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Is your best friend list on Snapchat in order?

Is your best friend list on Snapchat in order?

Having your best friends list in the right order on Snapchat is something many users think about. Your best friends on Snapchat appear at the top of your chat screen and denote the people you snap with the most. But does the order truly reflect who your “best” friends are in real life? There’s no definitive answer, but here are some things to consider when evaluating your Snapchat best friends list.

What determines the order of best friends on Snapchat?

Snapchat’s algorithm determines the order of your best friends list based on how often you snap back and forth with each friend, as well as the recency of your interactions. The friends you snap with the most frequently appear at the top, while those you’ve snapped less recently fall lower down the list.

Some specifics on what Snapchat considers:

  • Number of snaps sent back and forth within a certain timeframe
  • Frequency of chatting via text or video
  • How many consecutive days you’ve maintained a “Snapstreak”

These metrics indicate who you interact with most regularly on the app itself. But this doesn’t necessarily capture who your closest friends are offline. Frequency of Snapchat interaction is just one aspect of friendship.

Does order = closeness in real life?

For many Snapchat users, the best friends order probably aligns fairly well with who their real life besties are. You tend to snap your closest friends more often than acquaintances. But there are a few reasons why order may not be an exact reflection of real life closeness:

  • Some best friends rarely use Snapchat. Not everyone is active on the app with the same frequency, so low Snapchat usage doesn’t necessarily equate to being a bad friend.
  • You snap some people solely to maintain a streak. Amping up snaps to keep a streak can boost friends up your list, even if you’re not super close otherwise.
  • Proximity and convenience influences Snap frequency. You likely snap friends who live nearby or who you see daily more easily than long-distance friends.
  • Multi-person groups boost snap numbers. Chatting in groups counts towards your totals, so friends you frequently group chat with get an interaction boost.

While Snapchat order provides some indication of closeness, it’s an imperfect measure. Don’t take the sequence too personally or as a definitive ranking of your “real” best friend status.

Does order really matter?

Snapchat stresses that your number one Best Friend holds no practical significance. There are no special perks or privileges associated with the top slot. And your number one friend frequently fluctuates anyway depending on recent chat activity.

Some users still care about order out of pure curiosity or bragging rights. But unless you’re hyper competitive about Snapchat status, the sequencing likely doesn’t have huge importance.

Tips for reordering your list

If you decide you want to reorder your Best Friends list to better reflect your true closest friends, there are a few ways you can shift the rankings:

  • Snap your real-life BFFs more frequently, especially back-to-back exchanges.
  • Quit snapping acquaintances you chat with just for streaks.
  • Cut down on group chats that boost snap counts.
  • Remind friends to snap you so the exchanges go two ways.

With some effort you can get your list to better showcase who your VIPs are. But don’t stress about order too much, as long you’re snapping the people who truly matter!

Are best friend lists causing drama?

Public friend rankings can undoubtedly cause social drama, hurt feelings, or jealousy between friends. Here are some potential issues that can arise:

Issue Description
Feeling Replaced Seeing someone jump you in the order can feel like you’re being replaced as a top friend.
Questioning Closeness A lack of movement up the list can make you question where you stand in a friendship.
Competition Some vie for top spots on each other’s lists out of competition.
Sabotage There are reports of people deliberately trying to demote others’ rankings.

If Snapchat friend rankings are causing tension, consider hiding your order from view. You can select from Display Options to make your list private. This can help eliminate social comparison or vying for top spots.

Being a good friend on Snapchat

While Snapchat ordering causes some friction, you can use the app to strengthen friendships by:

  • Snapping interests or events you think specific friends would enjoy.
  • Reacting enthusiastically and promptly to snaps from valued friends.
  • Using text or video chat to have meaningful conversations.
  • Avoiding pressuring friends into snapping if they’re not comfortable with constant contact.
  • Wishing happy birthday or congratulations through creative snaps.

Focus more on using Snapchat to nurture individual relationships based on what you know friends enjoy. This can deepen closeness both on the app and offline.


Snapchat’s Best Friends list holds some value, but don’t take order as the definitive gospel on your closest connections. Use the ranking lightheartedly, and focus more on snapping quality interactions that align with specific friendships. With some discretion and perspective, Snapchat order can remain a fun way to engage with friends without fueling unnecessary social competition.