already accrued in your chat history remain. Only prospective points are lost when an account deletes.

Do Snapchat bots affect your score?

Yes, chatting with Snapchat bots does impact your score. Bots are automated accounts created by Snapchat and certain brands/companies.

Here is how bots affect your score:

– Chatting with a bot: +1 point per sent message

– Receiving a chat from a bot: +1 point

The points work the same as chatting with a regular friend’s account. So feel free to chat bots all you want to boost your score!

Some popular Snapchat bots to chat for easy points include the Snapchat Support bot, Astrology bot, Weather bot, and Kudos bot for getting daily encouragement.

Can you earn points chatting on other platforms?

You can only earn Snapchat score points from activities within the Snapchat app, not other platforms.

For example, chatting via text/iMessage does not affect your Snapchat score.

Here’s a breakdown:

– Chatting within Snapchat: +1 point per sent/received chat

– Chatting on SMS text: 0 Snapchat points

– Chatting on WhatsApp: 0 Snapchat points

– Chatting on Messenger: 0 Snapchat points

So remember, your Snapchat score will only increase from chats sent directly within the Snapchat app, not outside messaging platforms.


In summary, Snapchat chats significantly impact your Snapchat score by earning you points for each message sent and received. More chats means more points earned, so frequent chatting with friends is a great way to build up your overall Snapchat score quickly.

While group chats, chat length, and replays do not increase your points earned per chat, the overall number of daily chats has the biggest impact on your score growth over time. Maintaining streaks also boosts your points earned per chat.

So chat to your heart’s content knowing each message brings you one step closer toward Snapchat stardom! Aim for high conversation volume to maximize your precious score. Happy snapping and chatting!