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How do you improve the quality of a Snapchat video?

How do you improve the quality of a Snapchat video?

Use good lighting

Good lighting can make a huge difference in the quality of your Snapchat videos. Here are some tips for getting better lighting:

– Film near a window or other natural light source. Daytime sunlight creates a soft, flattering light.

– Avoid backlighting, where light is behind you. This will make you look too dark on camera.

– Add extra light if needed. Desk lamps, ring lights, and small LED panels are affordable options to brighten up a dark room. Position lights in front of you, angled up towards your face.

– Avoid overhead lighting. Light coming from above can create harsh shadows on your face.

– Diffuse harsh lighting by taping tissue paper over the light source. This softens and evens out the lighting.

– Adjust camera exposure if needed. In low light, set exposure higher to brighten the image. In bright light, lower the exposure so details aren’t blown out.

Use camera stabilization

Shaky, jittery video can ruin your Snapchat clips. Try these tips for steadier shots:

– Prop your phone against something sturdy while filming. Books, cups, and other stationary objects work.

– Use a phone tripod or grip. These mounts stabilize your phone and allow smoother camera movements.

– Enable motion stabilization if your phone has it. This uses software to digitally stabilize bumpy footage.

– Hold the phone with both hands to minimize shake. Cradle the phone near your body for added stability.

– Film short clips of 5-10 seconds. It’s hard to keep shots steady for longer periods.

– Move the camera slowly when panning or tilting up and down. Sudden fast movements lead to unstable shots.

– Avoid zooming while filming as this amplifies shake. Frame your shot correctly before you start recording.

Clean your camera lens

Dust, fingerprints, and smudges on your phone’s camera lens can degrade image quality. Here are some tips for keeping your lens clean:

– Wipe the lens gently with a soft, dry microfiber cloth. Don’t use paper products which can scratch the lens.

– Use rubbing alcohol and a lens wipe to remove oily fingerprints and smudges. Let the lens fully dry afterward.

– Use a can of compressed air to blow away dust particles on the lens and sensor.

– Avoid touching the lens directly with your fingers to prevent new fingerprints.

– Inspect your lens occasionally under bright light to check for cleanliness. Rear cameras are especially prone to dust.

– Never use abrasive cleaners or materials to clean your lens. This can permanently scratch and ruin the lens.

Keeping your lens clean improves clarity, reduces flare, and helps your phone focus correctly.

Frame shots thoughtfully

Careful framing can elevate the look of your Snapchat videos. Keep these tips in mind:

– Use the rule of thirds. Place key elements at intersection points of an imagined 3×3 grid on the frame rather than dead center.

– Leave some headroom above your head so you don’t cut off the top of your head.

– Include breathing room around your subject and don’t crop in too tightly.

– Tilt the camera if needed to straighten the horizon. Crooked horizons look sloppy.

– Film horizontal video to match Snapchat’s aspect ratio. Vertical looks amateurish.

– Vary camera angles – mix in some low angle, high angle, and straight on shots.

– Use foreground elements to add visual interest to landscape shots.

– Pan and tilt smoothly when recording. Sudden jerky movements are jarring.

– Zoom in slowly if needed for drama. Avoid rapid fire zooming.

Enhance video with editing

The Snapchat app has basic editing tools to enhance your videos including:

– Trim clips to remove excess footage and just keep the best content.

– Speed up clips to condense time. This works for travel videos and montages.

– Slow down clips to emphasize moments. Great for sports replays or dramatic effect.

– Add music, emojis, text captions, and stickers for flair.

– Rotate or flip video if you filmed in the wrong orientation.

– Use filters to set a mood. Beware overusing these or they become distracting.

– Adjust video brightness, contrast, saturation, and other parameters.

For more robust editing, use the Snapchat web app or third party editing apps to refine your video before uploading to Snapchat.

Practice good technique

Besides camera settings and gear, how you shoot the video also impacts quality:

– Hold the camera lower than eye level and tilt it up for a flattering “selfie” angle. Shoot straight on can be unflattering.

– Film somewhere quiet to avoid distracting background noise.

– Speak loudly and clearly. Mumbling hurts the viewer experience. Use an external mic for best audio.

– Look into the camera lens when speaking to make eye contact with the viewer.

– Stay still while filming. Excessive motion and fidgeting is distracting.

– Avoid long rambling takes. Trim content down to concise clips that convey your point.

– React naturally and don’t force reactions. Let your personality shine.

– Have fun with it! Don’t stress or overthink it. Good vibes translate on camera.


Improving your Snapchat video quality starts with nailing basics like lighting, stabilization, framing, and editing. But technique is equally important – how you deliver your content impacts the viewer experience. With practice and the right mindset, anyone can create fun, engaging Snapchat videos that will wow their followers.