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Snapchat bsf list planets

The “bsf list planets” on Snapchat refers to a feature that allows users to see information about their best friends on the app. Your best friends on Snapchat are the people you snap with the most or have the strongest friendships with. The “planets” part refers to how Snapchat displays your best friends in a solar system-style list with planets representing each friend.

What is the Snapchat BSF list?

The Snapchat best friends list, or BSF list, shows your 8 best friends on the app for the past 7 days. These are the Snapchat friends you have snapped and chatted with the most over the last week. Your #1 best friend shows at the top, and your 8th best friend at the bottom.

To view your Snapchat BSF list, go to your profile page and tap the smiley face icon at the top. This will open up your friends list. At the top, you’ll see your “Best Friends” section with the 8 friends you interacted with most that week.

Snapchat updates your best friends list every Sunday to reflect your latest snapping habits over 7 days. So your BSF lineup can change week to week based on who you’re snapping with frequently.

What do the planets next to best friends mean?

In your Snapchat best friends list, each friend has a different planet next to their name. This planet emoji indicates their ranking on your best friends list.

Here is what each planet emoji means:

  • Yellow Sun – #1 Best Friend
  • Moon – #2 Best Friend
  • Blue Star – #3 Best Friend
  • Pink Heart – #4 Best Friend
  • Smiley Face – #5 Best Friend
  • Fire – #6 Best Friend
  • Green Clover – #7 Best Friend
  • Ghost – #8 Best Friend

So if someone has the sun emoji, that means they are your #1 most snapped friend that week. The moon means they are your second most frequently snapped friend, and so on.

What does having a #1 Best Friend on Snapchat mean?

Having someone as your #1 best friend on Snapchat simply means you snap with that person more than anyone else on your friends list for that week. It doesn’t necessarily mean they are your closest friend in real life.

Your top best friend is the friend you have the most active Snapstreak with, you send regular snaps and chats back and forth daily. This frequent interaction causes them to jump to the #1 spot over 7 days.

Some things that help a friend become #1 best friend include:

  • Snapping this person every day to keep your streak going
  • Frequently sending chat messages in addition to snaps
  • Responding quickly to each other’s snaps
  • Having long, engaging snapchat conversations

So your top best friend is simply your most active Snapchat friend for that week, whether it’s your real-life BFF, partner, family member, or someone else you snap a lot.

How to get more best friends on Snapchat

If you want to expand your best friends list and get more friends on there, here are some tips:

  • Add more friends on Snapchat and snap them regularly.
  • Start more Snapstreaks by snapping daily.
  • Chat more over Snapchat in addition to sending pics/videos.
  • Respond promptly when friends send you snaps.
  • Engage in deeper conversations over Snapchat.
  • Comment on your friends’ public Stories.
  • View your friends’ Stories to boost your interaction.
  • Send snaps directly to friends instead of just posting public Stories.

Building these daily Snapchat habits with more friends will help get different people onto your best friends list over time.

Does someone know if you remove them as a best friend?

No, friends do not get notified if you remove them from your best friends list on Snapchat. Your best friends list privately resets every Sunday based on your snapping habits.

There is no way to manually remove or reorder your best friends. Your top 8 is automatically determined by Snapchat’s algorithm based on your interactions.

So you don’t have to worry about anyone knowing if they dropped off your best friend list. As long as you keep snapping them regularly, they’ll keep appearing as one of your besties.

Can I see someone’s best friends if they don’t share it?

No, you can only see someone else’s Snapchat best friends list if they choose to share it with you. Their best friends are private unless they tap “Share my list” in their BSF section.

If someone does share their list, you’ll be able to see their top 8 besties for a limited time. But you can’t otherwise view who someone’s best friends are on Snapchat.

Does Snapchat notify my friends when I screenshot?

Yes, Snapchat does send a notification to someone if you take a screenshot of their snap. This helps maintain privacy and ephemerality on the app.

When you screenshot a snap from someone, they’ll receive an alert saying “[Your name] took a screenshot!” This notification will appear in their feed along with any other snap notifications.

The only way to screenshot a Snapchat without the person knowing is to take a picture/video of your device screen with another camera.

Can I tell if someone saved my chat messages?

Unfortunately there is no way to get notified if someone saves your Snapchat chat messages or see who has saved chats. Saving chats is anonymous.

Unlike snaps, Snapchat does not alert someone if you save their chat messages. So feel free to save any chats you want to keep without the other person knowing.

Saving chats makes them easy to find later under your “My Chats” section. You can access saved messages anytime as long as you don’t delete the chat.

Does deleting a chat on Snapchat delete it for both?

No, when you delete a conversation on Snapchat, it only deletes the chat from your end. It does not delete the chat for the other user.

So if you delete a chat with someone, that person can still go back and see the full message history. Only you will no longer see the messages on your end after deleting.

The only way a chat is deleted for both parties is if both people independently delete the conversation on their own Snapchat app.