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What do I do if my Snapchat is temporarily disabled?

What do I do if my Snapchat is temporarily disabled?

Having your Snapchat account temporarily disabled can be frustrating. Snapchat may disable accounts for violations of their Terms of Service or Community Guidelines. Some common reasons for temporary disabling include using third-party apps, sending spam messages, or posting questionable content. The good news is that most temporary disabling is reversible if you take the right steps.

Why Was My Snapchat Temporarily Disabled?

Here are some of the most common reasons Snapchat may temporarily disable your account:

  • Using third-party apps or services that claim to offer Snapchat features or interactions. Snapchat does not allow use of these types of apps and services.
  • Sending spam or repetitive messages to Snapchat users. Mass messaging can trigger spam detection systems.
  • Posting explicit, harassing, bullying, or otherwise questionable content. This goes against Snapchat’s Community Guidelines.
  • Violating Snapchat’s Terms of Service in another way, such as by having multiple accounts or buying/selling usernames.

If you’re not sure exactly why your account was temporarily disabled, the email notification you received from Snapchat should provide more details. The email will typically mention which Snapchat policy was violated resulting in the disabling.

How Long Will My Snapchat Be Disabled?

The duration of temporary disabling varies on Snapchat. Some common timeframes include:

  • 24 hours
  • 48 hours
  • 1 week
  • 2 weeks

In most cases, your Snapchat will be disabled for 24-48 hours. Longer disabling like 1-2 weeks usually happens if you have violated policies multiple times.

The email notification from Snapchat should specify the exact duration you can expect for your temporary disabling. Note that attempting to evade disabling by creating a new account could result in longer disabling or even permanent banning.

Can I Use Snapchat While Disabled?

No, you cannot use Snapchat while your account is temporarily disabled. Some of what will be restricted includes:

  • Posting Snaps
  • Sending Chats
  • Viewing Stories
  • Using Lenses/Filters
  • Updating your Bitmoji

Basically all Snapchat features will be inaccessible. Your friends will also be unable to interact with your account during the disabling period. Your profile and content will remain, but nothing new can be posted or viewed.

Will My Streaks Be Restored?

For 24-48 hour disabling, your Snapstreaks will typically pick up where they left off as soon as your account is reenabled. But for longer disable periods, your Snapstreaks will usually be lost.

Snapchat’s systems can generally recognize short-term disablements and restore appropriate Snapstreak counts. But after 1-2 weeks, the assumption is you have abandoned maintenance of streaks.

When in doubt about streaks, you can message Snapchat Support after your account access is restored. But no guarantees can be made about preserving streaks for accounts disabled for one week or longer.

Can I Speed Up Reenabling?

There is no way to get your Snapchat reenabled faster than their specified timeframe. You simply have to wait out the disabling period.

Attempts to have your account immediately reinstated are very unlikely to succeed. Snapchat’s policy and security teams issue the disablements for a reason, and those teams have little incentive to overturn decisions.

Submitting repeat appeals or spamming Snapchat staff may even prolong your disabling or lead to a permanent ban. So as difficult as it is, the best course is to patiently wait out the disable timeframe you were provided.

What Should I Do During the Disabling?

Here are some productive things you can do during your Snapchat disabling period:

  • Review Snapchat’s Terms of Service and Community Guidelines – Understand exactly what policies you may have violated.
  • Think about what led to the violation – Reflect on what behavior prompted the disabling action so you can avoid repeating it.
  • Consider apologizing – If your violation impacted others, consider apologizing for your actions once your account is restored.
  • Strengthen account security – Enable two-factor authentication and change your password to protect your account once it’s restored.
  • Reach out to friends off Snapchat – Let close friends know you temporarily can’t use Snapchat and keep in touch via phone, text, or other apps.

Following a disablement can be a wake-up call to use social media responsibly going forward. Think through what you can improve to become a better Snapchat community member when your access is restored.

Can I Appeal the Disabling?

You can try appealing your disabling through Snapchat’s appeal form, but reversals are uncommon. The form involves explaining why you believe your account was disabled unfairly or in error.

Snapchat reviews all appeals, but will likely uphold most temporary disablements unless they somehow made a mistake. Still, submitting an appeal is an option if you genuinely feel the disabling was unjustified.

What Happens When My Account is Reenabled?

Once the time period for your temporary disabling has passed, your Snapchat access will be automatically restored.

You should receive an email notification from Snapchat confirming your account has been reenabled. At that point, you can start using Snapchat normally again.

Do keep in mind your account may be permanently disabled if you recommit the same or similar violations. Snapchat often gives users one warning with temporary disabling before taking harsher action. So be careful not to squander your second chance.

Can I Be Disabled Again in the Future?

Yes, it is possible for your account to be temporarily disabled again in the future if you violate Snapchat policies. Here are some tips to reduce disablement chances:

  • Carefully follow Snapchat’s Terms of Service and Community Guidelines
  • Don’t use any third-party apps related to Snapchat
  • Avoid sending spam or repetitive communications
  • Don’t post explicit, harmful, dangerous or illegal content
  • Don’t buy, sell, or trade Snapchat usernames or services

Repeated or egregious violations are most likely to result in additional temporary disabling or permanent banning. Use your best judgment when posting and interacting on Snapchat.

Can My Friends See My Content While I’m Disabled?

No, your friends will not be able to view your Snaps, Stories, profile, or other content during the disabling period. They will essentially see your account as “offline” and will be unable to interact with you.

Your profile and content will remain intact on Snapchat’s servers. But nothing will be visible or accessible to your friends until your access is restored.

What if I Get Disabled Repeatedly?

If your Snapchat gets temporarily disabled repeatedly, permanent banning becomes increasingly likely. Snapchat allows some mistakes, but will crack down if violations continue.

Here is Snapchat’s typical progression if you are disabled multiple times:

  • First offense – 24-48 hour disabling
  • Second offense – 1 week disabling
  • Third offense – 2 week disabling
  • Fourth offense – Permanent ban

The specific durations and order may vary. But at some point Snapchat will stop giving you chances if you continually violate their policies. Tread carefully after your first couple disablements to avoid losing your account for good.

Should I Contact Snapchat Support?

You can try contacting Snapchat Support via in-app chat, email, or Twitter during your disabling period. But they are unlikely to expedite reenabling your account.

Snapchat Support may be able to clarify why you were disabled or confirm when your access will be restored. But their support team does not override decisions by Snapchat’s policy and security staff.

Still, it doesn’t hurt to politely inquire about your disablement timeframe or confirm your eventual reenabling. Just manage expectations that Support cannot instantly reinstate you.

Can I Just Make Another Snapchat Account?

Trying to evade your disabling by making a new Snapchat account is risky. Snapchat expressly forbids maintaining multiple accounts in their Terms.

If Snapchat detects you opened a second account during disabling, that account is likely to be banned as well. And trying to bypass restrictions may prompt harsher enforcement like extending your original disabling or an outright permanent ban.

For your own sake, it’s smartest just to responsibly ride out your original disablement timeframe. Attempting workarounds rarely ends well on Snapchat or other social platforms.


Having your Snapchat temporarily disabled can certainly be an inconvenience, but following the right process is important. Review what policy you violated, learn from it, wait patiently through the specified timeframe, and use your restored access responsibly going forward. With some caution and wisdom, you should be able to avoid additional disabling scenarios.