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How to make a good username?

How to make a good username?

Choosing the right username can be an important decision when creating an online account. Your username represents you in the digital world, so you want it to reflect your personality and interests. At the same time, you need a username that is unique, easy to remember, and appropriate across different platforms. By following some basic guidelines, you can come up with the perfect username for all your online activities.

What Makes a Good Username?

When brainstorming username ideas, keep these criteria in mind:

  • Unique: Avoid common names or phrases that are likely to be taken. Add numbers, hyphens, or creative spellings to make it one-of-a-kind.
  • Memorable: Use something easy for you and others to recall. Make it meaningful by referencing an interest or quirky fact about yourself.
  • Appropriate: Don’t include offensive, inappropriate or overly personal information. Keep it clean and friendly.
  • Consistent: Use a version of the same username across different sites when possible for better brand recognition.
  • Flexible: Choose something gender-neutral and ageless that will still work well years from now.

Tips for Brainstorming a Username

When trying to come up with username ideas, here are some tips to get your creative juices flowing:

  • Use your real name or a version of your real name. Add numbers, initials, or abbreviations if needed for uniqueness.
  • Incorporate a nickname, either one you already have or a fun new one you create.
  • Use the name of a favorite fictional character, book, movie, or TV show that reveals your interests.
  • Reference favorite sports teams, athletes, musicians, brands, cities, colors, animals, or hobbies.
  • Make plays on words like puns, rhymes, alliterations, and other witty combinations.
  • Consider foreign words and phrases, famous quotes, and inside jokes.
  • Mix random words together in unique ways. Browse a dictionary for inspiration.
  • Use a username generator tool online to discover new possibilities.

Examples of Good Usernames

To get a better idea of what makes a memorable, creative username, here are some fun examples across different categories:

Based on Real Name

  • JohnSmith88
  • Elizabeth_Jane
  • Tom.Brady12
  • SarahK324

Based on Nicknames

  • SunshineGirl
  • BigDaddyK
  • QueenBee
  • RedMan21

Referencing Pop Culture

  • GoTfan456
  • TrekkieSam
  • LOTRFanatic
  • RollingStonesGroupie

Related to Interests

  • SoccerStar9
  • PhotoQueen16
  • GuitarHero123
  • NatureLover987

Funny & Creative

  • LaughingBuddha
  • DramaQueen
  • SuperDuper123
  • WordNerd

Tips for Unique Usernames

The downside of choosing a great username is that someone else may have already taken it. Here are tips for modifying a username to make it truly one-of-a-kind:

  • Add extra numbers, letters or hyphens. Example: LaughingBuddha21
  • Change the spelling creatively. Example: KoolKat
  • Use alternating upper and lower case letters. Example: wOrDnErD
  • Add an underscore or period. Example: Super_Duper or Super.Duper
  • Incorporate foreign words or phrases. Example: LaVidaLoca
  • Misspell words on purpose. Example: SuperDuupar

Username Ideas Based on Personality Type

Your personality can also inspire great username ideas. Here are suggestions based on different personality traits:

For Extroverts

  • SocialButterfly
  • PartyAnimal
  • Talker1234
  • Friendzy5

For Introverts

  • QuietOne
  • ShyGuy
  • Bookworm3
  • LoneWolf12

For Optimists

  • SunnyDaysAhead
  • PositiviTea
  • GlassHalfFull
  • SmileyFace

For Adventurers

  • WorldTraveler
  • AdventureSeeker
  • MountainClimber
  • AdrenalineJunky

For Creatives

  • Artist99
  • Dreamer234
  • InspiredOne
  • Cre8tive

For Techies

  • CodeMonkey21
  • GameDesigner
  • TechGeek77
  • ProgrammerPro

Choosing Appropriate Usernames

When selecting a username, it’s important to follow appropriate guidelines based on the site or community you are joining. Here are some tips:

  • Avoid profanity, adult content, and off-color humor on professional sites like LinkedIn.
  • Don’t impersonate someone else or use trademarked names on any site.
  • Steer clear of controversial religious, political, or cultural references.
  • Keep it clean and family-friendly on sites with younger users.
  • Do not share private information like your address, phone number or Social Security number.

Usernames for Different Platforms

The username guidelines can vary across popular sites and apps. Here are tips for choosing ideal usernames tailored to specific platforms:

Usernames for Gaming

  • Consoles like Xbox, PlayStation, Wii: Be creative, fierce or funny. Longer names are allowed.
  • Online multi-players like World of Warcraft: Use tough, heroic names. Include class or rank.
  • Mobile games: Short, simple is best for small screens. Connect to the game.

Usernames for Social Media

  • Facebook: Use your real name or a variation. Friends look for you by name.
  • Twitter: Be clever and concise within the character limit.
  • Instagram: Create a unique but easy to say/spell handle.
  • Snapchat: Fun, brief names are ideal for fast messaging.

Usernames for Professional Sites

  • LinkedIn: Use your full name for networking and job search.
  • Online portfolios: Your name or field of work in the URL looks best.
  • Slack/Email: First and last name or initials keep it formal.

Tips for Remembering Usernames

Once you’ve gone through the hard work of creating unique usernames for your accounts, the last thing you want is to forget them! Here are some tips for keeping track of all your sign-ins:

  • Keep a list of your usernames and passwords in a secure place, like a password manager app.
  • Use the “forgot password” feature on sites and reset via your email to look up forgotten usernames.
  • Enable auto sign-in when possible so you don’t have to enter credentials every time.
  • Reuse the same core username with variations for each site to make them easier to recall.
  • Set account recovery options with trusted phone numbers and email addresses.
  • Add usernames to your contacts with notes for reference.


Your username can become your personal brand across the online world, so put thought into choosing one that represents the best you. Aim for a username that’s unique, easy to remember and appropriate for each platform you use. Get creative with combinations of names, nicknames, interests and words that highlight your personality. With so many options, you’re sure to find the ideal username to become known by online and off.