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How long does it take for snapchat best friends to go away?

If you stop interacting with one of your Snapchat best friends for a while, their best friend status will eventually be removed. However, it usually takes at least a couple of weeks of inactivity for your Snapchat best friend to be replaced with someone else.

What determines Snapchat best friends?

Snapchat’s algorithm determines your best friends based on your snap sending patterns over the previous 7 days. The friends you interact with the most consistently will show up on your best friends list. So if you frequently snap back and forth with someone daily, they are likely to end up being your Snapchat bestie.

Some key factors that help determine best friends on Snapchat include:

  • The number of snaps you send to each other
  • The frequency with which you snap each other
  • How quickly you reply to each other’s snaps
  • Your snapstreaks

So someone who you snap 20 times a day, and who immediately opens and replies to all your snaps, will probably become your best friend very quickly. Whereas someone you only snap a couple of times a week may take longer to reach best friend status.

How long of inactivity before best friends change?

If you suddenly stop snapping one of your best friends, their status will not disappear immediately. It usually takes 2-3 weeks of greatly reduced interaction for your Snapchat best friend to be replaced by someone else.

For example, if Lisa has been your #1 best friend for months because you chat daily, but then you stop snapping her for 2 weeks, she will likely be replaced by another friend who you snap more frequently during those 2 weeks.

The algorithm looks at your most recent snapping patterns. So if you don’t interact with a bestie for weeks, while actively snapping other friends, Snapchat will determine those others are now your new best friends based on your latest activity.

Does taking a break from Snapchat impact best friends?

If you take a break from using Snapchat entirely for a while, it will also impact your best friends list. Even just a few days off can be enough for the algorithm to select new best friends based on who you snap most when you return.

For example, if your top 3 best friends are Clara, Sophie and Leo. But then you don’t use Snapchat at all for 5 days. When you come back and start snapping again, the algorithm will reevaluate your new snapping activity to choose your new best friends.

So if you start snapping Ashley, James and Rachel more than Clara, Sophie and Leo when you return – Ashley, James and Rachel will likely replace your old besties at the top of your friends list.

Does deleting and re-adding someone reset best friends?

If you remove a friend from your Snapchat friends list, and then add them again later, it will reset your friendship. This means any past snapstreaks and best friend status will be gone.

When you re-add the friend, your snap history and interactions start from scratch. You need to build up frequency of snaps and streaks again for them to reach best friend status once more.

Tips to help a friend regain best friend status

If you want a formerly close Snapchat buddy to become your bestie again, here are some tips:

  • Start snapping them regularly again – snap back and forth multiple times a day
  • Respond quickly whenever they send you a snap
  • Chat with them via Snapchat frequently
  • Send snaps only to them for a while, and hold off snapping other friends temporarily
  • Build up your streak by snapping daily
  • Watch their stories and react to keep engagement high

Prioritizing your snaps and chats with that friend over others can help build your interactions back up. It may take a couple of weeks for them to move back up your best friends list depending on how long you went without much contact.

Why did my best friend disappear from my list?

There are a few possible reasons your Snapchat best friend disappeared or was replaced by someone else:

  • You haven’t been snapping them as frequently as you used to
  • They haven’t been responding to your snaps as often
  • Your streak with them ended
  • You or your friend took a break from Snapchat
  • You snap other friends more actively now
  • Your friend added and deleted you, resetting the friendship

In most cases, a best friend gets replaced when your snapping patterns change. If you go days or weeks without interacting, Snapchat will determine new best friends based on your latest activity. Don’t take it personally, just start snapping your buddy regularly again!

Does deleting conversations remove best friend status?

Deleting your chat history or clearing conversations with someone does not directly impact your Snapchat best friends list or their status. Your best friends are determined by your overall snapping habits, not specific conversation data.

However, clearing your chat history could be a sign that you interact less overall lately. If you stop snapping that friend much going forward, that lack of engagement can eventually lead to them dropping off as a bestie.

Can you have the same best friend as someone else?

Yes, it is definitely possible to have the same Snapchat best friend as another person. Best friends rankings are unique for each user based on their own patterns.

For example, Clara could be your #1 best friend. But Clara could also be Julian’s #1 best friend if they snap all day long too. Snapchat’s algorithm determines best friends individually.

So you may share one or more mutual best friends with some of your other Snapchat contacts depending on how often you all snap each other.

Does my best friend see me as their best friend too?

Not necessarily! Your Snapchat best friend rankings are not reciprocal. So just because Clara is your #1 bestie, that does not guarantee you are also Clara’s #1.

You may be best friends with someone who doesn’t have you in their best friends list at all. Their rankings are based on their unique snapping patterns, while yours are based on your interactions.

The only way to know if you are in their best friends is to have them check their list and tell you, or try logging into their account and looking (with their permission, of course!)

Can you lose a best friend without losing your streak?

Yes, it’s possible for your snapstreak to stay alive with someone who drops off your best friend list. Streaks are based solely on you snapping each other within 24 hours consecutively.

So you could still have a 100 day streak with your childhood BFF who you rarely chat with anymore. But they won’t be your Snapchat bestie if you snap your new friends way more often now.

Should I be offended if I’m no longer someone’s best friend?

Try not to take it personally if you notice you are no longer someone’s best friend on Snapchat. It likely just means the pattern of your snap communication has changed recently.

Life gets busy, interests change, new friendships form. Don’t assume you did something wrong or that they are mad at you (unless you have a legitimate reason to think that!)

If it bothers you, consider reaching out on Snapchat again or in person/text/call to reconnect. Some friendship drifting is normal, but if the relationship matters to you it’s worth maintaining.

Can you ever have more than 8 best friends on Snapchat?

No, Snapchat currently limits your best friends list to only display your top 8 friends. Their algorithm identifies your 8 closest Snapchat buddies to showcase.

Even if you have 10 super close friends you snap daily, 2 of them simply won’t make the best friends cut. The algorithm does its calculations and picks who it determines to be your top 8.

If you wish you could showcase more friends, you can always make a custom “favorites” list and pin it to the top of your chats list for easy access.


Snapchat best friend status is based on your unique snap patterns and interactions over the preceding weeks. If your communication frequency changes, your best friends rankings will evolve accordingly.

It typically takes 2-3 weeks of limited snaps for a bestie to be replaced in your top friends list. But you can regain a coveted best friend spot by prioritizing your snaps and chats with them again going forward.

While best friend rankings aren’t reciprocal, don’t fret if you get removed as someone’s #1. Just focus on maintaining the fun Snapchat friendships that matter most to you!