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How to see your best friends list on snapchat?

Your Snapchat best friends list shows the people you interact with the most on Snapchat. You can view your own best friends list within the Snapchat app to see who you snap, chat, and interact with the most.

What is the Best Friends List on Snapchat?

Snapchat’s best friends list shows your top 3-7 friends that you interact with the most over the last 7 days. Interactions include snapping photos and videos, sending chat messages, reacting to stories, and more. The more you interact with a friend, the higher up they’ll appear on your best friends list.

Your best friends list is private and only visible to you. Other Snapchat users cannot see your best friends list. It’s meant to give you insight into who you’re closest with on Snapchat.

How to View Your Snapchat Best Friends List

Viewing your own Snapchat best friends list is easy and only takes a few taps within the Snapchat app.

On Android:

  1. Open the Snapchat app.
  2. Tap your profile icon in the top left corner.
  3. Tap the settings gear icon in the top right corner.
  4. Scroll down and tap “My Account.”
  5. Under “Additional Services” tap “See Friendship Profile.”

This will open your friendship profile page, with your “Best Friends” listed at the top.

On iPhone:

  1. Open the Snapchat app.
  2. Tap your profile icon in the top left corner.
  3. Tap the settings gear icon in the top right corner.
  4. Scroll down and tap “My Account.”
  5. Under “Additional Services” tap “My Friends.”
  6. Tap “Best Friends” at the top of the My Friends page.

This will show your list of best friends.

What Counts Towards Best Friends?

Any Snapchat interaction with a friend can contribute to their best friends ranking. Here are some of the key ways to boost your interactions:

  • Snapping photos/videos: Send snaps back and forth to a friend to keep your interactions up.
  • Chatting: Have conversations over Snapchat chat.
  • Reacting to stories: Viewing and reacting to your friends’ stories.
  • Memories: Sending memories and viewing/reacting to memories.
  • Playing games: Playing games and competing with friends.
  • Parties: Joining the same Snapchat group parties.

The more frequently you do these types of activities with a friend, the higher your interactions, and the better chance they have of making your best friends list.

Tips for Boosting Best Friends Interactions

If you want certain friends to rank higher on your best friends list, here are some tips:

  • Have dedicated 1-on-1 snapstreaks where you send snaps back and forth every day.
  • Initiate Snapchat group chats to keep the convo going.
  • Proactively view and react to your friends’ stories daily.
  • Send chat messages with updates, jokes, memes, etc.
  • Reminisce by sending old memories from your camera roll.
  • Video/voice call friends on Snapchat instead of other apps.
  • Play multiplayer Snap Games together every day.
  • Build up streaks and collect trophies/achievements by snapping consistently.

The more active you are together on Snapchat, the faster your interactions will build up!

Why Can’t I See Someone’s Best Friends List?

You’re only able to see your own best friends list on Snapchat. You won’t be able to view the best friends lists of your Snapchat friends or anyone else.

Snapchat intentionally keeps best friends lists private to each user. This is to encourage more authentic interactions, without worrying about how Snapchat activity might look to others.

While you can’t see an exact best friends list, if you have friend emojis enabled, you may be able to see some of your friends’ closest Snapchat friends based on their friend emojis.

Why Don’t I Have a Best Friends List?

If you don’t have a best friends list at all, there could be a few possible reasons:

  • You’re a new Snapchat user who hasn’t built up many interactions yet.
  • You have your best friends turned off in your settings.
  • You haven’t actively used Snapchat in over 7 days.

Give it some time and start actively snapping, chatting, reacting to build up your friend interactions. If you have best friends turned off, you can enable it in your settings.

How Often Does the Best Friends List Update?

Snapchat best friends lists update every 24 hours to reflect your most recent interactions. So your list could change daily depending on who you interacted with most in the last 24 hours.

It takes into account your Snapchat activity over the past 7 days. If you want someone to move up your best friends list, consistent interactions over a period of days will be needed.

Can You Remove Contacts From Best Friends?

There is no direct way to remove or block a specific friend from appearing on your Snapchat best friends list. The list is automatically generated based on your interactions.

If you want someone to drop off your best friends list, you would need to avoid viewing their snaps and stories, stop chatting with them, and reduce your interactions. Over time, reduced interactions will result in them ranking lower on your list.

Turning Off Snapchat Best Friends

If you don’t want a best friends list showing up in Snapchat at all, you can toggle it off:

On Android:

  1. Go to your Snapchat profile and tap the Settings gear.
  2. Tap “My Account”
  3. Toggle “Show Me On My Best Friends” to off.

On iPhone:

  1. Go to your Snapchat profile and tap the Settings gear.
  2. Tap “My Account”
  3. Toggle ” Friendship Profiles” to off.

Toggling this setting off will disable your best friends list. You can always turn it back on later if you change your mind.


Snapchat’s best friends list gives you insight into the friends you interact with most over the last week. Viewing your own list is easy within the Snapchat app for both iPhone and Android users. Sending snaps, chatting, reacting to stories, and using other Snapchat features can all boost your interactions with friends.

While you can’t see other’s best friends lists, you can focus on improving your own ranking for close friends. With consistent, active engagement across Snapchat, you can ensure your closest friends appear at the top of your list.