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Snapchat best friend list planets

The Snapchat best friend list shows your top Snapchat friends based on how frequently you interact with each other. The more you Snap one another, the higher up on your best friend list they will appear. Snapchat uses special emojis or “planets” next to friends on this list to indicate your friendship status.

What Do The Planets Next To Snapchat Best Friends Mean?

Here is what each planet emoji signifies on your Snapchat best friend list:

  • Yellow Heart – You are #1 best friends with each other. This means you send the most snaps back and forth to this friend.
  • Red Heart – You have been #1 best friends with each other for two consecutive weeks.
  • Pink Hearts – You have been #1 best friends with each other for two months straight.
  • Gold Star – Someone has replayed this friend’s snaps in the past 24 hours.
  • Grimacing Face – Your #1 best friend for two months is at risk of changing.
  • Smirking Face – This friend is almost your #1 best friend.
  • Smiling Face with Sunglasses – One of your best friends is one of their best friends.
  • Fire – You are on a Snapstreak! You have snapped each other within 24 hours for more than 3 consecutive days.

How To Get Different Planets Next To Friends

Here are some tips on how to get different planet emojis to appear next to your friends:

  • Snap your #1 best friend regularly to keep the yellow heart emoji.
  • To get the red heart, remain #1 best friends for two weeks straight.
  • For the pink hearts, stay #1 best friends for two months consecutively.
  • To get the gold star, have your friend replay your snaps often.
  • Keep snapping your #1 best friend if you see the grimacing face, or you’ll lose your top spot.
  • Snap your smirking face friend more to make them your new #1.
  • Become one of your smiling face friend’s best friends to get the sunglasses emoji.
  • Snapstreaks take at least 3 days of snapping within 24 hours. Keep the streak going for the fire emoji.

What Counts Towards Your Snapchat Best Friend Score?

Not all snaps are equal when it comes to your Snapchat best friend list. Here is what contributes to your score:

  • Snaps sent back and forth increase your score faster than group snaps.
  • Snaps sent directly to your friend count more than story replies.
  • Photo and video snaps are worth more points than chat messages.
  • Snaps that your friend opens and views boost your score.
  • If your friend screenshots your snap, you’ll gain even more points.

So snapping your #1 friend directly and frequently, especially with photo and video snaps, is key to keeping your top spot and those coveted emoji planets.

Does Snapchat Best Friend Order Matter?

Your top best friend on Snapchat appears at the top of your list because you interact with them the most. However, the remaining friends are not ranked in order of best friends. So friend #2 may not necessarily be your second best friend. Their placement lower on the list does not mean they are less of a friend.

Snapchat said the best friend list shows friends you engage with frequently, but not necessarily in order of preference. So don’t take your friend’s positioning too seriously or get competitive about having the top spot.

How To Change Your #1 Snapchat Best Friend

Over time, your #1 best Snapchat friend may change as your interactions and friendships evolve. Here are some ways to get a new #1 best friend:

  • Snap your new favorite friend more frequently than your current #1.
  • Engage more with their story replies than your top bestie.
  • Send them more direct photo and video snaps instead of group chats.
  • Be sure to open and view their snaps to increase your score.
  • Temporarily snap your current #1 less to drop their score.

Eventually your interactions with your new bestie will surpass the other friend and they’ll take the top spot. This may take days or weeks depending on how often you Snap.

I Want My Best Friend Back! How To Regain #1 Status

If you’ve been replaced by someone else as your friend’s #1 best friend, don’t panic. It’s possible to regain your status with a little effort:

  • Temporarily snap them less for a few days so your score drops.
  • Then overload your friend with snaps to quickly boost your score.
  • Send them good morning/goodnight snaps to be the first and last chat.
  • Reply to their stories before anyone else.
  • Open and screenshot their snaps so they know you care.
  • Double your average interactions for a week or two.

With an onslaught of quality snaps, you can overwhelm the new #1 friend and reclaim your spot. Just be careful not to come on too strong!

My Best Friend Is Ignoring Me! What To Do

It stings when your longtime Snapchat bestie seems to be snubbing you. Before freaking out, consider if:

  • They are just busy and preoccupied lately.
  • Their notifications are off so they aren’t seeing your snaps.
  • They accidentally added you to their restricted list.
  • You said something that unintentionally hurt them.

If the issue persists, try these troubleshooting tips:

  • Send them a chat directly asking if everything is alright.
  • Check if you are still friends by looking for their bitmoji.
  • See if you can view their public story or only private story.
  • Ask mutual friends if they know what’s going on.
  • Give them space for a bit then reconnect in a few days.

With any luck, reaching out will reveal the cause of their silence and you can work to fix it. But even best friends go through rough patches, so be patient.

I’m Jealous Of My Friend’s New Bestie! Help?

Feeling envious when your friend gets close with someone new is natural. Here are constructive ways to handle jealousy:

  • Talk to your friend so you both know you care about each other.
  • Reflect on why you feel insecure and address those fears.
  • Remember your shared history and trust your bond.
  • Distract yourself by hanging with other friends too.
  • Be happy your friend has another source of support.
  • Focus on improving yourself rather than competing.
  • Avoid badmouthing their new friend.

Your friendship can withstand new connections. Focus on the positive aspects and your relationship can evolve to accept each other’s expanding social circles.

My Friend Removed Me From Their Best Friends!

It stings when you suddenly vanish from your friend’s Snapchat best friend list. Before confronting them, first consider if:

  • Their account was hacked, deleting friends.
  • They recently changed phones and lost data.
  • You said something offensive without realizing.
  • They find your snaps annoying.
  • Too much time has passed between chats.
  • They regret opening up and need distance.

If you think it was an intentional slight, politely ask them about it. Say you noticed you aren’t best friends anymore and were wondering why. If it was a mistake or circumstances, they’ll likely explain. But if they intentionally removed you, respect their decision.

I Accidentally Deleted My Best Friend! Help!

Accidentally deleting your #1 best friend from Snapchat is an easy mistake to make. Try these steps to fix it:

  1. Open your friends list and search their name to make sure they are gone.
  2. Send them a SMS text or call immediately explaining it was an accident.
  3. Ask them to add you again via username so you can re-accept.
  4. Once re-added, snap them something cute like a selfie to say thanks.
  5. To prevent it happening again, favorites-lock close friends.

As long as your friend understands it was a mistake, they will likely add you back right away so your friendship can pick up where it left off. Just be more careful when managing your friends list in the future.

Should I Delete My Best Friend As A Social Experiment?

Some people delete best friends then re-add them later as a “social experiment” to observe their reactions. But this is an unhealthy and dangerous idea. Here’s why you should NOT try it:

  • It violates and harms your friend’s trust.
  • It can damage their self-esteem.
  • Their reaction may not be what you expect.
  • They may not want to re-add you afterwards.
  • It can introduce doubt and anxiety to the relationship.
  • True friendships aren’t conditional.
  • There are better ways to assess the friendship.

Playing mind games never strengthens real connections. Nurture your close friendships with care, not manipulative social experiments.

Final Thoughts

The Snapchat best friend list provides fun insight into your closest Snapchat relationships. But don’t take the emojis too seriously, as friendships fluctuate. The best way to maintain real friendships is communicating openly, not competing for top spot. Cherish the people who matter most in your life on and off social media.