The quickest way to see who you share mutual best friends with on Snapchat is to tap on the smiley face icon in the friends tab. This will bring up your list of best friends. Any best friends you have in common with another user will appear at the top of their profile when you view it.
Understanding Mutual Best Friends on Snapchat
On Snapchat, you can designate certain friends as your “Best Friends” by communicating with them frequently. When you and another user both have each other marked as a Best Friend, you become “Mutual Best Friends.” Mutual Best Friends appear at the top of your Best Friends list in the app.
Seeing your Mutual Best Friends on Snapchat can be useful for a few reasons:
- It allows you to easily see who you interact with most frequently out of your friend list.
- You can discover new friend connections you may have in common with someone.
- It’s a quick way to identify very close friends who you snap back and forth with regularly.
How to View Your List of Best Friends on Snapchat
Snapchat does not have a dedicated “Best Friends” list, but it’s easy to see who your current Best Friends are:
- Open the Snapchat app.
- Tap on the smiley face icon in the upper left corner.
- This will bring up your Friends list. Best Friends appear at the very top.
This list of Best Friends is private – only you can see your own list. Other users cannot view your Best Friends unless you allow it in your privacy settings.
How to See Mutual Best Friends With Someone
When viewing another user’s Snapchat profile, any Best Friends you have in common will appear at the top.
To see mutual Best Friends:
- Open your Friends list in Snapchat.
- Tap on the profile of the friend you want to check.
- Look under their name – Mutual Best Friends will appear there if you have any.
This allows you to easily see who you frequently Snap back and forth with from your shared friend list. Remember that you can only view mutual Best Friends – the other user’s full Best Friends list remains private.
Why You Might Not Have Mutual Best Friends With Someone
There are a few reasons why you may not have any Mutual Best Friends with someone on Snapchat, even if you feel like you should:
- They have a very small number of Best Friends – If someone only has 1 or 2 Best Friends, you likely won’t show up as mutual Best Friends unless you’re their #1 most snapped contact.
- Your chat frequency is one-sided – Mutual Best Friends implies frequently chatting back and forth. If your conversations are one-sided, with them predominantly snapping you but not vice versa, that likely won’t put you as Mutual Best Friends.
- You’ve recently become Best Friends – It takes some time chatting frequently back and forth before Snapchat designates someone as a Best Friend. If your status is still new, give it some time.
Overall, don’t worry too much about whether you show up as Mutual Best Friends or not. Snapchat’s algorithm that calculates Best Friends is not an exact science, and your chat frequency with someone can vary over time. But in general, appearing as Mutual Best Friends implies someone you regularly chat with on the platform.
Changing Your Best Friends Privacy Settings
By default, your Best Friends list on Snapchat is private. But you can change your settings to allow Mutual Best Friends to view your full list:
- Go to your profile and tap the Settings (gear) icon.
- Tap “See My Best Friends.”
- Toggle “My Best Friends Are Visible To” to either “No One” or “Mutual Best Friends.”
If set to “Mutual Best Friends,” anyone who appears in your Mutual Best Friends list will be able to see your full Best Friends list when they view your profile. This allows for more openness with your closest Snapchat contacts.
You can change this setting back to “No One” at any time if you want to reset your Best Friends list to private again.
Factors That Determine Your Best Friends
Snapchat does not share exactly how they calculate someone’s Best Friends, but there are a few key factors that are believed to be involved:
- Snap frequency – How often you reply to someone’s snaps and how often they reply to yours. Snapstreaks also seem to be a factor.
- Recency – How recent your snaps back and forth have been. More recent activity leads to a higher Best Friend ranking.
- Two-way communication – You’re more likely to become Best Friends by exchanging snaps both ways, rather than one-sided communication.
So to summarize – to build up your Best Friends, focus on frequently exchanging snaps back and forth with others, keeping communication two-sided as much as possible.
Removing Best Friends You No Longer Want
Over time, you may have some Best Friends that you no longer communicate with as much. To remove them from your list:
- Stop snapping that person for a while. If your interactions decrease, they’ll gradually fall off your Best Friends.
- Focus on snapping your other contacts more frequently to replace them on your list.
- Mute their stories if needed to decrease passive communication.
Essentially, to change up your Best Friends list, concentrate on increasing snap activity with the people you hope to see on there instead. Your top list will evolve over time to reflect your most recent activity.
Best Practices for Managing Your Best Friends
Here are some tips to manage your Best Friends list on Snapchat:
- Engage in two-way communication – Don’t just send snaps, make sure to open and reply to snaps you receive too.
- Know that your interactions will impact your friend’s Best Friends too. Increased snapping may bump others off their list.
- Be aware that Best Friends slowly change over time based on your activity. Don’t obsess over the list.
- Mute friends if needed to focus your limited time on snapping your top circle.
- Remember Best Friends is a casual feature meant to encourage engagement, not a competition.
While Best Friends can be fun to check out, don’t get too caught up in where someone does or doesn’t appear in your list. Who you frequently chat with will naturally evolve over time based on your Snapchat activity.
Seeing mutual Best Friends on Snapchat provides an easy way to identify your closest contacts on the platform. To find out who they are, open your Friends list and check under each friend’s name for any shared Best Friends.
Best Friends are calculated based on Snap frequency, recency, and two-way communication. Keep snapping back and forth with someone to move them up your list. You can also adjust your privacy settings to let Mutual Best Friends view your list.
While Best Friends can give you insight into your most active chats, don’t obsess too much over the ranking. Your interactions will naturally vary over time. Just have fun Snapchatting with your top friends!