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How does the snapchat best friends list work?

The Snapchat best friends list shows your closest friends on the app based on how frequently you interact with each other. The more you and another user send snaps, chat, react to stories, etc., the higher up on your best friends list they will appear.

What is the Snapchat Best Friends List?

The best friends list on Snapchat shows up to 8 friends that you interact with the most on the app. It appears in the Friends screen, at the top above your full friend list. Friends are ordered from #1 best friend down to #8 based on your communication frequency.

Snapchat calculates your best friends through an algorithm that analyzes your snap send/receive frequency, chat frequency, how often you view each other’s stories, and more. The more you snap and interact with a friend, the faster they will move up your best friends list.

How is the List Calculated?

While Snapchat has not revealed the exact formula for the Snapchat best friends algorithm, they have provided some insight into the factors that influence it:

  • How often you send snaps to each other
  • How often you chat or have conversations
  • How often you view each other’s stories
  • How often you react to each other’s stories
  • How long your snaps with each other are viewed

Snapchat emphasizes that the algorithm looks at your two-way communication frequency with friends. It’s not just about how often you view someone’s snaps or stories, but how often they reciprocate that as well.

How Often is the List Updated?

The Snapchat best friends list dynamically updates whenever you open the Friends screen. It analyzes your last interactions and conversations since the list was last generated and re-orders friends accordingly. This means the list can look different every time you check depending on who you’ve been snapping recently.

Major changes in communication frequency with a friend will be reflected in the next best friends list update. Smaller changes may take a few list updates to significantly impact order. But overall, expect the list order to fluctuate regularly based on your daily snap and chat activity.

Does Sending Group Snaps Impact the List?

Yes, sending group snaps will factor into the best friends algorithm and can help friends move up the list. Any communication with a friend, whether 1-on-1 or in a group, is analyzed by Snapchat.

However, 1-on-1 interactions seem to be more heavily weighted than group snaps in the algorithm. So you’ll move up faster by directly snapping and chatting with a friend more frequently.

Does Streaks Impact the Best Friends Order?

Yes, keeping a snap streak with a friend will help boost them up your best friends list. A streak means you and a friend have snapped each other at least once every 24 hours for multiple consecutive days. The longer you keep a streak going, the more that daily communication will factor into the algorithm.

However, you can have someone as your #1 best friend even if they are not your #1 streak. Streaks help, but overall direct 1-on-1 communication frequency matters most.

Does Story Viewing Help Friends Move Up?

Viewing a friend’s story, reacting to their story, and posting stories that friend views all factor into the algorithm. But snapping and chatting seem to have the biggest impact on list order.

To move a friend up the list from primarily story interaction, you need to view their stories consistently right when they post them and have them do the same for you. Story responds also help boost your score.

Does Hours Between Snaps Matter?

Yes, how quickly you and a friend regularly snap back and forth influences your spot on their best friends list. Friends that you instantly snap with consistently tend to rank higher than friends with longer response times.

So if you want to move up on a friend’s list, try to respond to their snaps as quickly as possible. The faster you go back and forth, the better.

Do Messages and Chats Get Analyzed?

Absolutely. The frequency and length of your chats and messages with each friend are factored into the best friends algorithm. Chatting often and long conversations will help boost friends up your list.

In addition to one-on-one chats, Snapchat also analyzes group messages. So participating in group chats with a friend can also improve your best friend standing.

Can You Remove Friends From Your Best Friends List?

No, there is no way to manually edit or reorder your Snapchat best friends list. The list is automatically generated every time you open your friends list based on your recent interactions.

If you want to remove someone as a best friend, you simply need to stop viewing their stories, stop sending them snaps and chats, and reduce your interactions. Over time they will drop off the list.

Does Unadding a Friend From Snapchat Remove Them From Your Best Friends?

Yes, if you unadd or block a friend from your Snapchat friends list, they will immediately disappear from your best friends the next time it updates. They will no longer be factored into the algorithm once removed as a friend.

Can You See Someone’s Best Friends If They Don’t Share Them Publicly?

No, you can only see someone else’s Snapchat best friends if they choose to make them public in their profile settings. Otherwise best friends are private and only visible to that user.

If someone does share their best friends publicly, you can see them listed on their profile by tapping the smiley face icon in chat. Their #1 best friend will appear under their name.

Does Having a Shared #1 Best Friend Mean You Are Also Their #1?

Not necessarily. Your #1 best friend and their #1 best friend don’t always match up. You could show someone as your #1 best friend, but they may have you lower down on their own list if they interact with other friends more.

Best friend statuses don’t always align between users. It varies based on your unique communication patterns with each friend.

Can You Have Different Best Friends Lists on Multiple Devices?

Your best friends list should be consistent across any devices where you’re logged into your Snapchat account. Snapchat syncs your friends list and algorithm data across mobile, tablets, and computers.

So whether you check your list on iOS, Android, a tablet or Snapchat web, your best friends order will be the same on all devices.

Will Your Best Friends See When You View Their List Position?

No, friends can’t see when you view their position on your best friends list. The only way they know their standing is by checking their own list or having you share it with them.

You can freely check your best friends list and how different friends rank without them getting notified in any way.

Can You Refresh Your Best Friends Faster?

Manually refreshing your friends list does not make your best friends recalculate faster than normal. Your interactions are all saved and the algorithm runs on a fixed time schedule.

The only way to refresh your list quicker is to open the Friends screen repeatedly. This prompts more frequent algorithm runs, updating the list each time.

Does Your zodiac Sign Affect Your Best Friends?

No, your zodiac or astrological sign has no influence on Snapchat’s algorithm for calculating best friends. The only factors are your snap/chat behaviors with each friend.

Any astrology-related changes to friendships you notice are purely coincidental and not algorithmically meaningful. Snapchat does not access user zodiac data.

Can You Increase Your Best Friends Limit?

Unfortunately, there is no setting to increase the number of best friends you can have on Snapchat. The app limits the list to 8 top friends for all users.

The only way to showcase more top friends would be to make your full Friends list public. But there is no extending the best friends section.


The Snapchat best friends algorithm is based primarily on your direct snap and chat interactions with other users. Sending more one-on-one snaps and having frequent conversations will help boost friends up your list faster. Things like stories and streaks can also influence ranking, but direct communication seems to be most important.

While best friends dynamically change all the time, you can’t manually reorder the list. Your interactions are what decide the ranking. Reducing contact with friends is the only way to drop their best friend standing.