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How to know if someone deleted their friend request on Snapchat?

How to know if someone deleted their friend request on Snapchat?

Snapchat has become one of the most popular social media platforms, especially among young people. One of the key features of Snapchat is the ability to send friend requests to connect with other users. However, sometimes you may send a friend request to someone, and then later notice that they either never accepted it or the request seems to have disappeared. This leaves you wondering – did they just ignore my request, or did they actually delete it? Here are some tips to help figure out if someone deleted their friend request on Snapchat.

Check Your Pending Sent Requests

The first thing to check is your pending sent friend requests. To view these:

  1. Open your Snapchat app and tap on your profile icon in the top left corner
  2. Tap on the gear icon to access your Settings
  3. Select ‘Manage’ under the ‘Additional Services’ section
  4. Tap on ‘Friend Suggestions’
  5. Select ‘Sent Requests’ to view users you’ve sent requests to that haven’t accepted yet

If the person you sent the request to no longer appears here, it’s likely they deleted your request. The request would remain pending if they had simply ignored it.

Check Your Friends List

Another indicator is to check your Friends list. To do this:

  1. Go to your Friends list in Snapchat
  2. Search for the person’s name or username
  3. If they don’t appear in your list at all, they likely deleted your friend request

If your request was just ignored, their name would still show up in your Friends list from when you sent the request. But if they deleted it, they would be removed entirely from your list.

Send Another Request

An easy way to confirm if your request was deleted is to simply send another friend request to the same person. If your new request goes through, then they must have deleted your previous one. However, if you get a notification saying you’ve already sent that user a request, then the original request was likely just ignored, not deleted.

Check Your Blocked List

In some cases, the person may have not only deleted your friend request but also blocked you on Snapchat. To check if this is the case:

  1. Go to your profile and tap the gear icon to access Settings
  2. Tap ‘My Account’ then select ‘My Friends’
  3. Scroll down and select ‘Blocked’ to see any users who have blocked you

If the person shows up here, they deleted your request and blocked your account from interacting with them further on Snapchat.

Use a Secondary Account

If you have a secondary Snapchat account, try sending a friend request to the person from that account. If the request goes through, it confirms they previously deleted your request from your main account and have not blocked you overall.

Ask Mutual Friends

If you have mutual friends with this person on Snapchat, consider asking your mutual connections if they still see your request pending in the person’s friend requests. Or see if the person has mentioned deleting your request to them. They may be able to provide some insight into what happened.

Look for the Request Notification

When someone accepts or deletes your friend request on Snapchat, you typically get an in-app notification informing you. So if you got a notification earlier saying your request was deleted, that’s a clear sign. However, the notification goes away after you view it, so this method only works if you happened to see the notification when it came through.

Consider Why It May Have Been Deleted

If you do determine your request was deleted, try not to take it personally. Here are some potential reasons why it may have been deleted:

  • They don’t know you or recognize your name
  • They wanted to declutter their pending requests
  • You have no mutual friends so they were suspicious of the request
  • Your request was accidentally sent
  • They changed their mind after sending a request back to you

Rather than confronting them about deleting it, you’re better just moving on. Continue connecting with people who reciprocate interest in communicating on Snapchat.

Use Snapchat’s Request History

Snapchat actually keeps a log of your sent friend requests and any requests you’ve received. Here’s how to check it:

  1. Go to your profile and tap the gear icon to access Settings
  2. Tap ‘My Account’ then ‘My Friends’
  3. Tap ‘Friend Request History’ to see both sent and received requests

This history goes back several months. So if you no longer see the request you sent to someone, it’s safe to assume they deleted it from their end.

Check Your Email Notifications

If you have your Snapchat notifications linked to your email, check there for any emails from Snapchat informing you that your friend request was deleted. You may find an old email that confirms the request is no longer pending.

See If You’re Temporarily Blocked

Snapchat recently introduced a new temporary blocking feature. This allows users to restrict someone for 24 hours without deleting them as a friend. So if you suspect you may have been temporarily blocked, wait 24 hours and see if your request reappears for them to accept.


Figuring out if someone deleted their friend request on Snapchat takes a bit of detective work, but using these methods can help you get to the bottom of a disappeared request. Keep in mind friend requests are deleted for all sorts of reasons and it’s best not to hold it against the person. Continue connecting with other users who want to friend you back and don’t stress too much over unreciprocated requests. With Snapchat’s innate sense of mystery, you may never know the exact reason – but at least you’ll know if it was indeed deleted.

Summary of Ways to Check if a Friend Request Was Deleted on Snapchat:

Check pending sent requests list See if their name still appears there
Check your Friends list See if their name appears at all
Resend a friend request See if it goes through or says already sent
Check your blocked list See if they blocked you entirely
Try adding them from a secondary account See if the request goes through
Ask mutual friends See if they know if it was deleted
Check for a notification May inform you the request was deleted
Check Snapchat’s request history See if your request still appears there
Check email notifications May be one confirming deletion