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Snapchat following story

The Snapchat following story allows you to view snaps and stories from accounts you follow on Snapchat. By default, your Snapchat friends’ stories appear first in your following feed based on those you interact with the most. You can also subscribe to accounts like celebrities, publishers, and brands to see their public stories.

Who can see your Snapchat following story

Only you can see the posts from accounts you follow in your Snapchat following story. Other Snapchatters will not know who you follow or view stories from unless you share that account’s snaps with your friends.

How to view your Snapchat following story

To view your Snapchat following story feed:

  • Open the Snapchat app.
  • Swipe left from the camera screen. This will open your Friends page.
  • Swipe left again. This page is your following feed where you can view stories from accounts you follow.

Stories you haven’t viewed yet will have a purple ring around the account’s profile icon. Tapped stories will have a lighter purple ring. You can tap any account icon to view their story.

How the Snapchat following feed works

Snapchat curates your following feed based on the accounts you interact with the most. Stories from friends you frequently watch or chat with will appear higher in your feed than accounts you rarely view.

The follow feed also separates out friend stories from subscribed accounts. Your friends’ stories will be at the top of your feed, while publisher stories, celebrity accounts, etc. will be lower down.

Keep in mind your following feed only displays Snapchat stories posted within the last 24 hours. Older stories disappear, unlike your personal story or memories which remain visible indefinitely.

Following friends on Snapchat

You don’t need to follow your Snapchat friends to see their stories. By default, your friends’ stories will appear in your following feed when they post. You also might see stories from friends of friends occasionally.

To see a friend’s story, you just need to have them added as a friend on Snapchat. They also must have you added back for their stories to show up for you.

Following celebrities, brands and publishers

In addition to your friends, you can follow celebrity accounts, brands, media publishers, influencers, and more on Snapchat. Following these accounts lets you view their public Story updates in your feeding tab.

To follow an account:

  1. Search for their username in the Snapchat search bar.
  2. Tap their profile icon.
  3. Tap the Follow button.

Once you follow an account, their stories will start appearing in your following feed when they post. Their stories will be separate from your friend stories though.

Unfollowing accounts on Snapchat

You can unfollow any account on Snapchat to stop seeing their stories in your followed feed. Just tap on their profile icon, then tap Unfollow.

Unfollowing a friend will remove their stories from your followed feed, but will not remove them from your friends list. You can still view their stories from your main Friends page.

Private stories vs. public stories

Accounts you follow on Snapchat may have both private stories and public stories:

  • Private stories – These are visible only to the account’s friends. You won’t see private stories from accounts you follow in your following feed.
  • Public stories – Public stories are visible to anyone who follows/subscribes to that account. These appear in your Snapchat following feed.

For example, a celebrity may post public stories open to all their followers, while also having private stories just for their close friends list.

Viewing stories anonymously

Following a public account means they can see you viewing their stories. Your Bitmoji will appear in their viewer list.

If you want to view public stories anonymously, you can subscribe to accounts instead of following them. Just tap the Subcribe button on their profile instead of Follow.

Subscribing lets you see public stories from an account without them knowing. Your Bitmoji won’t show up when viewing their stories.

Find accounts to follow

Not sure who to follow on Snapchat? Here are some ways to find accounts:

  • Tap the search icon to search for specific usernames
  • Check out Snapchat’s Discover section for curated content from brands
  • See Snapchat recommendations based on the accounts you already follow
  • Follow friends’ public accounts from their profile pages

Subscribing to a variety of accounts can give you a constant stream of fresh stories in your Snapchat feed. It’s a good way to stay entertained or keep up with brands/celebrities you like.

Snapchat following feed notifications

Snapchat will send notifications when new stories are posted to your Snapchat following feed. You can customize which accounts you want notifications from:

  1. Tap the profile icon in the top left of Snapchat.
  2. Tap the gear icon to access Settings.
  3. Go to Notifications > Stories.
  4. Toggle notifications on/off for specific accounts.

Turning off story notifications can clean up your notifications tab. But you’ll need to remember to manually check your following feed for new stories.

Add friends to your following feed

Want to see a friend’s stories in your follow feed rather than your main Friends page? You can add friends you already have added to your “Follow” list too.

Just go to their profile, then tap “Add to Follow List” below their name. This will move their stories to your following feed.

Following feed on Snapchat discover

Snapchat Discover features curated stories from top publishers and brands. Any Discover channels you subscribe to will appear in your following feed when they post stories.

To find Discover channels to follow, swipe right from your camera screen to access Discover. Browse different categories and subscribe to any channels you like.

Pro tips for using Snapchat following

  • Follow friends with public stories you want to keep tabs on
  • Subscribe to celebrity accounts to see what they’re up to
  • Tailor notifications so you only get notified about top accounts
  • Browse Discover channels for entertaining content
  • Check your following feed when bored for new stories
  • Unfollow any accounts that no longer interest you