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Does Snapchat notify if you save someone’s story?

Does Snapchat notify if you save someone’s story?

Snapchat has become one of the most popular social media platforms, especially among younger users. One of Snapchat’s key features is Stories, which allow users to post photos and videos that disappear after 24 hours. Many Snapchatters carefully curate their Stories to share glimpses of their lives with friends and followers. This raises an important question – does Snapchat notify you if someone saves your Story?

What are Snapchat Stories?

Snapchat Stories allow users to share moments from their day by posting photos and videos to their account. These Stories appear in a list on the user’s profile and disappear after 24 hours. When you add content to your Story, you can choose to share it publicly with all of your Snapchat friends or keep it private so only certain friends can view it. Your friends and followers can view your Story an unlimited number of times within the 24-hour period before it disappears. Stories were introduced in 2013 and have become a popular Snapchat feature with over 10 billion Stories shared daily.

Saving Someone Else’s Snapchat Story

As a Snapchat user, you can save photos and videos from your friends’ Stories to view later. To save someone’s Snap, press and hold on the Snap you want to save. A pop-up menu will appear with the option to save the Snap. Saving a Snap adds it to your Memories, where it will remain until you choose to delete it. Snaps saved to Memories do not have an expiration and can be viewed multiple times. You can also save your own Stories to Memories before they disappear if you want to keep them permanently.

Does Snapchat Send Notifications When You Save a Story?

A common concern among Snapchat users is whether the app will notify your friends if you save their Stories. The short answer is no – Snapchat does not send any kind of notification when you save someone else’s Snap to Memories. The person who posted the Story will not be alerted or informed in any way. There is no record of who viewed their Story or who saved Snaps from it. Snapchat’s design prioritizes privacy and ephemeral sharing.

Some key things to know about saving Snapchat Stories anonymously:

  • You can save both photo and video Snaps without the other person knowing.
  • There are no limits on how many times you can view a Snap you’ve saved.
  • The Snap will not disappear from your Memories unless you delete it manually.
  • You can save individual Snaps from a Story – you don’t have to save the entire Story.
  • Saving a Snap does not show up in your Chat history with that friend.

The ability to save Snaps discretely is by design to encourage Snapchat’s spontaneous, in-the-moment sharing. Users are likely to share more candidly if they know their followers can replay Snaps privately but won’t get a notification.

Does Saving Notify on Other Social Platforms?

On other leading social media platforms, saving someone else’s content typically does trigger a notification to the original poster:

Platform Notified if Content Saved?
Facebook Yes
Instagram Yes
Twitter No
TikTok No

Platforms like Facebook and Instagram always notify the user when another account takes a screenshot or saves their post. Twitter and TikTok, however, keep saves private like Snapchat does. These platforms also prioritize ephemeral sharing for a more authentic experience.

Does Snapchat Ever Notify About Saves?

While Snapchat doesn’t notify about individual Saves, there are some cases where the app does send alerts:

  • Mass saves – If you save dozens of Snaps from one person’s Story very quickly, Snapchat may detect this as suspicious activity and notify the user.
  • Memories settings – You can choose to get notified when someone adds Snaps of you to their Memories. This doesn’t apply to you saving someone else’s Snaps.
  • Screen recordings – Snapchat sends a notification if someone screen records your Snap instead of saving it. Screen recording bypasses Snapchat’s privacy protections.

These exceptions are mainly intended to protect against harassment or large-scale privacy violations. Under most normal circumstances, Snapchat will not alert your friends when you save their Stories.

Does the Saver’s List Show Who Saves Your Snaps?

Snapchat does have a “Saver’s List” feature that shows you a list of Snapchatters who have saved your Snaps to Memories. However, this list only includes friends who have saved your Snaps, not Snaps saved from their Stories. There is no way to see who has saved Snaps from your own Stories.

The Saver’s List is accessible in your profile settings. It can give you an idea of which friends most enjoy your Snaps, but it won’t reveal who may have secretly saved your Stories.

Can You See Who Views Your Snapchat Story?

Snapchat also does not show you who has viewed your Story – it only displays a total view count. You can see how many Snapchatters viewed each Snap in your Story over the past 24 hours, but you can’t see specific names or accounts. It is completely anonymous.

Snapchat used to have a Best Friends feature that showed your top Snapchat contacts, but this was removed in 2018 to further protect privacy. Snapchat continues to maximize anonymity as a key element of its ephemeral experience.

Is There Any Way to See Who Saved Your Snapchat Story?

Since Snapchat never sends notifications about Stories saved from someone else’s profile, there is no built-in way to find out if a specific friend has saved your content. The app’s design simply does not record or reveal this kind of information to encourage natural, unfiltered sharing.

If you suspect a friend has saved your Story Snaps based on things they’ve said or done, you could always ask them directly. But they could always deny it, and you have no way to verify if they have actually saved your content or not.

Some third-party apps claim they can show you who has saved or viewed your Stories. However, Snapchat does not authorize these apps or allow them to access your data. Using them could be seen as a violation of Snapchat’s terms of service.

Pros of Saving Snapchat Stories Anonymously

While some may want to know exactly who is saving their Stories, Snapchat’s decision not to notify on Saves has some advantages:

  • Encourages open sharing without worrying about who is watching.
  • Allows you to save special moments privately without cluttering your camera roll.
  • Gives friends a second chance to view Stories they missed the first time.
  • Prevents harassment or targeting based on Story views.
  • Avoids social pressure based on who did or did not view your Story.

For these reasons, Snapchat has prioritized privacy around Stories. The ability to save Snaps without the other person knowing reinforces its mission as an authentic, in-the-moment social platform.

Should Snapchat Change Its Notification Settings?

Some Snapchatters argue that the platform should be more transparent and add options to view Story watchers and receive notifications on Saves. They point out that part of social media is seeing your content reach a wide audience.

However, changing these long-standing privacy protections could fundamentally alter Snapchat’s culture by making interactions less candid. People might overanalyze Story analytics rather than simply Snapping their lives. For a platform built on ephemeral sharing, this could reduce enjoyment for many core users.

Snapchat has remained committed to privacy, though new transparency features have been rumored. Ultimately, the anonymous saving experience aligns with Snapchat’s intentions as a casual, low-pressure social app. This atmosphere of privacy will likely be maintained as a strategic advantage over sites like Instagram and Facebook.


Snapchat’s notification settings prioritize private, anonymous interactions. When you save someone else’s Story, Snapchat will not notify them or reveal your identity. This allows for authentic, relaxed sharing without worrying about who is watching. While some may want more visibility into Story viewers, Snapchat has designed the platform to capture life’s moments as they happen – spontaneously and ephemerally. The ability to discretely Save Stories promotes the natural, fun Snapchat experience that has made it such a hit.