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Snapchat best friends list solar system

The Snapchat best friends list works like a solar system, with your #1 best friend at the center like the sun, and other best friends revolving around them at varying distances depending on your interactions. The more you interact with someone, the closer they move to the center of your solar system.

What is the Snapchat Best Friends List?

The Snapchat best friends list shows your closest friends on the app based on how frequently you interact with them. You can see your own best friends list by going to your profile and swiping down. Up to 8 friends will show up on this list.

Snapchat tracks your interactions over the past 2 weeks to determine whose snaps, chats, and stories you engage with the most. Those top friends end up higher on your best friends list.

How the Best Friends List Works

Your #1 best friend on Snapchat is the person you interact with the most over the 2 week tracking period. This could be someone you frequently snap back and forth with, chat with daily, or view their story updates regularly.

The #2 best friend is the next person you interact with the most, and so on down the list. Your best friends essentially revolve around your #1 best friend, just like planets revolving around the sun in a solar system.

The closer a friend is to the center, the stronger your interactions have been lately. Friends will move up and down the list as your interactions increase or decrease over time.

Getting to the Center of Your Best Friends Solar System

If someone isn’t appearing on your Snapchat best friends list, or they are near the bottom, there are ways to move them closer to the center:

  • Snap them directly more often
  • Chat with them through direct message
  • Reply to their stories frequently
  • Watch and engage with their public stories
  • React to their photos and videos with emojis
  • Send chat streaks daily to keep your streak going

The more frequently you interact in these ways, the faster that friend will move up your list and closer to the #1 spot at the center. Be careful not to go overboard though, as too much interaction might come across as needy or excessive.

Why You Can’t Change Your Best Friends List Order

Unlike your regular friends list on Snapchat which you can edit, your best friends list order is completely outside of your control. Some reasons for this include:

  • It encourages natural interactions based on your actual friendships rather than curated lists.
  • The constantly updating order shows who you’re engaging with the most lately.
  • You can’t artificially boost someone’s position through collusion or buying services.
  • It provides an incentive to interact more on Snapchat with certain friends.

While you can’t change the order, you can influence it by intentionally interacting more or less with certain friends over time.

What Your Best Friends List Shows About Your Friendships

Your Snapchat best friends list offers insights into your social circles and friendships:

  • Who your closest friends are right now based on recent interactions.
  • Which friends you snap, chat, and view stories with the most.
  • Who you have fallen out of touch with as they drop down the list.
  • Who you want to reconnect with by increasing your interactions.
  • How your daily social life is divided between different groups of friends.

Monitoring the list can help you maintain your closest friendships over time as your social landscape evolves.

Best Friends List Etiquette

Here are some etiquette tips when it comes to your Snapchat best friends solar system:

  • Don’t be offended if you drop down on a friend’s list – it’s not personal.
  • Increase interactions organically if you want to move up, don’t spam friends.
  • Don’t read too much into minor shifts up and down.
  • Use the list for insight rather than obsessing over ranks.
  • Focus on nurturing the friendships you value the most.
  • Respect friends who want to keep their list private.

Ultimately, your best friends list is a reflection of your real life friendships. Use it as a tool for staying connected, not competition.

Private Best Friends Lists

If you don’t want others seeing your best friends list, you can make it private in your settings. This will remove the list from your profile so only you can see it. Reasons for going private include:

  • Avoiding unwanted attention on who you interact with most.
  • Preventing jealousy caused by rankings.
  • Keeping your top friends hidden for privacy.
  • Personal preference for keeping your activity private.

Going private doesn’t affect your list, just whether others can view it. You can still see your solar system of best friends.

Best Friends List vs. Streaks

Snapchat streaks are different from your best friends list. Streaks count how many consecutive days you’ve snapped back and forth with someone, displayed by a flame emoji.

Having a long snap streak does not necessarily make someone your #1 best friend. Streaks only track your direct snaps exchanged, while your best friends list includes stories, chats, reactions, and more.

You can have a top best friend you rarely chat with, and a long streak with another friend you snap daily. The two metrics offer different insights into your Snapchat friendships.

Can You See Who Views Your Story?

Unlike Instagram, Snapchat does not show who has viewed your story. However, you can see how many people have viewed your story in the past 24 hours.

To see your story views:

  1. Post a story update.
  2. Go to your profile page.
  3. Tap on your story circle icon.
  4. View the number of viewers your story received.

While Snapchat doesn’t show individual viewers, your best friends are likely engaging with your story frequently, which will increase their ranking.

Does Snapchat Show Who You Interact With Most?

Yes, your best friends list specifically shows who you are interacting with the most on Snapchat. It is designed to provide insights into your activity and closest friendships on the app.

Ways Snapchat tracks your interactions include:

  • Snapping photos back and forth
  • Chatting through direct messages
  • Commenting on stories
  • Reacting to content with emojis
  • Viewing stories frequently

All of these interactions are factored into your best friends list rankings over a 2 week rolling period. So the friends you engage with the most will rise to the top.


The Snapchat best friends solar system provides a fun and insightful way to visualize your closest social connections on the app. With your #1 BFF at the center and other friends revolving around them based on your recent interactions, monitoring your list can help nurture the friendships that matter most.