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Does snapchat best friends list go across or down?

The Snapchat best friends list goes across, displaying up to 8 friends horizontally in a single row. It does not go vertically down. The best friends list shows your 8 closest friends on Snapchat based on how frequently you snap and chat with each other.

What is the Snapchat best friends list?

The Snapchat best friends list displays your 8 closest friends on the app. These are determined based on your snapstreaks (how many consecutive days you’ve snapped each other) and the frequency of your interactions over the past week.

You can view your own best friends list by going to your profile and swiping down. Your friends can also see your best friends when they view your profile. However, the order may differ slightly for them.

Having best friends on Snapchat unlocks special features like exclusive emojis and the ability to replay snaps. Best friend status is not permanent – your list will update over time as your snap frequencies change.

How does the best friends order work?

The #1 best friend slot goes to the friend you have snapped with the most over the past week. The #2 slot goes to your second most snapped friend, and so on.

The best friends order is customized for each user. So your #1 best friend will see a different order of best friends on their own list.

If two friends are very close in snap frequency, their order may swap back and forth regularly. The list aims to capture your true closest friends, not just who you happened to snap most in the past 24 hours.

How many best friends can you have?

You can have up to 8 best friends displayed horizontally on your Snapchat best friends list. If you have more than 8 close friends, the 9th and below will not show up on your list.

Having 8 best friends is the maximum. There is no way to increase the limit or see more friends on your list.

Can you remove friends from your best friends?

There is no way to manually remove or delete friends from your Snapchat best friends list. The list is automatically generated based on your interactions.

If you want someone to be removed from your best friends, you need to intentionally snap and chat with them less. Avoid viewing their stories or opening their chats.

Over time, your decreased interactions will cause that friend to drop off your best friends list. This is the only way to influence who appears as a bestie.

Do best friends know they are your bestie?

Yes, your Snapchat best friends can see that they are on your best friends list. It is visible when they view your profile.

They will see the same custom emoji next to their name that appears on your end. This serves as an indicator that they made your exclusive best roster.

Being someone’s best friend is a two-way street. They will only remain your bestie if you stay one of their top friends as well.

What happens if you remove a best friend?

If you remove someone as a friend on Snapchat, they will automatically be removed from your best friends list as well. You can only have best friends who you are still friends with.

In addition, if one of your best friends removes you as a friend, they will disappear from your list. The relationship has to go both ways.

Removing or blocking a best friend does not directly notify them that they were bumped from your besties. But they will notice when viewing your profile.

Does deleting conversations affect best friends?

Deleting conversations or clearing chat history does not affect your Snapchat best friends list. Your best friends are determined by snap frequency, not by how many chat messages you have.

You can delete all your Snaps and chats with someone, and they will still remain your #1 best friend if you keep Snapchatting regularly.

Clearing conversations is a way to tidy up your messages, not impact your friendships. Your best friends will stay the same.

What happens if you remove Snapchat?

If you delete your Snapchat account entirely, your best friends list will be deleted along with it. All of your friendships and data on Snapchat will be permanently erased.

Your friends will see that your account no longer exists. You will completely disappear from their best friends lists without notice.

Reinstalling Snapchat starts you over with a blank slate. You have to add friends and rebuild your best friendships from scratch.

Can you have a private best friends list?

There is no way to make your Snapchat best friends list private. Your list is visible to all of your friends when they view your profile.

If you do not want certain friends to know they are your bestie, you’ll need to reduce your Snapchatting with them. When your interactions decrease, they will drop off the list.

The only other option is to not add them as a friend at all. Without being friends, they can’t view your profile or best roster.

What are the perks of being best friends?

There are several special perks unlocked when you reach best friend status with someone:

  • Custom emoji next to their name.
  • Receive their exclusive Snapstreak emoji.
  • Replays for snaps stay available for 24 hours.
  • Higher placement in their Quick Add friends list.
  • Priority placement for group chats.

These perks make it easier to communicate and encourage you to keep snapping your top friends.

Do best friends disappear?

Yes, best friend status will disappear over time if your interactions decrease. You need to regularly snap and chat for them to remain at the top.

It’s common for long-distance friends or those you’ve grown apart from to fade from your best roster. Out of sight means out of mind on Snapchat.

To keep friends on your best list, make an effort to snap them every day. Maintaining your streaks is the #1 way to stay besties.

Can you buy a best friend spot?

There is no way to pay or donate to guarantee yourself a best friend spot with someone. The list relies purely on snap frequency metrics.

Trying to buy your way into someone’s best friends will not work. They would have to intentionally snap you daily to move you up by legitimate means.

Patience and consistent communication over time are the only ways to become Snapchat besties. There are no shortcuts you can pay for.

What happens when you add a new friend?

When you add a new friend on Snapchat, they will not automatically appear in your best friends list. You have to build up your snapstreak by chatting regularly.

It takes consistent interactions over several weeks for a new friend to outrank your existing besties. Don’t expect new friends to climb your list overnight.

Be patient and keep snapping new friends. As your daily streaks continue to grow, you’ll eventually see them reach your top 8.

Can friend emojis be changed?

The custom emoji next to each best friend cannot be manually changed or edited. These exclusive icons are automatically generated by Snapchat.

However, if your #1 best friend changes, your emoji for them may also automatically update to something new.

So you cannot directly alter friend emojis, but major changes in your list can trigger Snapchat to refresh them.

Why can some friends replay my Snaps?

Friends who appear on your Best Friends list gain the exclusive privilege of replaying your Snaps for up to 24 hours. Other friends only get one replay.

This perk encourages you to keep snapping with your top tier friends regularly. Snapchat wants to reward frequent contacts.

Staying as BFFs on each other’s lists ensures you’ll both continue enjoying unlimited Snap replays from one another.

Do I need a business account for best friends?

No, you do not need a Business Profile on Snapchat in order to use the Best Friends feature. It is available for all personal Snapchat accounts.

Switching to a Business Profile will not impact your current Best Friends list. You will keep all your BFFs and Snapstreaks.

The main difference is that your best friends list will no longer be publicly viewable to others. But the inner workings remain the same.

Can I rearrange my best friend order?

There is no way to manually rearrange or reorder your Snapchat Best Friends list. The sequence is set automatically based on your interactions.

If you want to move a friend up or down, you need to snap that friend more or less frequently. Increasing or decreasing contact will shift their position.

You cannot drag and drop friends into a preferred spot. Let your snap patterns influence the ranking naturally over time.

Do deleted chats reappear if you add them back?

If you delete conversations with a friend, then remove them from your Snapchat, those chats will be permanently erased. They do not reappear if you add that friend back later on.

Your Snapstreak number will reset to 0 upon re-adding a friend as well. All messaging history is wiped when removing friends.

To retain conversations long-term, avoid deleting chats or removing connections. Archiving chats hides them while preserving their content.

Can family members be best friends?

Yes, it is perfectly normal for family members like siblings or cousins to appear in your Snapchat Best Friends list.

The algorithm simply detects your most frequently contacted friends. If you snap daily with family, they may reach your top 8.

There is no rule against relatives qualifying. As long as you chat consistently, your family can earn BFF spots too.

Do best friends disappear after 30 days?

No, best friends do not automatically disappear after 30 days of inactivity. Your top friends will remain on the list until new frequent contacts knock them off.

However, if you go 30 days without snapping a best friend, it’s likely your decreased contact will cause their rank to drop substantially. But this is not guaranteed.

As long as no one new outpaces your inactive friends, they can technically stay besties despite your lapse in communication.