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How does snapchat best friends list work?

The Snapchat best friends list shows the people you interact with the most on Snapchat. It is based on your snapping activity and chat frequency over the past week. The more you snap and chat with someone, the higher up they will appear on your best friends list.

What Determines Your Snapchat Best Friends List?

There are two main factors that determine your Snapchat best friends list:

  • Snap frequency – How often you send snaps back and forth with someone. The more snaps you exchange, the higher they will rank.
  • Chat frequency – How often you chat with someone through the app. Regular chatting will boost someone up your best friends list.

So if you want someone to appear at the top of your best friends list, make sure to snap and chat with them regularly. The algorithm tracks your snapping behavior over the past 7 days and ranks your friends accordingly.

How Many Best Friends Appear in the List?

Your Snapchat best friends list can contain up to 8 people. If you have fewer than 8 best friends, then the list will show all of them. Once you have more than 8, Snapchat will rotate through and highlight 8 at a time.

The top 3 best friends on your list are shown prominently at the top. They have larger profile icons compared to the rest of the list. So focus on snapping and chatting with up to 3 people regularly if you want them to have the top spots.

Does Sending Chat Messages Help?

Yes, sending chat messages on Snapchat boosts your interaction frequency with someone, which helps push them higher on your best friends list. So if you can’t snap someone regularly, try chatting instead.

Of course, snapping is the main activity on Snapchat, so it factors more heavily into the best friends algorithm. But regular chatting definitely helps too.

Do Snapstreaks Affect the Best Friends List?

Snapstreaks are related to but separate from your best friends list. A snapstreak simply tracks how many consecutive days you’ve snapped with someone, display via a little flame emoji.

Having a long snapstreak with someone will likely get them on your best friends list because it means you’ve been snapping regularly. But the main factors are overall snap and chat frequency, not just consecutive days.

How Quickly Does Your List Update?

The Snapchat best friends list updates every 24 hours. It tracks your snapping behavior for the past 7 days on a rolling basis. So as your interactions change day to day, so will your list.

If you snap and chat with someone new one day, they likely won’t make your best friends list right away. But keep up the interactions over several days and they have a good chance of ranking.

Does Sending Snaps to Groups Help?

Yes, sending snaps to groups can help certain people in that group make your best friends list. Group snaps count as interactions for all members of that group.

For example, if you regularly send snaps to a group of 3 people, all 3 of them are likely to make your best friends list over time as the app registers your frequent group snaps.

Can You Remove Someone from Your Best Friends?

There is no direct way to remove or block someone from appearing on your Snapchat best friends list. The list is automatically generated based on your usage.

If you want someone to stop showing up as a best friend, you simply have to reduce your interactions with them. Stop snapping and chatting with them regularly, and they will gradually drop down and fall off your best friends list.

Does Deleting Conversations Affect Your List?

No, deleting your chat history with someone does not affect the best friends algorithm. Snapchat’s system tracks your real-time interactions, not your message history.

So if you are actively snapping and chatting with someone, they will still appear as a best friend even if you regularly delete the conversation.

Can You Re-Order Your Best Friends List?

There is no way to manually re-order your Snapchat best friends list. Their ranking is determined automatically based on your recent interactions.

If you want to move someone higher on your list, make sure to chat and snap with them more than your other friends. That will organically boost them up in the rankings.

Does Your List Show All Your Friends?

No, your Snapchat best friends list only shows the people you interact with the most. It does not include all of your friends.

To see your full friend list, go to your profile and tap the emoji icon next to your friend count. This will show all your friends, not just your best friends.

Can You Have More Than 8 Best Friends?

You can have more than 8 best friends on Snapchat, but only 8 will show up in your best friends list at any given time. If you have more than 8, the list will rotate which ones display.

For example, if you have 10 best friends, Snapchat may show friends 1-8 one day, then 2-9 the next day, and so on. It rotates through your besties list randomly.

Does Sending Replays Help Your Ranking?

Sending replays does not directly impact your Snapchat best friends list. Replaying someone’s snap to them simply lets them know you are re-watching it.

However, frequently replaying someone’s snaps probably means you snap them a lot too. So in that indirect way, it could boost your interactions and ranking.

Can You See Other People’s Best Friends Lists?

No, you cannot see another person’s Snapchat best friends list. Their list is private and only visible to them. So you have no way of knowing exactly where you rank on someone else’s list.

You can only see the best friends lists of people who have added their Snapchat as a public profile on Snap Map. But this is very rare due to privacy concerns.

Does Your List Include Celebrities?

Your Snapchat best friends list is based entirely on your personal interactions within the app. So unless you regularly snap and chat with celebrities, they will not show up in your list.

Celebrities you follow on Snapchat but don’t actually talk to will not make your best friends list. Their fame does not affect the algorithm – only direct communication does.

Can You Turn Off Your Best Friends List?

There is no setting in Snapchat to turn off or hide your best friends list. It is a standard feature. Your only option is to stop snapping and chatting so that your list remains empty and inactive.

Some people will stop interacting entirely for periods of time if they don’t want their list publicized. But this means not using Snapchat for chatting or posting.

Does Your List Include Crushes or Partners?

If you are snapping and chatting with a crush or partner more than your other friends, then yes, they are likely to show up very high on your best friends list.

Many Snapchat users find their romantic interests always sitting in the top 1-3 positions because they tend to interact most frequently with them.

So if there’s someone special you talk to all the time on Snapchat, expect them to constantly top your list!

Is Your List Visible to Others?

Your full Snapchat best friends list is not visible to anyone else. Only you can see your complete list in the app.

However, your top 3 best friends (the largest profiles at the top) will be publicly visible to others if you have a Snapchat score snap in your profile. This small public listing does not show the order of your top 3.

If you want to keep your top best friends private, simply remove the Snapchat score snap from your profile.

How Often Does Your List Change?

Your Snapchat best friends list changes as frequently as your interactions do. Since it tracks your daily snapping and chatting, expect your list to evolve and change over time.

Typically, your top 1-2 best friends will remain fairly consistent as long as you keep up frequent contact. But the remainder of the list can shuffle on a daily basis.

Don’t be surprised if you have a completely different set of best friends from one month to the next! It all depends on your usage.

Can You See When Your Friends Are Snapping Others?

There is no feature to see when your Snapchat friends are snapping other people specifically. You simply see a notification when you receive a snap from someone.

So you have no way to monitor exactly who your friends are snapping in real time. The app is designed for privacy and does not reveal that type of information.

If someone appears to be snapping lots of people, they will naturally rank higher in your best friends list due to increased interactions.


Snapchat’s best friends list algorithm is based primarily on your snap and chat frequency with other users. Interact often with someone, and they will move up your list. Reduce interactions, and they will fall lower or drop off entirely.

While you can’t fully control your list, you can influence it by focusing your usage with certain friends. Just be careful about public visibility of your top friends if you prefer keeping your interactions private.

At the end of the day, your Snapchat besties list shows who you are closest with in the app. Let it be a fun reflection of your meaningful connections!