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How long does it take for someone to get off your best friends list on snapchat?

If someone stops showing up on your Snapchat best friends list, it typically takes about 2 weeks for them to be removed completely. The Snapchat algorithm looks at your snapping activity over the past 7 days first. If you haven’t been frequently snapping that friend during that time, they’ll drop down lower on your best friends list. After another 7 days go by of not frequently snapping them, that’s when they’ll disappear from your best friends list altogether.

What factors determine your Snapchat best friends list?

Snapchat’s algorithm looks at several factors to determine who shows up on your best friends list and in what order:

  • How often you snap back and forth with each friend – The more frequently you exchange snaps with someone, the higher up they’ll be.
  • How often you interact with their story – Watching someone’s story and reacting to it helps boost them up your best friends list.
  • How long your snapping streak is – The longer you’ve maintained a snap streak with someone, the better friends you appear to Snapchat’s algorithm.

Snapchat calculates these factors over a rolling 7-day period. So your best friends list is always reflective of who you’ve been snapping with the most over the past week.

Why do some friends drop off your best friends list?

There’s a few common reasons someone might disappear from your Snapchat best friends list:

  • You haven’t been snapping them frequently over the past 1-2 weeks.
  • Your snap streak with them ended because you didn’t snap each other for 24 hours.
  • They removed you as a friend or deleted their Snapchat account.

In most cases, it’s simply because you and that friend haven’t been in frequent communication on Snapchat lately. The algorithm downgrades friends that you don’t snap regularly. So if it’s been over a week since you last snapped someone, they’ll likely drop off your best friends list.

How long does it take to disappear from someone’s best friends list on Snapchat?

It typically takes about 2 weeks of not snapping someone for them to disappear from your best friends list. Here’s a general timeline:

  • 1 week – If you haven’t snapped this friend much, they’ll start dropping lower down your best friends list.
  • 2 weeks – After not snapping them for another week, they’ll disappear from your best friends list altogether.
  • 1 month – At this point they’re essentially removed from your “Snapchat social graph” since you haven’t interacted in so long.

The algorithm is constantly updating based on your activity over the past 7 days. So as soon as you stop frequently snapping someone for a 7 day period, they’ll fade from your best friends.

Does unfriending someone on Snapchat remove them instantly?

If you deliberately unfriend or block someone on Snapchat, they are removed from your friends list and best friends list instantly. You can unfriend someone by going to their profile, tapping the gear icon, and selecting ‘Unfriend’.

When you unfriend or block a person, they’ll immediately disappear from your Snapchat world. They won’t be able to view your stories or send you snaps.

How to get someone back on your Snapchat best friends list

If you want a friend to reappear on your best friends list, all you need to do is start snapping them frequently again. Here are some tips:

  • Send them a quick snap saying “hey!” to restart your streak.
  • Comment on their stories and react to their posts – this activity counts too.
  • Snap them whenever you see something interesting in your day.
  • Send chat messages in addition to photo/video snaps.

In general, aim to snap this friend at least 2-3 times per day. After a few days of increased snapping, they should start moving up your best friends list again. Within a week or so of daily interaction, they’ll likely rejoin your top best friends!

Why you disappeared from someone else’s best friends list

It’s likely that you disappeared from someone else’s best friends list for similar reasons – one of you just wasn’t snapping the other as frequently as before. Here’s some potential reasons why:

  • Your snap streak ended, so you seemed like less of a best friend.
  • One of you has been busy lately and hasn’t been snapping as much overall.
  • You or your friend made new Snapchat connections and shifted attention.
  • The other person deliberately removed you as a friend.

In most cases, it’s not personal if someone drops off your best friends list or you disappear from theirs. It simply means your snapping habits have changed and you’ve fallen out of touch on Snapchat a bit. If you want to reconnect, start a new snap streak and interact more over the app.

Strategies for sticking on someone’s best friends list

If you want to keep a certain friend on your best friends list consistently, you’ll need to make sure you’re snapping them frequently. Here are some tips:

  • Send them a snap first thing in the morning and last thing at night to maintain a streak.
  • Keep up a running chat conversation throughout the day by exchanging chat snaps.
  • Quickly watch and react to their stories whenever they post.
  • Double check that they haven’t posted before going more than a few hours without snapping them.

Aim to snap back and forth at least 5-10 times daily. Also try to maintain at least a one month (30 day) snap streak, which will signal to Snapchat that this is one of your “best” friends in terms of loyalty.

Does order on Snapchat best friends list matter?

The order of friends on your Snapchat best friends list roughly indicates who you interact with the most. But the specific order isn’t necessarily strict. Here are some things to know:

  • Your #1 best friend is someone you likely snap with multiple times a day.
  • Top 3-5 are very frequently snapped friends.
  • Middle best friends are snapped a few times per week.
  • Towards the bottom are friends you rarely snap.

So while the ranking does matter to some extent, your #5 best friend isn’t necessarily snapped twice as much as your #10 best friend. The algorithm looks at frequency over a 7 day period, so the order is more about consistency of snaps exchanged.

Best friends list changes over time

It’s normal and expected for your Snapchat best friends list to change over time as your relationships and communication habits evolve. Here are some examples of common shifts:

  • When school friends graduate, you may snap them less and they fall off your best friends.
  • As you get to know new people, they get added to your best friends.
  • If you get a romantic partner, they’ll likely become your #1 best friend.
  • When you move or travel, your best friends list will start to reflect your new friend group.

As life circumstances change, it’s perfectly normal for your “core” best friend group on Snapchat to change too. The best friends list is designed to adapt and reflect who you interact with the most during different life stages.


If someone stops showing up on your Snapchat best friends list, it’s likely because your snapping habits with them have declined over the past 1-2 weeks. To get them back on the list, start snapping them daily again to boost your interactions. Be sure to snap different friends consistently if you want them to stick around on your best friends list long-term.