If you suspect someone unfriended you on Snapchat, there are a few ways to check and confirm if they really did remove you from their friends list. The main way is to look for their username in your friends list. If it’s gone, they likely unfriended you. You can also check your chat history with them – if the chat is gone, they definitely removed you. Additionally, their Snap score will disappear from your friends list if they unfriend you. Lastly, their name won’t show up as a suggested or quick add friend anymore. So in summary, look for disappearance of their username, chat history, Snap score, and suggested friends to confirm an unfriending.
Check Your Friends List for Their Username
The most straightforward way to know if someone unfriended you on Snapchat is to open your friends list and look for their username. Your friends list shows all the people you are currently friends with on Snapchat. So if someone removed or blocked you as a friend, their username will no longer show up in your list.
To view your friends list, tap the smiley face icon in the top left corner of the Snapchat app. This will open your profile screen. At the top, you’ll see a “My Friends” section. Tap on “My Friends” to open your full friends list. Carefully browse through the list to see if the person you suspect unfriended you is still there or not.
If their username is gone from the list, it’s a clear sign they removed you as a friend. However, if you still see their name, that means they haven’t unfriended you yet. They may have just stopped interacting with you on Snapchat for other reasons.
Check Your Chat History Together
Another way to confirm if someone unfriended you is to check your chat history with that person. When someone removes you as a friend on Snapchat, your entire chat history with them disappears.
To view your chats, tap on the chat bubble icon in the bottom left corner of the Snapchat interface. This will show your message threads will all recent conversations. Look for the chat thread you had going with the person in question. If it’s no longer there, it’s because they unfriended you.
However, do keep in mind that Snapchat chats disappear after 24 hours by default. So if you haven’t messaged the person in over a day, the chat may be gone anyway. In that case, send them a test message. If the message fails to deliver and you can’t chat with them anymore, then they definitely removed you.
Their Snap Score Will Disappear
Here’s another strong indicator someone unfriended you – their Snap score will disappear from your friends list. The Snap score is a running total of Snaps sent and received since the account was created. You can only see someone’s score if you are friends with them.
So if you notice a particular friend’s Snap score is no longer visible in your friends list, it means they removed you as a friend. Without the friendship, you can’t see their score anymore.
Do note that scores only update when you send a Snap. So if neither you nor your friend has been active, the score may temporarily disappear until a Snap is sent. But if it’s gone for good, then they definitely unfriended you.
They Won’t Show as Suggested or Quick Add Friends
Snapchat shows suggested and quick add friends based on your connections and interactions. So if someone removes you as a friend, Snapchat will no longer suggest them to you as a potential friend to add.
To check for this, go to the Add Friends screen. You can get there by tapping the ghost icon on the main camera screen. On the Add Friends tab, look through the list of suggested friends. See if the person who you think unfriended you shows up there.
Additionally, go to your Snapchat profile and tap “Add Friends”. Choose “Quick Add” and check if their name comes up in the results. If you can no longer find them as a suggested or quick add friend, they likely removed you.
Their Snap Map Location Will Disappear
If you and a friend both have Snap Map enabled, you can see each other’s locations on the map. But if they unfriend you, their location will disappear from your Snap Map.
To check this, open Snap Map by pinching outwards from the camera screen. Search the map for your friend’s Bitmoji or profile icon. If it’s no longer showing up, even though you know they use Snap Map, then they probably removed you as a friend.
Of course, this method only works if you both previously had location sharing enabled with each other. If neither of you uses Snap Map, then their disappearance from the map can’t indicate an unfriending.
Their Name Will Have No Emoji or Friendship Tag
In Snapchat, friends have emoji icons next to their names, along with a friendship tag indicating how long you’ve been friends. These disappear if they unfriend you.
To check for this, look for their name in any group chats you might have together, or in your own Snapchat Memories. If their name loses the emoji icon and just shows as plain text, that’s a sign of an unfriending.
Do note that custom friend emojis only appear when you’re directly chatting with a friend. So focus on group chats and Memories where all friend names should have emojis and friendship tags.
Their Friendship Profile and Snapstreak Will Be Gone
You can check a friend’s profile and Snapstreak by tapping and holding on their name. If someone removed you, their profile and streak details will be inaccessible.
Open a group chat or Memory that contains the suspected unfriender’s name. Press and hold their name. Normally, this would open their friendship profile and streak. But if they removed you, nothing will happen when you tap and hold their name.
If you can no longer view the person’s profile or streak this way, it’s a positive indication they unfriended you on Snapchat.
You’ll Get an Alert About a Friend Removal
In some cases, Snapchat will actually send you an alert saying a friend unfriended you. This happens if you have notifications enabled for friend removals.
To enable removal notifications, go to your Snapchat profile, tap the Settings gear icon, choose Notifications, and turn on the “Friends” toggle. Now if someone removes you as a friend, Snapchat will send a push notification about it.
Having friend removal notifications on is the most direct way to know if someone unfriended you. You’ll get a message straight from Snapchat confirming the unfriending.
Ask a Mutual Friend to Confirm
If you still aren’t sure about someone unfriending you, ask a mutual friend to confirm. Have the mutual friend check if your name is still in the suspected unfriender’s friend list.
Of course, this only works if you have mutual friends with the person. But if you do, it can be the quickest way to get a definite answer. Just make sure the mutual friend you ask is trustworthy and discrete!
Use a Third-Party Unfollower App
There are third-party apps that can help identify who unfriended you on Snapchat. Apps like Unfollower for Snapchat and Notify for Snapchat alert you when someone removes you as a friend.
To use these apps, you’ll need to connect your Snapchat account. The app will monitor your friendships and send you a notification if someone unfriends you. Some apps even let you view a log of recent unfollowers.
Just be cautious when using third-party apps and only connect accounts on apps you fully trust. Make sure to check app permission access before connecting your Snapchat.
Remember Unfriending Isn’t Always Personal
While being unfriended can feel upsetting or offensive, try not to take it too personally in most cases. There are many reasons people may unfriend others that have nothing to do with you:
- They’re cutting down their friends list and removing inactive friends
- They want to keep their Snapchat more private from acquaintances
- Drama or conflict makes them want distance from some people
- They’re deleting social media or taking a break
- You were friends online but never close in real life
If it’s someone you care about, consider respectfully asking them why they removed you. There may be an understandable reason or a misunderstanding to clear up. But avoid aggressive confrontation about being unfriended.
Checking your friends list, chat history, Snap scores, and other signals can help you confirm if someone unfriended you on Snapchat. While it may feel awkward or hurtful, try not to take unfriending too personally in most cases. People remove friends for many reasons unrelated to you. Move forward with positivity and focus on the Snapchat friendships that make you happiest!