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Is snapchat friends list private?

The short answer is yes, your Snapchat friends list is private by default. Only you can see the full list of friends you have added on Snapchat. Other users cannot browse or search your friends list without your permission.

Who can see your Snapchat friends list?

Snapchat has customized privacy settings that allow you to control who gets to see your friends list. By default, Snapchat sets your friends list to be private, meaning only you can see all your added friends. No one else on Snapchat can view your full friend list or search for friends you’ve added.


You have full access to your own friends list and can view all your added friends on Snapchat. You can scroll through and search your friend list at any time from your Snapchat app.

Your Friends

Individual friends you’ve added can only see their own presence on your friend list, not the full list. So a friend would only know you added them back, but not who else is on your friend list.


Strangers or people not on your friends list have no access to your friends list whatsoever. They cannot see any part of your friends list or search it.

When can someone see your Snapchat friends?

While your list is private by default, there are certain contexts where parts of your Snapchat friends list may be visible to others:

Mutual Friends

If you and another Snapchatter have mutual friends, you can both see the friends you have in common. So mutual friends may be visible even if the full list stays private.

Quick Add

Snapchat’s Quick Add feature recommends friends for you to add based on your existing contacts and connections. Through Quick Add, some friends may be able to see if you have mutual connections even if they can’t see your full list.


If you are added to a Group Chat, you and other members of the group can see the names of anyone else who has been added. So group members may see some of your friends this way.


Friends who view your public Stories may also be able to see a selection of several friends who have viewed that Story too. But they would only see those names, not your full list.

Map Location

If you share your location on the Snap Map, friends you’ve recently chatted with may also appear on the Map at the same time. But this only reveals their locations, not your full friends list.

How to see someone else’s Snapchat friends list

Since Snapchat friends lists are private, there is no direct way to view or access someone else’s full friend list. However, there are a couple of legal workarounds:

Ask Permission

You can ask a friend to screenshot their Snapchat friends list and send it to you. But this would only work if the friend voluntarily agrees to share their list with you.

Mutual Friends

As mentioned above, you can see mutual friends you share with someone else on Snapchat. Viewing your mutual friends gives you a partial glimpse of the other user’s friends list.

Quick Add Connections

Similarly, keeping an eye on Snapchat’s Quick Add recommendations may reveal some of the people another user is friends with once you have a few mutuals.

Group Chats

If someone adds you to a Group Chat they created, you can see what other friends they’ve added to the group, again revealing part of their friends list.

How to make your Snapchat friends list private

Since your friends list is private by default, you don’t have to change any settings to keep it private. But you can take additional steps to increase privacy:

Adjust Settings

In your Snapchat app settings, make sure “See My Friends” is unchecked under the “See Me In Quick Add” screen. This prevents your friends from being suggested via Quick Add.

Limit Group Chats

Exercise caution when adding people to your own Group Chats. Consider making small private groups instead of large public groups.

Location Sharing

Limit your Snap Map location sharing to “My Friends” instead of allowing public access or “Ghost Mode” to hide your location completely.

How friends list privacy works on Snapchat

Snapchat was designed from the ground up to offer privacy protections around messaging and social connections. Some key reasons Snapchat friends lists remain private include:

Ephemeral Messaging

Unlike other social networks, Snapchat popularized ephemeral messaging where chats disappear instead of leaving a visible history. This approach extends to friends lists as well.

No Public Profiles

Snapchat doesn’t have persistent public profiles that all users can browse. So there is no public friends list attached to your account for anyone to see.

No Search Directory

You cannot easily browse Snapchat’s entire user base. The app is oriented around finding and connecting with existing friends rather than meeting strangers, removing open friend searching.

Network Separation

Snapchat purposefully keeps its networks siloed. Friends on Snapchat stay separate from your contacts on Facebook or phonebook to maintain context divisions.

Risks of a public friends list

While some social networks like Facebook showcase friends publicly by default, there are good privacy reasons Snapchat avoids this approach. Some risks of a public friends list include:

Unwanted Contact

Strangers can more easily find and contact you or your connections if friend lists are open. This enables harassment issues.

Unexpected Identity Linking

People from different social contexts (work, family, etc.) may learn more about you than you want if friend groups are linked publicly.

Reputation Management

Who you associate with can be used unfairly to make judgments about you if friend lists are viewable. This hurts personal branding efforts.

Data Mining

Public friend data can be exploited for profiling, ad targeting, and predictive analytics beyond your control.

Embarrassing Exposures

People you may have added but forgotten about are revealed if friends lists stay forever public. Privacy reduces this social anxiety.

Pros and cons of a private friends list

A private friends list on Snapchat has several advantages but some drawbacks as well:


  • More control over your privacy
  • Reduced unwanted contact from strangers
  • Better separation between social contexts
  • Less data collection by third parties
  • Peace of mind knowing sensitive connections stay hidden


  • Harder to find new connections organically
  • No public display of your social graph for personal branding
  • Limits some viral social sharing features
  • Can’t easily cross-reference friends of friends
  • More difficult to identify fake friend accounts


Snapchat defaults to a private friends list for good reason – it puts you in control. While this makes Snapchat friend discovery less open than other social networks, it protects your privacy and avoids many risks like stalking, reputational damage, and unwanted social convergence. Overall, Snapchat’s private friends list represents a more ethical, pro-privacy approach to social networking in the modern age.