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How long does it take for snapchat best friends list to reload?

The Snapchat best friends list reloads approximately every 24 hours. So if you make changes to your interactions with friends on Snapchat, it will take about a day for your best friends list to update to reflect those changes.

What is the Snapchat Best Friends list?

The Snapchat Best Friends list shows the people you interact with the most on Snapchat. It displays the 8 friends you have snapped, chatted, or interacted with the most over the last 7 days. Snapchat uses an algorithm to calculate your best friends based on the recency, frequency, and reciprocity of your snaps, chats, reactions, and other interactions with each friend.

Having a Best Friends list allows Snapchat users to easily see their closest friends on the app at a glance. It provides a quick overview of your favorite Snapchat contacts. The Best Friends list appears on your Friends page within the Snapchat app.

How does Snapchat determine your Best Friends?

Snapchat’s algorithm looks at your snaps, messages, stories, and other interactions with each friend over the past 7 days. It assigns a score to each friend based on the recency, frequency, and reciprocity of your exchanges. The 8 friends with the highest scores are displayed in your Best Friends list.

Here are some of the key factors that influence your Snapchat Best Friends:

  • Number of snaps sent back and forth with a friend
  • Number of chats sent to a friend
  • Responding to a friend’s snaps and chats
  • Viewing and reacting to a friend’s stories
  • Frequency of your interactions over the past week
  • How recently you snapped or chatted with a friend

The more you interact with a friend reciprocally over the last 7 days, the higher their score will be. Sending more snaps or chatting more frequently will also boost a friend’s score.

How often does the Best Friends list update?

The Snapchat Best Friends list updates every 24 hours. So if you make changes to who you are snapping or chatting with, it will take about 1 day for your Best Friends list to reflect those changes.

For example, if you start snapping your friend Alex more frequently today, Alex likely won’t appear in your Best Friends list until tomorrow. The list updates overnight to include your interactions from the previous day.

Tips for changing up your Best Friends list

If you want to shuffle your Best Friends list, there are some ways you can influence it:

  • Snap and chat with some friends less frequently for a few days.
  • Increase your interactions with other friends you want higher on the list.
  • Try to reciprocate interactions within the same day to boost your scores.
  • Engage with friends’ stories by viewing them and reacting.
  • Send chats in addition to snaps to increase interactions.

The Best Friends algorithm rewards consistent, reciprocal communication over the past week. So you can purposefully snap some friends less and others more to reorder your list.

Why does my Best Friends list stay the same sometimes?

In some cases, your Best Friends list may stay mostly the same even after a full day. There are a few reasons this can happen:

  • You did not change your snap or chat behavior very much over the past 24 hours.
  • Your top best friends have very high scores that will take more than a day to surpass.
  • Your interactions are concentrated among the same group of friends.

Try making more significant changes to your interactions for 2-3 days. Chat with brand new friends, let some old friends drop off, and heavily focus on others you want higher on the list. This shuffle should have a greater effect.

Does deleting chats or snaps affect your Best Friends list?

No, deleting your snaps and chats does not affect your Best Friends list. Snapchat’s algorithm only counts the interactions that you send. It does not matter if you delete those snaps or chats after sending them – they still get counted in the Best Friends scores.

So feel free to delete snaps and clean up your chats – this does not impact your end of the interaction, so your Best Friends order will remain the same.

Can I view my Best Friends list history?

Unfortunately, there is no way to view your historical Best Friends lists on Snapchat. The app only displays your current Best Friends for the last 24 hours.

There is no snapshot history of who has appeared on your Best Friends list over time. The list resets everyday with your latest scores. You can only see who your top friends are right now, not for previous days.

Does deleting a friend remove them from your Best Friends?

Yes, deleting or blocking a friend on Snapchat will immediately remove them from your Best Friends list. When you delete a friend, it permanently erases their friendship and all past snaps, chats, and stories exchanged.

So if you delete someone who was previously in your Best Friends list, they will instantly disappear from the list. And they will no longer factor into the scores calculated for your remaining friends.

Can I hide my Best Friends from my friends?

No, there is no way to hide your Best Friends list from your friends. Your list of 8 Best Friends is public to all of your friends. There is no setting to make your Best Friends private or invisible to other Snapchatters.

Many people wish they could hide their Best Friends from friends who get upset if they aren’t on the list. But Snapchat does not provide this option currently. The Best Friends feature is designed to be open and social.


The Snapchat Best Friends algorithm runs every day to calculate your closest friends on the app. It takes about 24 hours for your list to fully refresh with your latest interactions. Sending more snaps and chats with certain friends can help boost their ranking.

While you cannot view past Best Friends lists, the current list gives you an overview of your favorite Snapchatters. Use the tips in this guide to intentionally change up your list if desired.