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How do you get Snapchat to stop showing filters?

How do you get Snapchat to stop showing filters?

Snapchat’s fun filters are one of the app’s most popular features, allowing users to add silly faces, puppy ears, rainbow vomit and more to their snaps. But if you find the endless filter options overwhelming or want a more pared back Snapchat experience, you can easily turn filters off.

Why Does Snapchat Show Filters?

Snapchat automatically shows its large library of aug­mented re­al­i­ty lenses and fil­ters as options when you open the cam­era in the app. They are a core part of the Snapchat experience.

The filters en­cour­age users to en­hance their self­ies and videos in funny and cre­ative ways. This makes con­tent more fun and engag­ing for the view­er.

Filters have be­come in­creas­ing­ly ad­vanced over time with op­tions like facial dis­tor­tion lenses, an­i­mat­ed ef­fects, and loca­tion-spe­cif­ic fil­ters. Snapchat con­tin­ues to expand its fil­ter li­brary to drive daily ac­tive us­age of the app.

Drawbacks of Filters

While Snapchat’s filters add entertainment value, there are some downsides to having them turned on by default:

  • They can be distracting – It’s easy to get sucked into snapping with multiple filters rather than sending quick messages.
  • Prefer a more authentic look – Some people don’t like how filters alter their appearance.
  • Too many options – With new filters added all the time, it can be overwhelming deciding which one to use.
  • Look unprofessional – Filters may be inappropriate or seem immature for certain contexts.
  • Encourage pointless snaps – Knowing there are fun filters can promote pointless snapping back and forth.

How to Turn Off Snapchat Filters

The good news is you can easily turn off Snapchat lenses and filters with just a few taps:

  1. Open Snapchat and tap your profile icon in the top left corner
  2. Tap the Settings cog icon in the top right corner
  3. Scroll down and tap ‘Additional Services’
  4. Tap ‘Manage’
  5. Toggle off ‘Filters & Lenses’

This will disable all lenses and filters from appearing as options when taking a snap. The Snapchat camera will now open directly into the default viewfinder with no effects added.

Turning Filters On and Off Quickly

As well as toggling lenses and filters off completely in Settings, there are a couple of shortcuts to quickly turn them on or off as needed each time you open Snapchat:

Tap and Hold Screen

When you first open the Snapchat camera, tap and hold on the screen. This will bring up an option saying “Filters & Lenses” – tap this to toggle between on or off.

Pinch In or Out

Alternatively, as soon as you open the camera, pinch your fingers in or out on the screen. Pinching in will turn filters/lenses off, while pinching out will turn them back on.

These gestures provide a quick way to disable or re-enable effects as needed without going into Settings each time.

Will Turning Off Filters Delete Them?

No, turning off lenses and filters in Snapchat does not delete or remove them from your account. It simply temporarily disables and hides them from view.

Your full collection of lenses and filters remains saved and can be re-enabled at any time through Settings or by pinching out on the camera.

Can You Still View Friends’ Filtered Snaps?

Yes, turning off lenses and filters only applies to your end as the sender. You will still be able to view and replay snaps sent to you by friends that use filters and lenses.

Your preference does not impact what you see from others – it only disables effects for your own sent snaps.

Are Some Filters Permanently On?

While most lenses and filters can be turned off, there are a couple of default effects that remain:

  • Color Filters – The default black and white, sepia etc color filters.
  • Speed Filters – Fast forward and slow mo options.

These basic filters are permanently available and can’t be removed even if you turn off additional filters and lenses.

Troubleshooting Filter Issues

If you are still seeing filters after turning them off, or having other issues, try these troubleshooting steps:

  • Force quit and restart the Snapchat app
  • Check the app is updated to the latest version
  • Toggle filters off and on in Settings
  • Log out then back into your Snapchat account
  • Restart your phone
  • Clear the Snapchat app cache and data
  • Contact Snapchat support if issues persist

Other Snapchat Camera Options

As well as controlling lenses and filters, there are a few other camera settings available in Snapchat:

Scan Options

Enable or disable the ability to scan QR codes and Snapcodes within the camera.

Quick Add to Story

Automatically save snaps to your story or turn this feature off.

Shutter Sound

Toggle on or off the shutter sound when taking a snap.


While Snapchat filters add fun effects to your snaps, the constant lens and filter options can be overwhelming for some users. Thankfully, it only takes a few taps to easily turn off and disable lenses and filters through the Snapchat Settings menu.

You can still quickly re-enable them as needed for certain snaps. But disabling filters provides a cleaner default Snapchat camera experience until you want to spice it up!

Snapchat Filter Settings How to Access
Toggle Filters & Lenses On/Off Snapchat Settings > Additional Services > Manage
Quickly Toggle Filters On/Off Tap & Hold Screen after opening camera
Or Pinch In/Out on camera

Some key highlights:

  • Filters add entertainment but can be distracting
  • Easily toggle filters and lenses off in Settings
  • Quickly turn on/off each time you open the camera
  • Your filter collection remains saved
  • Troubleshooting options if issues viewing/disabling filters

So if you ever feel the need to remove filters or lenses from your Snapchat camera, now you know how to quickly turn them off or on!