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How many friends do I have on snapchat?

The number of friends you have on Snapchat can be easily found by going to your profile page. The ‘My Friends’ section will show the total number of friends you currently have added.

Why knowing your friend count matters

Your number of friends on Snapchat can be important for a few reasons:

  • It shows how large your social network is on Snapchat.
  • It impacts how many people can view your public Stories.
  • It affects your Snapchat “score” calculation.
  • For influencers, it indicates your potential reach.

While friend count isn’t everything, it can give you an idea of your social standing and reach on the app.

How to see your Snapchat friend count

Checking your friend count on Snapchat only takes a few seconds:

  1. Open the Snapchat app.
  2. Tap on your profile icon in the top left corner.
  3. Scroll down and you’ll see the ‘My Friends’ section.
  4. This will show the total number of friends added.

Your friend count may also show up at the top of your Friends page, depending on your version of the app.

Checking friend count on iPhone vs Android

The process for checking your Snapchat friend count is nearly identical on both iOS and Android devices:

On iPhone

  1. Open Snapchat and tap your profile icon.
  2. Scroll down to the My Friends section.
  3. You’ll see the total number of friends displayed.

On Android

  1. Open Snapchat and tap your profile.
  2. Scroll down to the My Friends section.
  3. Your friend count will be shown.

The Layout is a little different between devices, but the friend count info is in the same place.

What counts towards your friend total

So what types of connections count towards your Snapchat friend total?

  • Friends you’ve added who added you back.
  • Celebrities who you follow but don’t follow you back.
  • Brand accounts you follow.
  • Friends pending confirmation won’t count yet.

Essentially, it’s any account you follow that shows up under your Friends list or Custom Friend list. So even if an account doesn’t follow you back, it will still be included in your friend count.

Accounts that don’t count

On the other hand, these types of Snapchat connections won’t be included in your friend total:

  • Pending friend requests you’ve sent.
  • Accounts you blocked.
  • Accounts that blocked you.
  • Deleted or removed friends.

So friend requests that haven’t been accepted yet will not count towards your total. And if you block an account or get blocked, they get removed from your friend list and your count.

How to get more friends on Snapchat

Looking to expand your Snapchat social circle? Here are some tips:

1. Sync your Contacts

Snapchat gives you the option to sync contacts from your phone’s address book. This will show which of your contacts have Snapchat so you can easily add them.

To sync your contacts:

  1. Go to your Snapchat profile.
  2. Tap the settings gear icon.
  3. Select ‘Manage’ under the ‘Additional Services’ section.
  4. Tap ‘Sync Contacts’ and accept the confirmation.

This will sync your phone contacts with Snapchat so you can see who to add.

2. Join Snapchat communities

Joining Snapchat communities and groups can be a great way to meet new people and find friends with similar interests. You can search for public groups to join based on your hobbies, favorite TV shows, university, and more.

3. Connect other social media accounts

You may already have friends on Snapchat who you’re connected to on other social platforms like Instagram or Facebook. Linking these accounts to your Snapchat can make it easy to find and add friends.

To link accounts:

  1. Go to your Snapchat profile.
  2. Tap the settings gear icon.
  3. Tap ‘Connect Additional Services’.
  4. Select the accounts you want to link.

Once your accounts are linked, you’ll be able to see which of those friends are on Snapchat too.

4. Add friends from Quick Add

Snapchat’s Quick Add feature recommends friends for you to add based on mutual connections. You can browse these suggestions and add anyone you want.

To use Quick Add:

  1. Open your Snapchat Friends page.
  2. Tap the ‘+’ icon at the top.
  3. Tap ‘Quick Add’.
  4. Browse recommendations and add friends.

Quick Add is a simple way to expand your Snapchat network.

5. Share your Snapcode

Let people easily add you by sharing your unique Snapcode. Your Snapcode is like a QR code that lets people scan and add you as a friend when they snap a picture of it.

To find your Snapcode:

  1. Open your Snapchat profile.
  2. Tap the ghost icon next to your name.
  3. Tap the Snapcode icon.
  4. Take a screenshot or share the code.

Sharing your Snapcode on other platforms or in person is a fast way for people to add you!

How many friends is a lot on Snapchat?

What’s considered a “good” number of Snapchat friends? Here’s some benchmarks:

  • 0-50 friends – Just getting started
  • 50-200 friends – Solid Snapchat presence
  • 200-500 friends – Very active user
  • 500+ friends – Likely an influencer or celeb

Most everyday Snapchat users seem to have around 100-300 friends. Celebrities, brands, and influencers tend to have 500+ friends. But there’s no “perfect” friend count – it really depends on your goals for Snapchat.

Does friend count really matter?

While your Snapchat friend count can be a measure of your reach and social standing, at the end of the day it’s just a number. Having more friends doesn’t necessarily mean you’re having better or more meaningful conversations. Focus on connecting with the people you care about most.

That said, building up your Snapchat friend list can be important if you want to grow your audience and social presence. But don’t stress about friend count – quality connections are more important than chasing clout with strangers.

Tips for managing your Snapchat friends

Once you build up a large Snapchat friends list, it can be tricky to keep it organized. Here are some tips for friend management:

  • Create custom Friend Lists to group friends however you want.
  • Hide alerts from friends you chat with less frequently.
  • Delete old connections you no longer engage with.
  • Turn off automatic friend suggestions if they’re distracting.
  • Use Quick Add sparingly – manual adds are more meaningful.

Taking the time to prune your friends list and organize it into lists can help you focus on the friends you care about most and have meaningful conversations.


Checking your Snapchat friend count is easy – just open your profile and scroll down to the My Friends section. Your total reflects all the active connections and accounts you follow on Snapchat. While friend count offers limited value on its own, it can give you a sense of your Snapchat presence and audience. Use your number as motivation to connect with more friends, but remember that quality interactions are more important than a big total!