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How do I turn off my eyes only?

How do I turn off my eyes only?

Eyes Only is a feature on Snapchat that allows users to send photo or video snaps that can only be viewed once by the recipient. After the recipient views the snap, it is deleted and cannot be opened again. Eyes Only provides a way to share temporary and private content with friends on Snapchat. However, sometimes you may want to turn off or disable the Eyes Only feature if you no longer want certain snaps to be private, or if you want friends to be able to view them more than once. Here are the steps to turn off Eyes Only and make your snaps viewable and replayable again:

Open the My Eyes Only Feature

The first step is to open the My Eyes Only feature where all your private and disappearing Eyes Only snaps are stored. To do this:

  • Open the Snapchat app.
  • From the camera screen, tap on your profile icon in the top left corner.
  • This will open your profile. Tap on the My Eyes Only icon which looks like an eye with a lock.

This will bring you into your Eyes Only snap collection. Here you can view, manage and turn off Eyes Only for any snap you want.

Select a Snap to Turn Off Eyes Only

Once you are in My Eyes Only:

  • Browse through your Eyes Only snaps by tapping and holding on any snap to view it.
  • When you find a snap you want to turn off Eyes Only for, tap and hold on it.
  • This will open the snap in full screen view. Tap on the 3 dots icon in the lower right corner.
  • Select “Remove from My Eyes Only” from the menu.

This will move the snap out of your Eyes Only collection and back to your account where it can be viewed normally without disappearing.

Turn Off Eyes Only for Multiple Snaps

To disable Eyes Only for multiple snaps at once:

  • Open My Eyes Only and tap “Select” in the upper right corner.
  • Tap on all the snaps you want to remove the Eyes Only setting from. A checkmark will appear on each selected snap.
  • Once you’ve selected all desired snaps, tap “Remove from My Eyes Only” at the bottom.

This will remove all your selected snaps from Eyes Only so they are no longer private.

Remove All Snaps from Eyes Only

To completely reset My Eyes Only and remove the Eyes Only setting from all snaps in your collection:

  • Open My Eyes Only and tap the gear icon in the top right corner to access settings.
  • Tap “Clear My Eyes Only.”
  • Confirm you want to permanently remove all snaps from Eyes Only.

This will delete and remove the disappearing Eyes Only setting from every snap in your Eyes Only, making them all visible in your account again.

Disable Eyes Only for Your Account

In addition to removing specific snaps from Eyes Only, you can disable and turn off the Eyes Only feature completely:

  • Go to your Snapchat profile and tap the Settings (gear) icon.
  • Scroll down and tap “Manage Preferences.”
  • Under “Preferences” toggle off “View Once.”

This will disable Eyes Only at the account level. You won’t be able to send or receive one-time view Eyes Only snaps until you re-enable the feature.

Things to Know About Disabling Eyes Only

Here are some additional tips to be aware of when turning off Eyes Only:

  • Recipient is notified when you remove a snap from Eyes Only.
  • Disabled Eyes Only snaps can now be viewed multiple times by recipients.
  • Eyes Only snap count on your profile will decrease as snaps are removed.
  • You can re-enable Eyes Only anytime in Settings if you want to use it again.

So in summary, while Eyes Only can be great for sharing private or sensitive content that you only want specific people to view once, you may want to disable the feature for certain snaps or your entire account. This guide outlines the steps to easily turn off Eyes Only on Snapchat through the My Eyes Only section or account Settings.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some common questions about disabling Eyes Only on Snapchat:

Can I recover an Eyes Only snap after disabling the feature?

Unfortunately, no. Once an Eyes Only snap is viewed by the recipient, it is permanently deleted from Snapchat’s servers and cannot be recovered, even if you turn off Eyes Only after the fact. The snap will be gone forever.

What happens if I accidentally disable Eyes Only for a snap?

If you remove a snap from Eyes Only by accident, there is no way to undo it or re-add Eyes Only. That snap will now be visible and replayable for the recipient. You would need to delete the snap and resend it with Eyes Only enabled to make it private one-view again.

Do my friends get notified if I clear all my Eyes Only snaps?

No, clearing your entire Eyes Only collection does not notify any friends. Only removing specific snaps will alert the recipient that the snap is no longer Eyes Only. Bulk clearing everything will remove Eyes Only privately.

Can I see if someone has opened my Eyes Only snaps?

Unfortunately the app does not show if your friend has opened an Eyes Only snap or not. Since they disappear after being viewed once, there is no delivered or opened status. You’ll have to ask the recipient directly if they saw it.

Is there a time limit for how long I can keep a snap in Eyes Only?

Nope! Eyes Only snaps can be stored indefinitely and will not expire or disappear. You have complete control over when to remove snaps from your Eyes Only collection.

Turning Off Eyes Only on Other Platforms

While Eyes Only originated on Snapchat, some other platforms and apps have adopted similar viewing once style features. Here is how to disable one view media in other apps:

Instagram Direct

  • Open the conversation with the disappearing photo/video.
  • Tap and hold on the media to open it.
  • Tap the 3 dots menu in the top right corner.
  • Select “Keep in chat” to make it permanent.

WhatsApp View Once

There is no way to disable View Once after sending. Like Snapchat, once opened by recipient the media disappears forever. But you can turn off the feature in settings:

  • Open WhatsApp Settings.
  • Tap Account > Privacy.
  • Toggle off “View Once photos.”

Messenger Vanish Mode

To turn off Vanish Mode (disappearing messages and media) in a Messenger thread:

  • Open the conversation.
  • Tap the notification at the top saying “Vanish Mode is on.”
  • Tap Turn Off in the popup.

This will permanently disable vanish mode in that chat.


Eyes Only provides a great way to share private content on Snapchat that you only want specific friends to view once. But if you need to disable the feature for certain snaps, your entire Eyes Only collection, or account-wide, it can be easily done right within the Snapchat app. Just be aware that any opened Eyes Only snaps can’t be recovered after disabling, and recipients will be notified if you remove their individual snaps from Eyes Only after-the-fact. With the steps in this guide, you can take control over your Eyes Only snaps and choose exactly what you want to remain private or make public on Snapchat.