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How do I change my snap name before a year?

How do I change my snap name before a year?

Changing your Snapchat username more frequently than once per year requires a bit of creativity. Snapchat limits username changes to prevent abuse, so you’ll need to work around their rules if you want to change your Snapchat username more than once every 12 months.

Why Snapchat Limits Username Changes

Snapchat only allows you to change your username once per year. This limit is in place to prevent username squatting, account trading/selling, and impersonation. Without limits on renaming, malicious users could impersonate others or constantly trade desirable usernames. The yearly limit allows flexibility for users who want an updated handle, while still maintaining trust and security across the platform.

Snapchat user names are unique identifiers, similar to handles on other social networks. Allowing constant username changes would essentially render the names meaningless. Snapchat friends use your unique name to find and communicate with you. If anyone could rename accounts on a whim, it would be chaos!

Furthermore, Snapchat features like Snapcode and Snapchat QR codes rely on unique and stable usernames. These special codes connect your Snapchat account to external services or allow friends to easily add you. If your name keeps changing, any associated QR codes or third party integrations will be broken.

Snapchat also needs to prevent impersonation or deception. If usernames could change daily, scammers could impersonate real accounts, celebrities, or brands. Without a consistent identifier, you wouldn’t know who you’re really talking to. The 12 month cooldown gives Snapchat time to verify legitimate reasons for changing your name before approving the request.

When does the 12 Month Limit Reset?

The 12 month timer starts when you officially change your Snapchat username, as confirmed in the app. Simply requesting a new name but not confirming the change does NOT reset the limit.

For example:

  • You change your username on March 1, 2022.
  • On December 1, 2022 you request a new username, but do not confirm it.
  • The 12 month timer is still counting from March 1. You would be eligible again on March 1, 2023.

The timer only resets once the name change is applied. Note that you can request a new username whenever you want. Snapchat will approve or deny the request based on your limit. But these requests alone do NOT enable more frequent changes.

How Soon Can I Change My Username Again?

To see your username change eligibility, follow these steps:

  1. Go to your Profile on Snapchat
  2. Tap the gear icon to access Settings
  3. Select “Username” and tap the “Change Username” button

If your last change was within the past 12 months, Snapchat will show a message stating “You already changed your username on [date].” This indicates when your next eligible change will be.

Ways to Change Snapchat Username Early

If you need to change your username before 12 months, there are a few risky workarounds. Use caution with these, as they violate Snapchat’s rules and could get your account locked or banned:

Use a Different Device

Your username timer is tied to your device ID and account. Some users report being able to reset the timer by switching devices before changing their name again. For example:

  1. Change your username on your iPhone
  2. Wait a few days
  3. Log in to Snapchat on a friend’s Android and change your name again

Since the device changed, Snapchat’s servers may reset the 12 month limit. This doesn’t always work, but has helped some users change their name twice in quick succession.

Try Snapchat Support

You may be able to get Snapchat Support to manually override the limit. Explain why you urgently need a name change. Valid reasons might include harassment, impersonation, or privacy concerns. Support is hit or miss, but it’s worth asking them nicely to make an exception if you have a time-sensitive need.

Create a New Account

Making an entirely new Snapchat account avoids the 12 month restriction. You can create new accounts over and over. However, this is also grounds for getting banned. Snapchat terms prohibit maintaining multiple accounts or transferring them between users. Tread carefully with this method.

Best Practices for Changing Snapchat Username

Instead of rushing through name changes, make your new username count! Here are some tips:

Pick a Name You’ll Use Long-Term

Don’t waste your yearly change on a nickname you’ll ditch in a month. Take time to consider a new username you’d be happy using for years. You can always modify it slightly in your next eligible change.

Keep it Simple

Short, simple names are easier to remember and won’t embarrass you later. Avoid anything crude or offensive.

Stay On-Brand

If you use Snapchat for business or as a social media influencer, pick a name that matches your niche. Consistency strengthens your identity.

Mind Privacy

Don’t include your real name, birthday, location or other personal details. Stay mysterious and safe.


Snapchat limits username changes to balance user flexibility with platform security. You can only change your username once every 12 months to prevent misuse. Workarounds exist, but frequently changing usernames is risky and violates Snapchat’s rules.

For best results, put thought into your new profile name. Pick something catchy and on-brand that protects your privacy. With the right username that fits you, you won’t need or want to change it again anyway!