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Snapchat best friends list planets

The planets that show up next to your friends’ names on your Snapchat best friends list indicate how long you and that friend have been snapping back and forth. The different planets represent different lengths of time you’ve been best friends on Snapchat.

What Are the Snapchat Best Friends List Planets?

Here are the planets you may see next to friends on your Snapchat best friends list and what they mean:

  • Yellow Heart – You are #1 best friends with each other for two weeks straight.
  • Red Heart – You are #1 best friends with each other for two months straight.
  • Pink Hearts – You have been #1 best friends with each other for two years straight.
  • Golden Star – You have been #1 best friends with each other for two months straight.
  • Sun – You have been #1 best friends with each other for two months straight.
  • Earth – You have been #1 best friends with each other for six months straight.
  • Full Moon – You have been #1 best friends with each other for nine months straight.
  • Star – You have been #1 best friends with each other for one year straight.
  • Rocket – You have been #1 best friends with each other for two years straight.

How the Snapchat Best Friends List Works

Snapchat’s algorithm determines your best friends list based on how frequently you snap and chat with your friends. The more you interact with a friend, the higher up they will appear on your best friends list.

The best friends list shows your eight friends that you interact with the most, in order from #1 to #8. You can see your own list by going to your profile and tapping the smiley face icon. Your friends have their own best friends lists that you won’t be able to see.

To get different planets next to your best friends, you need to stay each other’s #1 best friend for the required time period. This means you need to be snapping and chatting with that person more than anyone else on your list for the specified duration.

For example, to get the yellow heart planet, you and a friend would need to remain each other’s #1 best friend for two straight weeks. If your #1 best friend changes within that time, the timer resets.

Tips for Improving Your Snapchat Best Friend Planets

Here are some tips to help you get and keep those coveted planets next to your best friends:

  • Snap your closest friends every day, even if it’s just a quick selfie or random thought.
  • Chat with your best friends regularly through Snapchat messages.
  • Respond promptly whenever you get a snap from your top friends.
  • Engage with your best friend’s stories by viewing and reacting to them.
  • Send snaps directly to your top friends instead of just posting to your story.
  • Remind your best friends to stay engaged too – it goes both ways!
  • Avoid flooding one person with too many snaps at once.
  • Be patient! It takes consistent interaction over time to build up planets.

What Does It Mean If You Lose a Planet?

Don’t panic if you notice one of your planets has disappeared next to a best friend’s name. This just means your snapstreak was broken for some reason.

Here are some common reasons you may lose a planet:

  • You or your friend stopped snapping each other for over 24 hours.
  • Someone new replaced that friend as your #1 best friend.
  • You or your friend cleared conversations or blocked each other.
  • One of you deactivated your Snapchat account.

The good news is you can regain a lost planet if you reestablish your #1 best friend status again for the required duration. The planets will reappear once the criteria are met again.

What About Friend Emojis?

In addition to the planets, you may see emojis next to some friends on your best friends list. These represent your snapstreaks with those friends.

Here is what the Snapchat streak emojis mean:

  • 👶 Baby – Snapstreak is under 10 days
  • 💧 Water Droplet – Snapstreak is 10-99 days
  • 🔥 Fire – Snapstreak is 100-365 days
  • ⚡ Lightning Bolt – Snapstreak is 365+ days

You’ll keep your snapstreak emoji as long as you and your friend keep snapping each other at least once every 24 hours. If you miss a day, your streak will disappear.

Improving Your Overall Snapchat Friendships

While having best friends and long snapstreaks is fun, it’s also important not to neglect your other Snapchat friendships. Here are some tips:

  • Respond to snaps and chats from all friends in a timely manner.
  • Engage with all friends’ stories by reacting and commenting.
  • Send chat streaks or occasional snaps to friends you don’t talk to as often.
  • Don’t completely ignore less frequented friends.
  • Create group chats to keep up with wider groups of friends.
  • Remain active posting stories yourself.
  • Be social – attend events and activities to collect more snaps and stories.

While best friends are great, maintaining your overall Snapchat friend network is important too. Stay social across all your friendships!


The planets on Snapchat’s best friends list represent special achievements for your closest Snapchat friendships. With consistent, daily interaction over time, you can unlock all the planets with your true best friends.

Focus on snapping your favorites every day, staying engaged in chat, and keeping your #1 best friend slot. Be patient, and those coveted planets will start populating in no time!