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How to see someone’s best friends list on snapchat?

Snapchat’s Best Friends feature allows you to see who you interact with the most on Snapchat. You can view your own Best Friends list, but you can’t directly view another person’s Best Friends list anymore. Snapchat removed the ability to see who someone else’s Best Friends are back in 2018. However, there are still a few tricks you can try to get an idea of who someone talks to the most on Snapchat.

What is Snapchat’s Best Friends Feature?

Snapchat’s Best Friends feature shows you your top 3 friends that you interact with the most. These are determined by your Snapchat sending and receiving activity over the past 7 days. Your top Best Friend is the person you have interacted with the most, your second best friend is the person you interacted with the second most, and your third Best Friend is the third most interacted with person.

Best Friends update every week to reflect your latest Snapchat activity. So your Best Friends list is constantly changing as your Snapchat usage changes.

Some key things to know about Snapchat Best Friends:

  • It shows your top 3 Best Friends in order from your #1 most interacted with friend down to your #3 most interacted with friend.
  • You can only see your own Best Friends list, not anyone else’s.
  • Best Friends update every Sunday to reflect your activity over the past 7 days.
  • Activities like Snapping back and forth, chatting, video calling, reacting to Stories, etc. all impact your Best Friends.
  • You can hide your own Best Friends list if you don’t want people seeing who you interact with the most.

Why You Can No Longer See Someone Else’s Best Friends List

In the past, Snapchat allowed you to view the Best Friends lists of your friends. This allowed you to see who your friends were interacting with the most on Snapchat.

However, in early 2018 Snapchat removed the ability to see anyone else’s Best Friends lists. They did this due to user feedback that the feature felt like an invasion of privacy in some cases.

Now the Best Friends feature only shows you your own list of top friends. You can no longer tap to view the Best Friends lists of your Snapchat friends.

How to Try to See Someone’s Best Friends Now

While you can no longer directly see who someone’s Snapchat Best Friends are, there are a few tricks you can try to get an idea of who someone talks to the most:

1. Check Their Snapchat Score

Every Snapchat user has a Snapchat Score that is displayed on their profile. This score goes up when you send or receive Snaps, Chats, Stories, etc. So users that interact a lot will have higher scores.

Checking who has a high Snapchat Score compared to your friend can give you a clue about who they talk to the most. If you see one friend has a score 100,000 higher than all your other friends, they are likely one of the top people your friend interacts with.

2. See Who They Interact With on Stories

Watch who your friend interacts with in their Stories and who they view Stories from frequently. When your friend views someone’s Story, their name and Bitmoji will temporarily appear at the bottom of that person’s Story. This cues you into who they are interacting with.

Also look for people your friend posts on their own Story frequently through tagging, chat snapshots, etc. People they showcase often are likely people they Snap a lot.

3. Pay Attention to Their Interactions Over Time

Keep a mental note of who you notice your friend Snapping and talking to frequently over an extended time. See if there are 2-3 friends who consistently come up as people your friend is interacting with daily.

While this isn’t completely foolproof, it can give you an idea of who their closer Snapchat friends are that would likely be their Best Friends.

4. Check Their Snap Map and Bitmoji Map

Open your friend’s Snapchat profile and check their Snap Map or Bitmoji map. Their location shows people they have recently interacted with through Snaps. See if one or two friends consistently show up on their map. Frequent appearances near them may imply frequent interactions.

5. See Who They Contact the Most

You can’t see your friend’s full contact list anymore, but you can still see some of it. Open your friend’s profile and tap the headphone icon near their name to see their “Audio Chat” list. This shows some of the contacts they interact with frequently.

Also look at their Snapchat Chat list from their Chat screen. Note if one or two names consistently appear at the top as their most recent chats.

Why You May Want to Know Someone’s Best Friends

There are a few reasons why you may want to know who someone’s Best Friends are on Snapchat:

  • Curiosity – It’s natural to be curious who your friend interacts with the most online.
  • Get Closer – You may want to get to know one of their Best Friends better yourself.
  • Jealousy – Some people want to know if their significant other is frequently interacting with someone new.
  • Concern – As a parent, you may want to ensure your child isn’t interacting with strangers.

While the ability to see Best Friends was removed for privacy reasons, these motivations for wanting to know still remain for some users. But try not to be overly invasive about it.

Other Ways to See Who Someone Interacts With

In addition to the Best Friends list tricks, there are a few other ways you can get a broader sense of who someone interacts with on Snapchat:

See Who Views Their Story

If your friend has a public Snapchat Story, you can get a glimpse at some of their Snapchat friends by seeing who views their Story.

When you view someone’s public Story, your name and Bitmoji briefly appear at the bottom of their Story. This lets you see some of the people interacting with their Snaps.

Look for Tags and Mentions

Pay attention to any tags and mentions of other users that your friend includes in their Stories and Snaps. This can reveal Snapchat friends and connections.

See Their Friends List

While you can no longer see your friend’s full Snapchat friends list, you can still see some of it. Open your friend’s profile, tap the “Added Me” section, and you’ll see some Snapchat friends they’ve added and interacted with recently.

Be Cautious When Trying to See Best Friends

It’s important to keep a few things in mind if you use the tricks to try to determine someone’s Best Friends:

  • Don’t obsess over it or develop jealousy about their friends.
  • Remember Best Friends change all the time and aren’t permanent.
  • Don’t make conclusions about friendships based on limited information.
  • Respect their privacy and don’t be overly invasive.

While you can’t officially see someone else’s Best Friends anymore, you can still pick up clues about who your Snapchat friends interact with often if you pay attention over time. Just be careful not to overstep boundaries or make unfounded assumptions.