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How do you send a snap to everyone at once?

How do you send a snap to everyone at once?

Sending snaps to all of your Snapchat friends at once can be a great way to share exciting news, make big announcements, or just say hello to everyone simultaneously. While Snapchat doesn’t have a built-in feature to send a snap to all friends at once, there are some workarounds using group chats, Snap Map, and other strategies.

Creating Snapchat Groups

One of the easiest ways to send a snap to multiple people at once is by using Snapchat’s group chat feature. Here’s how to use Snapchat groups to send a mass snap:

  1. Open the Chat screen in Snapchat and tap the New Chat icon in the top right.
  2. Select the names of all the friends you want to include in the group. You can search for friends or scroll to select them.
  3. After adding all the desired members, name your group chat and tap Create.
  4. With the new group chat open, take or select a photo or video to send as your snap.
  5. Edit the snap if desired by adding text, drawings, filters, etc.
  6. Send the snap and it will go out to the entire group at once.

The major limitation with using Snapchat groups for mass snaps is that you can only include up to 32 members in a group chat. If you want to reach more friends than that, you’ll need to get creative or use an external app.

Leveraging Snap Map

Another Snapchat feature you can use to send snaps to multiple friends is Snap Map. Snap Map lets you share your location and see where your friends are. Here’s how to use it to send mass snaps:

  1. Open Snap Map by pinching outwards from the Camera screen.
  2. Tap the Send button at the bottom.
  3. Select everyone from your friends list who you want to receive the snap.
  4. Take or select a photo/video and edit the snap if desired.
  5. Send the snap and all chosen recipients will receive it.

This method allows you to send snaps to any number of friends. The limitation is that you can only include friends who are also sharing their locations on Snap Map.

Using Third-Party Apps

If Snapchat’s built-in tools don’t meet your needs for sending mass snaps, third-party apps provide alternative options. Here are some top picks:

Social Snap

Social Snap is a free app dedicated specifically to helping Snapchat users send messages to multiple friends at once. To use it:

  1. Download and install the Social Snap app.
  2. Log in with your Snapchat account.
  3. Select which friends you want to send snaps to.
  4. Take or upload a snap to send.
  5. The app will submit the snap through your account to all selected friends.


Snapsave is another free app that lets you manage your Snapchat account and contacts. You can use it to:

  1. Connect Snapsave to your Snapchat account.
  2. Select which friends to send a snap to.
  3. Upload a photo/video to the app.
  4. Send the media and it will display in your selected friends’ Snapchat accounts.

Other Apps

Some other apps that provide Snapchat mass messaging options include FastSnap, SnapMaster, SnapTools, and more. Most work similarly by connecting to your account and then allowing you to pick friends to send media to.

Using Snapchat Celebrity Accounts

If you have a celebrity Snapchat account with a huge friends/followers list, you can send a mass snap by simply posting to your story. All of your followers will be able to view that story update. This is how many celebs, influencers, and public figures use Snapchat to broadcast messages to their fanbase.

However, regular Snapchat accounts are limited to having around 8000 friends. So unless you’re already a celebrity, this method probably won’t reach enough people.

Considerations and Limitations

There are a few important things to keep in mind when trying to snap everyone at once:

  • Snapchat limits individual accounts to having around 8000 friends.
  • Group chats only support up to 32 members.
  • Snap Map reach depends on how many friends actively share their location.
  • Third-party apps involve giving access to your Snapchat account.
  • Mass snaps can get your account flagged or banned if abused.
  • You can’t force recipients to view your snap – they may skip it.

Because of limitations like these, it’s realistically very difficult to reach every single one of your Snapchat friends with a mass snap. The more friends you have, the lower the percentage who will actually end up seeing it.

Alternative Mass Messaging Options

If you need to reach a huge audience, Snapchat may not be the best platform for that purpose. Here are some other apps and tools better suited for mass messaging:

Text Messaging

Plain old text messaging can be an effective way to reach lots of people at once. Group messaging makes it easy to include up to 10 recipients.


WhatsApp supports group chats with up to 256 users. It’s an easy way to mass message friends and family who use the app.


Telegram offers massive group chats supporting up to 200,000 members. It provides controls for managing large groups.

Facebook Messenger

Facebook Messenger supports group chats up to 250 people and even allows posting to multiple groups at once.


Email is probably the most ubiquitous mass messaging system. You can easily BCC any number of recipients.

Social Media

Platforms like Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, etc. allow posting content to all your followers at once.

SMS Marketing Software

Tools like MailChimp, Constant Contact, Drip, and others let you mass message subscribers by email or text.


While Snapchat doesn’t make it too easy, there are some creative ways to send snaps to large numbers of friends at one time. Group chats, Snap Map, and third-party apps allow you to message many Snapchat users simultaneously. However, you’re still limited by factors like individual account restrictions, platform limitations, and recipient engagement. For true mass messaging, you may need to utilize other tools like email, SMS, and social platforms. But Snapchat can still be a fun way to send out a message to your personal network all at once!