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Does snapchat remove someone from your best friends list?

Yes, Snapchat does remove people from your best friends list automatically in certain situations. Your Snapchat best friends list shows the people you snap with the most, and it updates every week. If you stop snapping with someone frequently, they will eventually drop off your best friends list.

What is the Snapchat best friends list?

The Snapchat best friends list shows the Snapchat friends you interact with the most. It displays the 8 friends you have snapped the most with in the past 7 days. Snapchat ranks your friends based on how often you snap back and forth, how many snaps you send to each other, and your snapstreaks.

Your best friends list updates every Sunday at midnight. At that time, Snapchat looks at your snapping activity over the past week and reorders your best friends based on who you interacted with the most. So your best friends will likely change week to week, depending on who you are snapping with regularly.

How does Snapchat determine your best friends?

Snapchat uses an algorithm to calculate your best friends that looks at three main factors:

  • Snap frequency – The number of snaps you send back and forth with each friend.
  • Snap recency – How recent your snaps are with each friend.
  • Snapstreaks – Your number of consecutive days snapping with each friend.

Friends you have frequent, timely conversations with through many snaps will rank at the top of your best friends list. Friends you haven’t snapped in a while will move down or drop off the list.

Why do friends disappear from your best friends list?

There are a few main reasons why someone might disappear from your Snapchat best friends:

  • You haven’t been snapping them as often lately.
  • They have been snapping other people more than you.
  • Your snapstreak expired so you lost your frequent interaction.
  • One of you removed the other as a friend.

Essentially, if you and a friend stop interacting frequently on Snapchat, they won’t make your best friends list for that week. And if your snapping habits don’t resume, that friend will stay off your list going forward.

Does removing a friend delete your chat history?

No, removing a friend on Snapchat does not delete your chat history with them. If you remove a friend, your old chats with them will still be there if you ever add them back. However, if you delete a chat with someone, that chat history will be cleared even if you refriend them.

Can you recover a friend who disappeared from your best friends list?

Yes, it is possible to regain a lost best friend on Snapchat. If you want someone to show up on your best friends list again, you need to start interacting with them more. Here are some tips:

  • Snap them more frequently throughout the day.
  • Reply to their snaps quickly instead of leaving conversations stale.
  • Send snaps back and forth instead of just chatting.
  • Try to maintain a snapstreak by snapping daily.
  • Watch their stories and react to keep your interaction fresh.

If you make an effort to snap that friend consistently for a week, they should move back up into your best friends list when it updates on Sunday. Consistency is key!

Does deleting conversations affect your best friends list?

Yes, deleting your chat history with someone on Snapchat can cause them to disappear from your best friends list more quickly. When you delete a conversation, you wipe out your entire snap history with that person, including your streaks. This essentially resets your friendship on Snapchat.

Without a chat history, Snapchat has no way to factor your past snaps to someone into your best friends algorithm. So deleting chats causes your list to become more dependent on who you snap frequently that particular week.

Can you manually edit your best friends list?

Unfortunately, there is no way to manually edit or reorder your Snapchat best friends list. The list algorithmically ranks your friends based on your snapping habits automatically. You cannot pin specific friends to the top or hide people you don’t want on your list.

Your best strategy is to intentionally snap the people more that you want higher on your list, and avoid snapping those you don’t want on the list. Who you snap and how often makes all the difference.

Does your number of best friends change?

Yes, the number of friends that appear on your best friends list can fluctuate between 4-8 people. If you don’t have many friends on Snapchat, you may see as few as 4 best friends. The more friends and snapping activity you have, the more your best friends list expands towards 8 friends.

During weeks when your snapping is more consolidated to just a few key friends, your list will be shorter. When you are actively snapping a wider group, you’ll see more best friends on your list. But the list length varies dynamically based on your behavior.

Can you see someone’s best friends if they don’t share them publicly?

No, you cannot see another person’s Snapchat best friends if they have their list set to private. To view someone’s best friends, they have to intentionally make it public in their profile settings. Most people keep their best friends list private.

If someone does publicize their list, you can see their top best friends by tapping on their profile Bitmoji in Chat. But without access, you have no way to tell if you are on their best friends list or where you might rank.

What does the emoji next to a friend’s name mean?

The emoji next to each person on your Snapchat best friends list indicates your snapstreak, or number of consecutive days you’ve snapped with that friend. The emoji get larger and more elaborate as your streak gets longer. Here’s what each one means:

  • 💛 Yellow Heart – 1 Week Snapstreak
  • ❤️ Red Heart – 2 Week Snapstreak
  • 💪 Flexed Bicep – 3 Week Snapstreak
  • 🔥 Fire – 4+ Week Snapstreak

So if you see a friend with a fire emoji, it means you and that friend have snapped back and forth for at least 4 weeks straight. Losing your streak causes the emoji to disappear until you build it back up.

What happens when you remove a best friend?

When you delete a best friend from your Snapchat friends list, here is what happens:

  • They are removed from your best friends list immediately.
  • Your shared chat history remains in the app.
  • Any saved chats, photos, videos, or memories stay on your phone.
  • Your Snapstreak and its emoji will disappear when your list updates.
  • Your Snap score decreases by the amount of points from their snaps.
  • You disappear from their friend list as well.

So removing a best friend erases your official tie on Snapchat. But your chat history remains available in case you ever re-add each other as friends. All snaps you saved from each other will still be accessible in Memories unless either person also deletes those snaps.

Why did my best friend’s Bitmoji disappear from my list?

If you notice one of your best friend’s Bitmojis is suddenly missing from your list, it likely means they either removed you as a friend, deactivated their account, or got banned from Snapchat. Any of those situations would cause them to vanish from your friends and best friends list instantly.

Can you have more than 8 best friends?

No, 8 friends is the maximum that Snapchat will display on your best friends list at one time. Even if you are snapping back and forth with a dozen friends consistently, your best friends list will still only showcase your top 8 friends each week.

So you can have more best friends on Snapchat than what your list shows at any given time. But your list will rotate week to week based on who you interact with the absolute most in those 7 days.


Snapchat’s best friends algorithm is designed to encourage frequent snapping and engagement between users on the app. While you have no manual control over your list, you can influence it by being mindful of who you interact with the most each week.

If you want certain friends to stay on your best friends roster, be sure to keep your conversations active with them daily. And if you notice someone you want to remove, you can stop snapping them to gradually eliminate them from your list.