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How to check snapchat friends list?

Checking your Snapchat friends list allows you to see who you are connected with on the app. You can view your full friends list as well as your best friends on Snapchat. Here is a guide on the different ways to check your Snapchat friends list.

Viewing Your Full Friends List

Your full friends list on Snapchat shows all of the people you are connected with on the app. To view it:

  1. Open the Snapchat app.
  2. From the camera screen, tap your profile icon in the top left corner.
  3. This will open your profile screen.
  4. At the top of the screen, tap the smiley face icon next to your profile name.
  5. This will open your Friends page, which shows your full friends list.

Your friends will be displayed in alphabetical order on this page. You can scroll down to view your full list. Tapping on a friend’s name will open their Snapchat profile.

Viewing Your Best Friends

Snapchat designates some friends as your “Best Friends” based on how frequently you interact with each other on the app. To see your Best Friends:

  1. Follow steps 1-4 above to get to your Friends page.
  2. At the top, tap “Best Friends” next to the smiley face icon.
  3. This will show your list of Best Friends.

Snapchat ranks your Best Friends based on your communication frequency, with your #1 Best Friend at the top. You can scroll down to see your full Best Friends list. As with your regular friends list, tapping on a name will open that friend’s profile.

Rearranging Your Friends List

You can rearrange the order of friends on your Snapchat friends list. To do this:

  1. Go to your Friends page.
  2. Tap the settings (gear) icon at the top right.
  3. Select “My Friends.”
  4. Tap “Sort Friends.”
  5. Choose how you want friends sorted: by recency, alphabetical, or custom order.

Choosing custom order will let you long-press on a friend’s name and drag to rearrange them manually. This customized order will be visible whenever you view your friends list.

Adding and Deleting Friends

You can manage your Snapchat friends list by adding new friends or deleting existing ones:

  • Add Friends – Open your profile, tap the Add Friends icon, and select how you want to add new friends – by username, phone number, Snapcode, or nearby users.
  • Delete Friends – Go to your Friends page, tap and hold a friend’s name, then select “Delete” to remove them from your friends list.

Adding friends expands your Snapchat network while deleting removes contacts you no longer interact with. Managing your friends list helps optimize who you see on Snapchat.

Creating Friend Groups

You can organize friends into different groups on Snapchat. To do this:

  1. Go to your Friends page.
  2. Tap the settings (gear) icon.
  3. Select “My Friends.”
  4. Tap “Create Group.”
  5. Give the group a name, then select the friends to add.
  6. Tap “Create” to make the group.

Groups can be managed by adding or removing friends after creation. Having friend groups helps segment your contacts and control who sees certain content.

Seeing Friends List on Snap Map

The Snap Map shows your friends and their locations if they have location sharing enabled. To see your friends list on the map:

  1. Go to Snap Map either from the camera screen or your profile.
  2. Tap the settings (gear) icon at the top.
  3. Select “My Friends.”

This will open a list of your friends alongside icons indicating their location status. You can quickly view where friends are while on the Snap Map.

Syncing Contacts

You can grow your Snapchat friends list by syncing your phone’s contacts:

  1. Open your profile and go to your Friends page.
  2. Tap the settings (gear) icon.
  3. Select “My Friends.”
  4. Tap “Sync Contacts.”

This will sync friends from your contacts who also have Snapchat. Syncing helps you easily find and connect with friends already on the app.

Viewing Friendship Profiles

Snapchat has friendship profiles that show your snap history with each friend. To view them:

  1. Go to your Friends page.
  2. Tap a friend’s name.
  3. Swipe up on their profile screen.

The friendship profile shows your number of snap streaks, days as friends, common friends and more. This gives insight into your connections on Snapchat.

Seeing Friends on Quick Add

Quick Add recommends friends for you to add based on mutual connections. To see friends on Quick Add:

  1. Open your Snapchat profile.
  2. Tap the Add Friends icon.
  3. Select “Quick Add.”

This will show a list of suggested friends with mutual friends in common. Quick Add makes finding and connecting with relevant friends fast and easy.

Using Snapchat on Multiple Devices

Snapchat can be used across multiple devices, keeping your friends list synced. To set up:

  1. Open Snapchat settings.
  2. Go to “Multi-Device.”
  3. Select “Enable Multi-Device.”
  4. Scan the QR code on your other device to link it.

Once enabled, newly added friends will appear across linked devices. You can seamlessly manage friends from phone, tablet or computer.

Using Friend Emojis

You can set unique emojis for friends that appear next to their names. To do this:

  1. Go to your Friends page.
  2. Tap a friend’s name.
  3. Tap the emoji icon next to their name.
  4. Select an emoji from the menu.

The chosen emoji will now display next to that friend on your friends list. Friend emojis help personalize and identify contacts.


Checking your Snapchat friends list is easy whether viewing your full list, best friends, friend emojis or managing groups. Keeping your list updated ensures you always see the friends you want on Snapchat. The friends list is central to connecting and interacting with your network on the app.