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Snapchat plus best friends list

Snapchat’s best friends list shows you your closest friends on the app based on how frequently you snap each other. The more you and another user send snaps back and forth, the higher up on your best friends list they’ll appear. Here’s a detailed guide to everything you need to know about Snapchat’s best friends list and the Snapchat plus feature.

What is the Snapchat best friends list?

The Snapchat best friends list shows you up to 8 friends you snap with the most frequently. It appears when you swipe down from the camera screen. Friends move up or down the list based on your snapstreaks – the number of consecutive days you’ve sent snaps back and forth.

The best friends algorithm looks at your snap sending patterns over the last 7 days. Friends who you’ve snapped the most in that period will be at the top, while those you didn’t snap as frequently will move down or even drop off the list.

Your top best friend appears next to a gold heart, second best friend next to a red heart, and the rest next to pink hearts. These hearts indicate your snapstreak next to each friend’s name.

How does the Snapchat best friends algorithm work?

Snapchat has not publicly revealed the exact algorithm it uses to calculate your best friends list. But based on user reports, these factors seem to be important:

  • Number of snaps sent back and forth with a friend in the last 7 days
  • Frequency of snaps exchanged with a friend
  • Length of your snapstreak with a friend
  • Whether snaps include actual content vs just a black/blank snap

Friends you’ve snapped the most in the past week will be at the top of your best friends list. If you stop snapping with someone for a while, they’ll gradually fall down and eventually off your best friends list.

What does it mean to be someone’s best friend on Snapchat?

Being in someone’s Snapchat best friends list means you and that person send snaps to each other frequently. You don’t have to be “official” best friends in real life.

Some users put a lot of meaning into their Snapchat best friends list and get upset if they drop down or off it. But it’s important to remember Snapchat’s algorithm simply calculates frequency of snaps sent back and forth. Changes in your snap habits can easily change your best friends order.

How do you find out your Snapchat best friends?

To see your own Snapchat best friends list:

  1. Open the Snapchat app
  2. Go to the camera screen by swiping left from the Chat screen or tapping the camera icon
  3. Swipe down – your best friends will appear at the top with snapstreak numbers

You can only see your own best friends list – not anyone else’s. There is no way to view another user’s Snapchat best friends.

Can someone else see my Snapchat best friends list?

No, your Snapchat best friends list is private and only visible to you. No other Snapchat user can see who is on your best friends list.

Some users get confused because they can see their own name on their friend’s best friend list. But that just means they view you as a best friend – it doesn’t let them see your full list.

How to become someone’s best friend on Snapchat

To move up on someone else’s Snapchat best friends list:

  • Snap them frequently and regularly throughout the day
  • Maintain a long snapstreak by snapping daily
  • Send snaps with actual content, not just a black snap
  • Initiate conversations and send chat messages in addition to snaps
  • Reply quickly to their snaps and chats

Essentially, be an engaged Snapchat friend by snapping consistently and having real conversations. That will boost your ranking on their best friends list.

Why did I disappear from someone’s best friends list?

There are a few possible reasons you disappeared from a friend’s Snapchat best friends:

  • They snapped other friends more than you over the last 7 days
  • Your snapstreak ended because you didn’t snap for 24 hours
  • You or your friend have just been sending blank snaps back and forth
  • One of you has passively let the conversation drop off

The Snapchat algorithm cares about quantity and consistency of snaps. To get back on their list, strike up an active conversation again and make sure to snap regularly so your streak doesn’t lapse.

What is Snapchat Plus (Snapchat+)?

Snapchat Plus (Snapchat+) is a paid subscription service that offers exclusive features not available on regular Snapchat, such as:

  • Seeing who rewatched your stories
  • Changing the app icon
  • Pinning a friend as your #1 best friend
  • Viewing your orbit (people who view your stories)

Snapchat Plus costs $3.99/month after a 7-day free trial. It’s currently in early access and only available on iOS.

Can you pin someone as a Snapchat #1 best friend?

Yes, with Snapchat Plus you can pin one friend to the top #1 best friends spot. This keeps them there no matter what. They’ll stay pinned as your #1 as long as you’re subscribed to Snapchat Plus.

To pin a #1 best friend:

  1. Make sure you’re subscribed to Snapchat Plus
  2. Go to your Snapchat best friends list
  3. Tap the ⋮ menu next to the friend you want to pin
  4. Select “Pin #1”

You can change your pinned #1 best friend at any time. Just repeat the steps above to pick a new pinned friend.

Should I pin someone as my Snapchat #1 best friend?

Pinning a Snapchat #1 best friend can be a fun way to honor your real-life BFF on Snapchat. But tread carefully – some users get upset when pinned arbitrarily as a #1 friend. Make sure it’s someone you mutually acknowledge as a best friend IRL.

In most cases, it’s best not to pin anyone. Let your #1 friend spot rotate organically based on your snap habits. That way no one feels pressured to constantly interact.

Can someone tell if I’ve pinned them as a #1 best friend?

Yes, if you pin someone as your Snapchat #1 best friend they’ll see a special #1 next to your name on their best friends list. They’ll also be unable to move you from that #1 spot – it will stay fixed.

They won’t get a notification, but it will likely be obvious to them that they’ve been pinned, since your position won’t change at all over time as usual.

So if you want to avoid an awkward convo, ask first before pinning someone as your #1 BFF on Snapchat.

Can I reorder my other best friends?

Unfortunately, Snapchat Plus only lets you pin one #1 best friend. You can’t reorder the rest of your best friends list – that happens automatically based on your snap frequency.

If you want someone to move up your best friends list, make sure to snap them more often. Snapchat’s algorithm will detect that and boost their rank.

Should Snapchat get rid of the best friends feature?

Some users argue Snapchat should retire the best friends list. They feel it leads to unnecessary drama over who snaps who more. It also encourages favoritism on the platform.

However, many users also enjoy the best friends feature and find it a fun way to see their closest Snapchat buddies. As long as you don’t take it too seriously, it’s a nice glimpse into your snap patterns and friendships.

Overall the best solution may be to keep the list, but make it private. That way you can still enjoy it without creating public competition among friends.