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How long does it take for someone to get off your best friends list?

If you notice someone has dropped off your Snapchat best friends list, it typically takes about two weeks of infrequent chatting for them to disappear. The Snapchat algorithm calculates your best friends based on how often you snap that person, so you have to go two weeks without much interaction for them to drop off the list.

What Determines Your Snapchat Best Friends List?

Snapchat’s algorithm looks at your snap history with each friend to determine your best friends list. It calculates a friendship score based on the frequency of your snaps, chats, reactions, and more. The more you snap someone, the higher their score, and the more likely they’ll be on your best friends list.

So if you stop snapping someone regularly, their score will slowly start to drop until they fall off your best friends list. This usually takes about two weeks of infrequent interaction.

Why Did My Best Friend Disappear From My List?

There are a few reasons someone could have disappeared from your Snapchat best friends list:

  • You haven’t been snapping them as often lately – fewer snaps means a lower friendship score
  • They stopped snapping you back – communication needs to go both ways
  • One of you removed the other as a friend – you won’t show up as best friends if you’re no longer friends
  • Their overall snap activity decreased – less snaps overall will lead to lower friendship scores
  • They added new friends and spread out their snaps – more friends means scores get diluted

How to Get Someone Back on Your Best Friends List

If you want to get a friend back on your Snapchat best friends list, focus on increasing your interactions with them. Here are some tips:

  • Snap them more frequently – snap streaks are a great way to boost your score
  • Chat more over Snapchat – message them good morning/night, react to their stories, etc.
  • Respond promptly to their snaps – quick replies improve your communication score
  • Reminisce and reply to old snaps – re-engage with old memories
  • Send them more videos/selfies – these boost your score more than simple pictures

It may take a week or two of concentrated effort, but if you make snapping them a priority, your friendship score will rise and they’ll reclaim their spot on your best friends list.

How to Tell if You’re on Someone Else’s Best Friends List

Wondering if you’re on your crush or BFF’s best friends list? Unfortunately there’s no outright way to tell. Snapchat keeps best friends private for each user. But here are some clues you can look for:

  • You have a high snapstreak (100+ days)
  • They send you frequent snaps
  • They often react to and chat on your stories
  • You exchange snaps late at night or first thing in the morning
  • Your Bitmoji show up together on their profile

These are all signs that you communicate a lot on Snapchat and have a high friendship score. So chances are you’re ranked pretty highly on their best friends list if you see these clues.

What If You Want to Remove Someone as a Best Friend?

Want to discreetly remove someone as a best friend on Snapchat? The only way is to gradually snap them less over time. Unlike Instagram, there’s no way to edit or rearrange your Snapchat best friends list.

Simply stop snapping the person as often and your friendship score will slowly decrease. After two weeks of limited interaction, they should drop off the list. You can also mute their stories and limit reacting to their public snaps to speed up the process.

It may seem awkward if you suddenly snap them less out of the blue. You can gradually become more distant by replying slower, snapping less often, and not initiating as much. They’ll get the hint and your score will decrease.

Does Deleting Conversations or Unadding Reset Best Friends?

Deleting your chat history or unadding/blocking someone as a friend does NOT immediately remove them from your best friends list on Snapchat. They will still show up until the algorithm recalculates your scores over the next two weeks.

This prevents people from instantly manipulating their best friends list. The only way to actually change it is gradual disengagement over time. Quick fixes like deleting chats or unfriending have no immediate impact.

Can You Have More Than 8 Best Friends?

Snapchat only displays your top 8 best friends on your profile. But you can actually have more beyond that top tier. Think of the best friends list as levels:

  • Top 8 – shown publicly on your profile
  • Top 12-15 – bonus best friends not shown on profile
  • Top 25 overall – your highest friendship scores

So you likely have 12-15 additional best friends after the main 8 that Snapchat tracks, they just don’t get the coveted public status. But they have high enough scores to be in your best inner circle.

In Summary

If someone drops off your Snapchat best friends list, it’s likely because your interactions decreased over the last two weeks. The algorithm precisely tracks how often you snap different friends to calculate your besties.

To get someone back as a Snapchat bestie, start snapping them more regularly again. It may take a week or two for your friendship score to rebuild. And remember – sending chat messages and videos boosts your score more than just picture snaps.