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How do you find a specific memory on Snapchat?

How do you find a specific memory on Snapchat?

Snapchat Memories allow you to save your Snaps, Stories, and posts so you can easily find and view them later. Here are a few tips for finding a specific Snapchat memory when you need it:

Search Memories

The easiest way to find a specific Snapchat memory is to use the search feature in Memories. Open Memories and tap the search icon in the top right corner. This will bring up a search bar where you can type in keywords related to the memory you’re looking for.

For example, if you’re trying to find a Snap you took on a trip to Paris, you could search “Paris” or “Eiffel Tower.” Snapchat’s search will return results related to those keywords. You can tap on a memory to preview it before opening.

Browse Memories

If you don’t have specific keywords to search for, you can also browse your Snapchat Memories manually. Memories automatically organizes your content into categories like Snaps, Stories, Camera Roll imports, and more.

Open the Memories tab and select a category, like Snaps or Stories. This will show a timeline view of your saved Snaps and Stories. Scroll through until you find the specific memory you’re looking for based on the date or preview thumbnail.

Tapping on a memory will open it so you can view the full Snap or Story. Note that browsing manually is best for finding relatively recent memories. If you’re looking for something older, searching keywords will be more effective.

View Context

Snapchat Memories shows context around your saved Snaps and Stories to help you identify specific memories. For Snaps, you’ll see the date, time, and username of the person you were snapping with. For Stories, you’ll see the date, time, location, and cover thumbnail.

Use these context clues while browsing Memories to recognize the specific memory you want to find based on who you were snapping or where you were when you took the Snap. The context data can often jog your memory better than just the preview thumbnail.

Check My Eyes Only

If you saved more private or sensitive Snaps and Stories to My Eyes Only, be sure to check there as well. My Eyes Only is a locked section of Memories that requires you to enter your passcode to access.

To view My Eyes Only, go to Memories > My Eyes Only and enter your passcode when prompted. Then you can browse and search this section just like your main Memories. If you shared something privately via Snapchat, it may be saved here.

Recover Deleted Memories

If you’ve recently deleted a Snapchat memory, you may be able to recover it from the “Recently Deleted” section:

  1. Go to Memories > Recently Deleted
  2. Find the deleted memory you want to recover
  3. Tap “Recover” to restore it to Memories

However, keep in mind that Snapchat permanently deletes memories after 30 days, so recover any accidentally deleted memories as soon as possible.

Check Saved Photos

Finally, don’t forget to check your camera roll or saved photos album outside of Snapchat. Any Snapchat photos, videos, or Stories that you save directly to your camera roll will not show up in Snapchat Memories.

Open your main phone Photos/Gallery app and browse for Snapchat media you’ve saved over time. If you manually saved a Snap instead of adding it to Memories, it will only be in your camera roll.

Find Memories on Multiple Devices

Your Snapchat Memories are synced across any devices where you’re logged into your Snapchat account. This includes:

  • Android phones and tablets
  • iPhones and iPads
  • Computers (via Snapchat web browser app)

So if you can’t find a specific memory on one device, check any other devices where you use Snapchat. The memory might show up on another phone or tablet for example.

However, saved photos and screenshots will not transfer between devices – you’ll need to check each device’s local gallery/photos app for those.

Find Memories Using Snapchat Web

Snapchat’s web browser version at allows you to view your memories as well. Here’s how to find memories on Snapchat web:

  1. Go to and log in
  2. Click your profile icon > Memories
  3. Search for keywords or browse memories here

The web experience is very similar to mobile. You can more easily view memories on a larger screen as well.

Recover Deleted Memories from Snapchat Servers

If a memory has been permanently deleted from Snapchat’s servers after 30 days, there unfortunately is no way to recover it directly through Snapchat. However, there are a few last ditch things you can try:

  • Check any saved Snapchat photos in your camera roll
  • See if you screenshotted any Stories before they disappeared
  • Try Snapchat data download to see if the media is still on their servers
  • Use data recovery software to scan your device storage

But beyond that, Snapchat has no way to retrieve memories deleted from their servers after the 30 day window.


Finding desired memories on Snapchat comes down to:

  • Searching for keywords
  • Manually browsing Memories and My Eyes Only
  • Using context like date, time, and location
  • Checking any saved photos outside Snapchat
  • Looking on multiple logged-in devices

Following these steps, you should be able to track down any Snapchat memory that hasn’t been permanently deleted. But be sure to save copies or screenshots of any super important Snaps/Stories, as Snapchat does eventually delete everything older than 30 days.