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How long does it take for snap best friends to update?

The Snapchat best friends list updates every week, usually on Sundays. It takes into account your snapping activity with friends over the past 7 days and reshuffles your best friends order based on who you’ve interacted with the most during that timeframe.

What are Snapchat best friends?

Snapchat’s best friends feature shows you your closest friends on the app based on how frequently you snap each other. You can see your own best friends list by going to your profile and tapping the smiley face icon. Up to 8 friends can appear on your best friends list.

Snapchat determines your best friends through an algorithm that tracks how often you send snaps back and forth with each friend, how long your snapping streaks are, and the overall volume of snaps exchanged. The more you interact with a friend, the higher up they’ll appear on your best friends list.

How often does the best friends list update?

Snapchat best friends lists update once per week, usually on Sundays. Throughout the week Snapchat keeps track of your interactions with each friend. Then on Sunday it compiles all that data from the past 7 days and reorders your best friends based on who you snapped with the most.

So if you suddenly notice your best friend has dropped down or fallen off your list, it means you didn’t snap them as much as other friends over the past week. The list aims to accurately showcase your true closest friends on Snapchat for that given week.

What counts as interaction for best friends?

The main interactions that influence your best friends order are:

  • Sending snaps back and forth
  • Responding frequently to a friend’s snaps
  • Maintaining long snap streaks
  • Sending chats or video/voice calls

So to boost a friend up your best friends list, focus on snapping them more often, responding to most of their snaps, sending chats, and keeping your streak alive. The overall volume of snaps and chatting exchanged with a friend is a major factor.

How to get on someone’s best friends list

Here are some tips to help you get on someone else’s best friends list on Snapchat:

  • Snap them consistently throughout the day – aim for at least 5+ snaps.
  • Always open and respond to their snaps if you want a reply.
  • Send chat messages and participate in streaks.
  • Interact more with them than other friends you want to outrank.
  • Maintain longer streaks with them compared to other friends.
  • Video/voice call them to supplement your interactions.

It comes down to outpacing their other friendships in terms of overall Snapchat interaction. If you can become their top friend in terms of volume of snaps and two-way communication, you’ll quickly rise to the top of their best friends list.

Why did I disappear from a friend’s best friends?

There are a few possible reasons you may have disappeared from someone’s best friends list:

  • You didn’t snap them as much over the past week compared to their other friends.
  • Your interactions dropped while their interactions with other friends increased.
  • Your snapstreak died off so you lost those bonus points.
  • One of you has been on vacation or busy lately.
  • They added new friends who instantly snapped them more than you.

Essentially, your ranking depends on staying highly engaged with that friend relative to their other Snapchat relationships. If your interactions decrease, or their interactions with new friends overtake yours, you’ll get displaced on their list.

Does deleting chats affect best friends?

Deleting your chat history with someone will not affect your best friend ranking. Snapchat’s algorithm only considers your snaps sent back and forth, streaks, calls and chat messages sent within the past 7 days.

Older chats and snaps outside the 7 day window don’t impact your best friend order. You can safely delete old chats without worrying about losing your top best friend spots.

Strategies to get back on someone’s best friends

If you’ve slipped down or fallen off someone’s best friends list, here are some tips to regain your top spot:

  • Temporarily snap them more than your other friends.
  • Focus on reviving a lapsed snapstreak with them.
  • Send them more chats to supplement your snaps.
  • Reply to all their stories for extra engagement.
  • Do a video or voice call to boost interactions.
  • Avoid snapping their other top best friends as much.

The key is increasing your interactions while simultaneously reducing engagement with their other top friends. This relative difference will highlight you as their true #1 best friend again.

My best friend hasn’t opened my snaps

If your best friend stops opening or responding to your snaps, here are some things that could be going on:

  • They may be taking a break from Snapchat for a little while.
  • They could be busy with work, school, family or other obligations.
  • Their phone may be broken, lost, or having technical issues.
  • Your conversations may have hit a lull and need reinvigorating.
  • They added new friends who are occupying more of their time.
  • Your interests may have diverged leading to less engaging interactions.

Before assuming they’re intentionally ignoring you, consider any circumstances in their life that could be distracting them. Have an open chat to check if everything’s ok. Revive your bond through new conversations, memes, memories, and inside jokes.

Does deleting friends affect your best friends?

Deleting friends on Snapchat doesn’t directly impact the order of your best friends list. However, it can indirectly influence rankings in a couple ways:

  • If you delete your #1 best friend, your #2 best friend will move up to the #1 slot.
  • Removing friends you rarely snap will increase your interactions with remaining friends.
  • Deleting friends narrows the competition for best friend spots.

So pruning your friends list of inactive friends can solidify your rankings with those you snap daily. But the algorithm itself doesn’t penalize you for deleting friends from Snapchat.

I want a specific friend to be my #1 best friend

To guarantee a certain friend claims the top #1 spot on your best friend list, you need to:

  • Snap them far more frequently than all other friends.
  • Send more chats and calls with them than anyone else.
  • Respond to all their snaps and stories.
  • Maintain long snapstreaks with them.
  • Avoid lengthy conversations with competitors for #1.

Essentially, concentrating most of your Snapchat energy toward that one friend will ensure no one outranks them. But it requires being very selective and strategic with whom else you snap daily.

My best friends list is stuck

In some cases, Snapchat’s best friends algorithm can get stuck and fail to update your list as expected on Sundays. Here are some troubleshooting tips:

  • Force close and restart the Snapchat app.
  • Update Snapchat to the latest version.
  • Log out and log back into your account.
  • Clear cached data and app data through your phone’s settings.
  • Uninstall and reinstall Snapchat.
  • Contact Snapchat support if issue persists.

Restarting Snapchat or your device usually triggers the app to refresh your best friends order. Persistent problems may require contacting Snapchat’s help center to investigate further.

Does Snapchat notify your friends when they’re removed as a best friend?

No, Snapchat does not notify your friends if they get removed from your best friends list during the weekly updates. The algorithm quietly shuffles the order behind the scenes without sending alerts.

The only way a friend can tell they’ve been displaced is by proactively checking your best friends list and noticing their lower position or disappearance. Snapchat figured direct notifications about ranking changes could breed hurt feelings and jealousy among friends.


Snapchat’s best friends feature provides an inside look at your closest Snapchat relationships. While the list updates weekly, you can improve your ranking by snapping select friends more consistently, reviving streaks, chatting, and calling throughout the week. With some strategic effort, you can solidify a top spot on your best friend’s coveted list.