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How do you make someone your #1 best friend on snapchat fast?

Making someone your #1 best friend on Snapchat is a great way to strengthen your bond and ensure you see each other’s content at the top of your feed. While it does take some effort and consistency to become best friends quickly, there are some tips and tricks you can use to speed up the process.

What Does Being a #1 Best Friend on Snapchat Mean?

On Snapchat, your #1 best friend is the person you interact with the most over the previous 7 days. This includes snapping back and forth, reacting to stories, chatting, video calling, and more. Snapchat ranks your friends based on the total interaction, not just the number of snaps. Your #1 best friend appears at the top of your friend list and their stories show up higher in your feed.

Becoming someone’s #1 best friend shows you care about maintaining a close friendship. You make the effort to communicate regularly and engage with their content. It’s a status symbol of your bonding and care for that person.

How to Become #1 Best Friends Quickly

If you want to become #1 best friends with someone fast, it requires putting in consistent time and engagement over a 7 day period. Here are some tips to speed up the process:

  • Snap them daily, multiple times per day if possible.
  • Have engaging conversations instead of just small talk.
  • Send snaps only to them instead of mass snaps to all friends.
  • Respond promptly when they send you snaps.
  • Send chat messages in between snaps.
  • Reply to their stories and view all their stories.
  • Video call them when you have time.
  • Send snaps during key times like morning, lunch, evening.
  • Occasionally send exclusive snaps just for them.
  • Try to send 100+ snaps back and forth in a week.

The more you interact, the faster you’ll become their #1. It shows you care about nurturing the friendship when you engage frequently.

Send Good Morning and Good Night Snaps

One easy way to add interactions is to send a good morning and good night snap daily. Simple snaps like showing your breakfast or your pets before bed let them know you’re thinking of them. Morning and evening snaps take little effort but boost your Snapchat bonding.

Have Meaningful Conversations

Don’t just send random selfies back and forth. Have real conversations via Snapchat to get quality interactions. Ask how their day is going, discuss shared interests, tell them about something funny that happened to you. Treating it more like a chat rather than just exchanging photos helps a lot.

Respond Promptly to Their Snaps

When your friend sends you a snap, make sure to open and respond to it as soon as you can. Quick responses show you prioritize interacting with them. If you take too long, the conversation doesn’t build momentum to boost your interactions.

Comment on Their Stories

Be sure to watch all your friend’s stories and react to them or send a comment. Stories count for your interaction score so you want to engage with their content. Give positive feedback on their stories to let them know you enjoyed it.

Send Exclusive Snaps Just for Them

While it’s easy to send mass snaps to all your friends at once, try to also send some exclusive snaps meant just for your one friend. These special snaps shared just between the two of you make your interactions more meaningful and personal.

Occasionally Chat Between Snaps

Chatting via text between snaps is another way to add more interactions. So if you’re snapping back and forth, also send some fun texts like jokes, links, questions or updates on your day. Mixing both snaps and chats boosts your communication.

Video Call Them

Snapchat has a video chat feature, so try occasionally calling them for face-to-face conversations. Video chats last longer than snaps so they help a lot to become top friends quickly. Plan video calls when you both have time to really talk.

Send 100+ Snaps Over 7 Days

To become #1 best friends, aim to send at least 100 snaps between you and your friend over a 7 day period. The more snaps and overall interactions, the faster you’ll build your friendship status. So snap consistently and tap into all Snapchat features.

Be Strategic With When You Send Snaps

Think about when your friend is most likely to open and respond to snaps, then target those times. For example, send snaps early in the morning when they’re eating breakfast or during the evenings when they have free time. Learn their daily habits.

Share Funny Moments and Interesting Updates

Send snaps highlighting funny moments, interesting details about your day, cool things happening around you, etc. Fun, amusing snaps will make them more eager to open and respond. Avoid boring, mundane snaps.

Show You Care by Snapping Consistently

The key is regularly snapping over many days, not just having one day with a lot of back and forth. Show you want to maintain an ongoing conversation. Becoming #1 best friends requires consistency and persistence.

Be Responsive When They Need Someone to Talk To

If your friend seems like they need someone to talk to or are going through a tough time, make a point to be very responsive. Your support and caring in those moments can strengthen your bond.

Avoid Anything That Could Start a Fight

Don’t send anything controversial or start debates over Snapchat. You want positive interactions so steer clear of snaps that could spark an argument or hurt your friendship.

Compliment Them Now and Then

Send the occasional snap complimenting something about them – their outfit, hair, smile, sense of humor, etc. Thoughtful compliments make people feel good and want to snap with you more.

Be Silly and Fun Together

Have fun goofing around together via snaps! Make funny faces, use filters, trychallenges, and be silly. Playful snaps bring you closer together.

Respect Their Time and Boundaries

As much as you want to interact frequently, still respect it if they don’t respond for a while or seem too busy to snap. Don’t bombard them with snaps if they need space. Find the right balance.

Remember Snaps Expire to Keep the Streak Going

Since most snaps expire after being viewed, you have to keep the momentum going and continue snapping. If too much time passes between snaps, you’ll lose progress. Keep the streak alive!

Avoid Anything Too Personal or Private

Don’t overshare personal details or send revealing/inappropriate snaps. Keep things light and friendly. You want your interactions to stay positive and comfortable for both people.

Be Patient If They Have Other Close Friends

Understand your friend may have multiple close friendships on Snapchat. Don’t get jealous if others are also at the top – just focus on strengthening your own bond.

Make Sure Your Notifications Are On

To respond quickly, make sure you have notifications enabled for Snapchat. This way you won’t miss their messages and can keep the conversation flowing.

Becoming #1 best friends on Snapchat takes effort and consistency, but using these tips can help you get there faster. The most important thing is showing the other person they are a priority in your life through frequent, thoughtful communication. With quality interactions over time, you’ll rise to the top fast!