Snapchat’s Memories feature allows you to save and edit Snaps and Stories before sharing them again. This can be useful for editing an entire video you previously saved to Memories before reposting. There are a few different ways to edit videos in Memories on both iOS and Android devices.
Accessing Memories
To edit a video from Memories, you first need to access the Memories section in Snapchat:
– On iOS: Tap on your profile icon in the top left corner, then tap on the Memories icon (it looks like a small square with a star in the bottom right corner).
– On Android: Tap on the smiley face icon to access your profile, then tap on the Memories icon.
This will bring you to your Memories tab where you can browse your saved Snaps and Stories.
Editing a Video
Once you locate the video in Memories that you want to edit, tap on it to open it. Then look for the edit icon in the bottom left corner (it looks like a pen or pencil).
Trimming the Video
Tapping this will open Snapchat’s editing tools. The main way to edit a video is to trim it by adjusting the start and end points. Here’s how:
– Drag the left bracket to the right to choose a later start point for the video. Anything before this bracket will be cut.
– Drag the right bracket to the left to choose an earlier end point for the video. Anything after this point will be cut.
– You can preview the trimmed video by tapping the play icon.
– Use the brackets to adjust the start and end points until you have trimmed the length you want.
Other Editing Tools
In addition to trimming, Snapchat provides some other editing options:
– Add filters or lenses that overlay on the video. Tap the face icon to access available lenses.
– Adjust the speed of the video playback. Tap the speed icon and choose a slower or faster speed.
– Add captions that display on top of the video. Tap the text icon and type in your captions.
– Rotate or flip the orientation of the video. Tap the rotate icon.
– Adjust the brightness, contrast, and more. Tap the magic wand icon.
– Draw or add stickers. Tap the pen icon.
Saving the Edited Video
Once you have finished editing, tap “Done” to save your changes. The edited video will be saved back to your Memories.
To access it again, go back to your Memories tab and tap on it. Then tap the forward arrow icon to share it just like you would any other Snap.
The edited video will now replace the original in your Memories. To keep both versions, tap “Save” instead of “Done” when editing – this will save it as a new Snap in Memories rather than overriding the original.
Editing on iOS vs Android
The editing tools work the same way on both iOS and Android, but accessing Memories looks slightly different:
On iOS:
- Tap profile icon (top left) > Memories icon
- Tap video > Edit icon (bottom left)
- Trim using start/end brackets
- Tap other editing icons to access tools
- Tap “Done” to save changes
On Android:
- Tap smiley face > Memories
- Tap video > Edit pencil icon
- Trim using start/end brackets
- Tap icons to use other editing tools
- Tap “Save” to save edited version
The editing capabilities are the same, it’s just accessing Memories itself that looks a bit different on Android compared to iOS.
Saving Edits vs Original Video
One key difference between iOS and Android editing is that on iOS, tapping “Done” will replace the original video in your Memories with the edited version.
On Android, tapping “Save” will save a new copy of the edited video, while the original will also remain in Memories.
Here’s a summary:
Platform | Save Edits | Original Video |
iOS | Tap “Done” | Replaced by edit |
Android | Tap “Save” | Remains in Memories |
So on iOS, be sure to tap “Save” rather than “Done” if you want to keep the original video as well as the edited version.
Sharing Edited Videos
Once you save your edited video, sharing works the same as for any Snap or Story in Memories:
– Go back to Memories and tap the video to open it
– Tap the forward arrow icon to share
– Choose individuals or groups to send it to as a Snap
– Or tap “My Story” to share it to your public Story
The edited video will now replace the original if you shared it previously. You can also download the edited video to your device camera roll if you want to keep it outside of Snapchat.
Things to Keep in Mind
Here are some tips when editing entire videos in Snapchat Memories:
- Trimming is the main way to modify videos significantly
- Other edits like filters usually work best for enhancing, not major changes
- You can combine trimming and filters for shorter, enhanced videos
- Stickers and drawings work if you want to censor parts of a video
- The original video stays in Memories on Android but is replaced on iOS
- Share edited videos just like you would any Snap or Story
The editing capabilities allow you to be creative and improve your Snaps, though extensive changes are limited. The benefit is convenience since you can edit entirely within Snapchat.
For videos you want to modify heavily, a separate video editing app may provide more robust tools. But for trimming length, applying quick filters, or adding stickers, Snapchat Memories can handle the basics.
Editing videos saved to Snapchat Memories provides a handy way to quickly modify your Snaps before sharing without needing a separate app. While the tools are limited compared to full-featured video editors, they allow you to:
– Trim video length by adjusting start and end points
– Add filters, captions, stickers, and drawings
– Adjust speed and orientation
– Enhance brightness, contrast, etc
The process is the same on both iOS and Android. Just access Memories, tap the video, use editing tools, then save and share as you normally would any Snap.
With Snapchat’s convenience but limited functionality, light editing is feasible but extensive modifications will require a separate app. Either way, editing Memories videos lets you easily improve Snaps and Stories to share with friends and groups right within Snapchat.