Unfortunately, there is no direct way to see friends that have hidden you on Snapchat. When someone hides you, they essentially block you without you knowing. You won’t get any notification that you’ve been hidden and your chat will still be visible to you, even though the other person can no longer see your messages or Stories. The only way to know if someone has hidden you is by looking for signs like your chat disappearing from their end or your Stories no longer showing views from that friend.
Why would someone hide you on Snapchat?
There are a few common reasons why a friend might hide you on Snapchat:
- They want to limit interactions with you for whatever reason
- They find your frequent Snaps or Stories annoying
- They only added you back to be nice and don’t actually want to see your stuff
- They’re trying to avoid an awkward situation after a falling out
- They’re seeing someone new and want to avoid jealousy
- They want to post more risque content without certain people seeing
While it can hurt to be hidden, try not to take it personally. People hide others for many different reasons that may have nothing to do with you. Focus on the friends who actively engage with your Snaps!
How to tell if someone has hidden you on Snapchat
Since Snapchat doesn’t notify you, you’ll have to look for subtle clues that a friend may have hidden you:
Your chat disappears from their end
This is one of the most obvious signs. If you notice your chat thread has disappeared from a certain friend’s chat screen, it likely means they have hidden you. You can still send them messages, but they will no longer be able to see them or reply.
Your Story views decrease
Keep an eye on who views your Stories. If one friend went from always watching your Stories to not viewing them at all, chances are they hidden you. You can see who has viewed your Stories by going to the Story screen and tapping on “Viewers” under your Story.
Your score decreases
Your Snapchat score is based on how many Snaps you’ve sent and received from friends. If your score suddenly stops increasing from a certain friend, it may be because they can no longer see and open your Snaps after hiding you.
Your Snap Map location disappears
If you share your location on Snap Map with all friends, someone who hides you will no longer be able to see your location. So if a friend mentions not being able to see your location anymore, they may have hidden you.
Your #1 Best Friend emojis disappear
When you’re each other’s #1 Best Friends, emojis will appear next to your names in chat. These emojis disappear when someone hides you since you are no longer their #1 Best Friend from their end.
You disappear from their Friends list
This one is obvious – if you completely disappear from their Friends list, then they have definitely hidden you on Snapchat. The only way to check this is if you have mutual friends who can confirm your disappearance.
What happens when you’re hidden on Snapchat?
When someone hides you on Snapchat:
- They are removed from your Friends list
- You disappear from their Friends list and cannot be searched
- Your chat disappears from their Chat screen
- They stop receiving Snaps and Chats from you
- They stop seeing your Stories
- You can still send them Snaps and Chats, but they won’t see them
- Your name loses the emojis next to it in their chat
- They stop being able to view your Snap Map location
Essentially, hiding someone makes it so the other person can no longer see anything from you. But it will still appear normal on your end, unless you notice the subtle signs mentioned before.
What should you do if someone hides you?
If you realize someone has likely hidden you on Snapchat, here are some things you can do:
- Stop sending them Snaps and Chats since they won’t see them anyway. Continuing to send messages can come off as spam.
- Don’t call them out or ask why they hid you. This may create an awkward situation.
- Take some space from them on other platforms like Instagram too if needed.
- Reflect on if there’s anything you may have done to make them want to hide you and learn from it.
- Focus your Snapchat energy on friends who actively engage with you.
- Hide them back so you no longer see their Stories or have them as a friend.
- If necessary for closure, address the situation calmly in person or over text/call.
While being hidden can feel personal, it’s often not about you. Allow the friendship to naturally fade if needed, and treasure the friends who want to see your Snaps!
Can you unhide someone who hid you?
Unfortunately, there is no way to unhide yourself from someone who has hidden you. The action of hiding someone is permanent from your end. Only the person who hid you has the ability to unhide you.
If you want them to unhide you, you will need to communicate with that friend outside of Snapchat and politely ask if they can unhide you. If they agree, they can go to their Friends list, search for your name, and select “Unhide” to add you back so you are visible again.
However, if they hid you for a specific reason, it’s unlikely they will want to unhide you right away. It’s usually better to just move on and focus on the friends who do want to see your Snaps.
Can you hide someone back who hid you first?
Yes, you can choose to hide someone back if you notice that they have hidden you first. This may help give you closure if you’re wondering why they hid you in the first place.
To hide them back:
- Go to your Friends list and find their name
- Tap and hold on their name
- Select “Hide Friend”
Hiding them back makes it so you also won’t see any of their content. You’ll be fully hidden from each other’s Snapchats at that point.
Ultimately, it’s up to you if you want to hide them back. You may choose to just let the friendship fade and focus on other connections instead.
Can you see hidden friends in Snapchat Group Chats?
If you and a hidden friend are both still part of the same Snapchat Group Chats, then you will actually be able to interact in the group chat. This is because Group Chats have separate privacy settings from your individual Friends list.
So even if you have hidden each other, you will still see each other’s messages and be able to chat within a Snapchat Group. Just keep in mind you still won’t see each other’s individual Snaps or Stories.
If it becomes too awkward to have a hidden friend in the Group Chat, the Group admin has the ability to remove participants. Or you can choose to leave the Group yourself.
In summary…
Being hidden by a friend on Snapchat can feel personal, but is often not about you. Unfortunately there’s no way to directly see who has hidden you, but looking for signs like decreased views or disappearing chats can reveal if you’ve been hidden. The best response is usually just to move on and focus on the friends who actively want to see your Snaps and Stories. Don’t confront the person who hid you, but if you want closure, politely communicate with them outside Snapchat to understand why. And remember – you can always hide them back!