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Does Snapchat have a limit on saved photos?

Does Snapchat have a limit on saved photos?

Snapchat is a popular social media app that allows users to send photos, videos, and messages that disappear after being viewed. One of Snapchat’s key features is that content is meant to be ephemeral. However, the app does allow you to save some Snaps to your phone’s camera roll so you can access them even after they disappear from the app.

Does Snapchat limit how many photos you can save?

Yes, Snapchat does limit the number of photos and videos you can save from the app. The limit is dependent on the storage space available on your device rather than a set number of Snaps.

Snapchat states that you can save as many photos and videos as your phone’s storage allows. So there is no definitive number as to how many Snaps you can save.

The number will vary from user to user based on:

  • How much total storage space you have on your device
  • How much of that storage is already being used by other apps and files
  • The size of the photos and videos being saved from Snapchat

For example, a user with 64GB of total space who has used up half of it and saves mostly photos from Snapchat will be able to save more Snaps than a user with 16GB of space who has used up 10GB already and is saving videos.

Does Snapchat delete old saved Snapchats?

No, Snapchat does not automatically delete or remove Snaps you have previously saved to your camera roll. The saved Snapchats will remain in your phone’s storage until you actively delete them.

This means that old saved Snapchats will continue taking up space on your device. It is up to you to go into your camera roll and delete Snaps if you want to free up storage space.

Strategies to avoid hitting Snapchat’s saved photo limit

Here are some tips to make sure you don’t hit the limit on saved Snapchats:

  • Delete old saved Snaps regularly – This frees up storage space for new ones.
  • Save only your favorite Snaps – Be selective instead of saving every Snap you receive.
  • Save Snaps to external storage – If your device supports external storage like SD cards, you can move saved Snaps there.
  • Check your storage usage – Keep an eye on how much total storage you have left.
  • Back up photos, then delete from device – You can back up saved Snapchats to another location, then delete them from your phone.

What happens if you hit the Snapchat saved photo limit?

If you try to save a Snap and your phone storage is completely full, Snapchat will display a notification that says “Couldn’t Save Photo” or “Couldn’t Save Video.”

At that point, you will need to delete old saved Snaps in order to free up storage space and continue saving new ones.

Some things that can happen if you max out your saved Snapchats limit include:

  • Unable to save new Snaps – You’ll get error notifications when trying to save new photos or videos from Snapchat.
  • Poor Snapchat performance – A full storage can negatively impact Snapchat’s functionality.
  • Slow phone performance – Your phone may run slower if its storage is completely used up.

The best way to avoid these issues is being proactive about deleting old Snaps to make room for new ones.

How many snaps can you save at one time?

Snapchat does not impose any limit on how many individual Snaps you can save at one time. You are able to save as many incoming Snaps as you want, as long as you have enough total storage space left on your device.

For example, you could save 10 Snaps in a row, 50 Snaps, 100 Snaps, or even more. The number is unlimited.

The only restriction is that once your phone’s storage is completely filled up, you will no longer be able to save new Snaps until you delete old ones. But the act of saving multiple Snaps simultaneously does not count against you.

What types of Snaps can be saved?

You can save both Snaps containing photos and Snaps containing videos to your camera roll. This includes:

  • Photo Snaps
  • Video Snaps
  • Snapchat Stories
  • Snapchat Memories

Saving a Snap will store either the photo or video from that Snap in your camera roll. Any text, drawings, filters, or other elements added to the Snap will not be saved – only the photo/video content.

Can you save Snapchat messages or chats?

Unfortunately, you cannot save regular Snapchat text messages, chat conversations, or calling interactions to your camera roll. The app is designed so that chat history and messaging is ephemeral just like Snaps.

If you want to save a written message or conversation on Snapchat, you will need to take a screenshot of your phone screen before the message disappears to capture it.

Are there ways to save Snaps without using the camera roll?

Yes, there are some other options for saving Snapchat photos and videos without having them take up space in your camera roll:

  • Memories – You can save Snaps you take (but not receive) to Memories privately within Snapchat.
  • Snapchat Chat – You can save a received Snap to the Chat screen to view it again for up to 24 hours.
  • Screenshots – Take screenshots to save other people’s Stories or conversations.
  • External apps – Some third party apps allow saving Snap content.

However, the camera roll option is the only way to permanently save received Snaps on your device’s storage. Other methods keep them within Snapchat or are temporary.

Can you save Snapchat photos to an SD card?

If your Android device supports expandable storage through an SD card, you may be able to set your camera roll to save photos and videos to your SD card rather than internal phone storage.

This will allow you to save more Snapchat Snaps before hitting a storage limit.

To set your camera roll to use the SD card on Android:

  1. Go into Device Settings > Storage.
  2. Select your SD card.
  3. Tap the three dots menu icon in the top right.
  4. Select “Storage settings.”
  5. Choose “Photos and videos.”

Now new photos and videos, including saved Snapchats, will be stored on your SD card.

Unfortunately, this SD card option is not available on iOS devices like iPhones.

Does clearing Snapchat data delete saved photos?

No, clearing stored Snapchat data from within the app itself will not delete Snapchat photos saved to your camera roll. Those photos are stored separately outside of the app.

Clearing Snapchat’s data caches and resets the app back to its default settings. But your Snapchat camera roll savings are stored safely in your overall phone storage. They will not be affected.

You would need to manually delete saved Snapchat photos from your camera roll if you wanted to remove them after clearing the app’s data.

Do saved Snapchats use up storage space?

Yes, any Snaps you save to your phone’s camera roll will take up storage capacity on your device just like regular photos and videos.

The amount of storage used will depend on factors like:

  • Image quality of the Snap
  • Length of video Snaps
  • Quantity of Snaps saved

On average, Snapchat photos take up anywhere from 0.3-1MB per photo saved. Videos use up significantly more – 1 minute of video could be 10MB or more.

Over time, saved Snapchats can accumulate and eat up gigabytes of storage, so it’s a good idea to manage your Snapchat camera roll usage.

Estimating Snapchat camera roll storage usage

Here is an estimate of how much storage space different numbers of saved Snapchats could use up:

Snaps Saved Storage Used
100 100MB
500 500MB
1000 1GB
5000 5GB
10,000 10GB

As you can see, it adds up fast! So keep an eye on your Snapchat storage usage.

Tips for managing Snapchat storage usage

Here are some tips to minimize how much storage space your saved Snapchats use up:

  • Delete old Snaps frequently
  • Save only select Snaps instead of all
  • Export Snaps to cloud storage, then delete locally
  • Compress photos after saving to reduce file size
  • Record shorter video Snaps
  • Check Snapchat’s cache and clear if needed

Does deleting Snapchat delete saved photos?

No, uninstalling the Snapchat app from your phone does not delete Snapchat photos saved to your camera roll.

The Snapchats you have saved are kept in your overall phone storage rather than the Snapchat app itself. So deleting the app does not affect them.

You would need to manually delete the saved Snapchat photos/videos from your camera roll if you wanted to remove them after deleting the app.

Essentially, your saved Snapchat media and the Snapchat app live independently of each other.

Can you recover deleted saved Snapchats?

If you accidentally deleted Snapchat photos or videos that were saved to your camera roll, it may be possible to recover them using data recovery software or services.

Here are some options for recovering deleted saved Snapchats:

  • Restore from an iCloud or Google Photos backup if you had one enabled.
  • Use data recovery software to scan your device storage and restore lost files.
  • Take your phone to a repair specialist for data recovery assistance.
  • On iOS, restore your device from an iTunes backup that contained the lost Snaps.

The sooner you act after deletion, the higher your chances of recovery. But restored Snapchats may not have original metadata like dates.

Third party apps to save Snapchats

There are some third party apps available that allow you to save Snapchat photos, videos, stories, and other content without using your camera roll:

  • SnapSave – Allows saving Snaps, stories, and memories privately.
  • SaveMySnaps – Saves Snapchat photos to your account or device storage.
  • Snapbox – Records and downloads Snapchat videos.
  • Casper – Third party Snapchat client with saving features.

However, be aware that Snapchat’s terms prohibit using third party apps to save Snaps, and it may result in account suspension if detected. Use at your own risk.


Snapchat does limit the number of photos and videos you can save from the app based on the total available storage space on your device. While there is no set limit, your phone’s storage capacity determines how many Snaps you can save.

Checking your remaining storage, deleting old Snaps regularly, and only saving your favorites can help you avoid hitting Snapchat’s save limit. Be mindful of how much space your saved Snaps take up over time.

With some prudent management of your Snapchat camera roll usage, you can enjoy saving meaningful Snaps to relive memories long after viewing them.