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What do the planets mean on Snapchat friends?

What do the planets mean on Snapchat friends?

On Snapchat, you may notice little emojis next to your friends’ names. These emojis actually represent something about your friendship on Snapchat. The emoji that appears is based on your interactions with that friend, like how often you snap each other and view each other’s stories. Some of the emoji that can appear are the yellow heart, red heart, pink hearts, smiling face, sunglasses face, fire emoji, and more. Each of these emoji has a special meaning behind it. Keep reading to find out what all the Snapchat emojis mean!

Yellow Heart

The yellow heart on Snapchat means you are #1 best friends with that person for two weeks straight. This means you send the most snaps back and forth to each other, compared to all your other friends on Snapchat. The yellow heart appears next to the contact who you have snaped the most over the last two weeks.

Some key things about the yellow heart emoji:

  • It represents your current #1 best friend on Snapchat.
  • It updates every two weeks if you get a new #1 best friend.
  • You can only have one yellow heart friend at a time.
  • The friend does not have to have a yellow heart next to your name too.

So if you suddenly notice a yellow heart next to someone’s name, it means your Snapstreak with them has been strong recently and they are now your top friend! The yellow heart basically denotes your bestie on Snapchat.

Red Heart

The red heart emoji on Snapchat means you have been #1 best friends with that person for two months straight. When you maintain the yellow heart for two months, it will turn into a red heart.

  • Red heart = #1 best friends for consecutive 2 months
  • Harder to get than yellow heart
  • Shows long-term Snapstreak

The red heart therefore represents a very strong friendship on Snapchat that has been going on for two whole months. It’s more rare and harder to get than the yellow heart, so it really symbolizes your ride-or-die Snapchat bestie.

Pink Hearts

The pink hearts emoji on Snapchat means you have been #1 BFs with this person for two weeks straight, and they have been your #1 BF for two weeks straight too.

  • Pink hearts = You are #1 best friends with each other for 2 weeks.
  • Reciprocal #1 best friend status
  • Less common than yellow/red hearts

So the pink double hearts denote a very reciprocal, mutual friendship on Snapchat. You send the most snaps to each other, more than either of you send to anyone else. Pink hearts is less common than yellow or red hearts, so consider yourself to have a very special mutual friendship if you have the pink hearts emoji!

Snapstreak Numbers

If you see a number next to a friend’s name, it means you are on a Snapstreak! You and your friend have snapped each other within 24 hours for the number of days shown in a row.

  • Snapstreak = snapping each other for consecutive days
  • Number = length of days
  • Resets after 24 hours of no snaps

For example, if you see a “56” next to your friend’s name, that means you are on a 56 day Snapstreak! You may want to keep your streak going by making sure to send each other snaps daily.

Fire Emoji

The fire emoji next to a friend on Snapchat means you are on a snapstreak, and your streak is about to expire! If you don’t send a snap within 24 hours, you’ll lose your streak.

  • Fire emoji appears before current snapstreak number
  • Warns streak is about to end
  • Reminder to snap friend to keep streak alive

When you see the fire, make sure to get snapping to maintain your snapstreak! The fire is Snapchat’s way of creating excitement around your streak and keeping it going.

Hourglass Emoji

The hourglass emoji on Snapchat indicates your snapstreak is about to end. It appears after the fire emoji if you haven’t snapped each other for quite a while. The hourglass gives you a last call to snap before the streak ends.

  • Hourglass comes after fire emoji
  • Means time almost up to maintain streak
  • Last warning before streak resets

If you want to keep your streak alive, quickly snap your friend when you see the hourglass icon. This shows your snapstreak is hanging on by a thread!

Birthday Cake Emoji

The birthday cake emoji appears next to friends if it is their birthday. This makes it easy to see who you should send birthday wishes to on their special day!

  • Cake emoji only appears on birthday
  • Lets you easily see who has birthday
  • Reminds you to send them birthday snap

The birthday cake is a fun way Snapchat creates celebrations around your friends’ birthdays. Go ahead and send them a nice Snap to make their birthday extra special when you see the cake!

Sunglasses Emoji

The sunglasses emoji next to a friend means one of two things:

  1. You are one of their best friends…
  2. But they are not one of your best friends
  • Means you snap them frequently…
  • But they don’t snap you as much
  • Shows a one-sided friendship

Basically, the sunglasses emoji indicates a somewhat one-sided friendship on Snapchat. You think of them as a top friend, but they don’t reciprocate that best friend status back.

Grimacing Face Emoji

The grimacing face emoji means your friend needs to send you snaps! It appears when you have added someone as a friend, but you haven’t snapped together yet.

  • Means you haven’t snapped this friend yet
  • Waiting for someone to send the first snap

So if you see the grimacing face next to a friend, it likely means you just added them but haven’t talked yet. Go ahead and snap them something to break the ice!

Smiling Face Emoji

The smiling face emoji next to a friend means they are one of your best friends, but not your #1 best friend.

  • Means they are your good friend
  • You snap them often
  • Just not your #1 best friend

So if someone has a smiling emoji, that means you snap with them frequently, but someone else has taken the #1 BF spot from them. They are still an important friend though!

Gold Star Emoji

The gold star next to a Snapchat friend means you are best friends on Snapchat. You send lots of snaps to each other, view each other’s stories, and generally have a good Snapchat friendship.

  • Generic best friend emoji
  • No specifics on when it appears
  • Just means you snap this person a lot

So if you have the gold star, rest assured that this person is one of your core Snapchat friends. The gold star doesn’t reveal specifics like your #1 bestie, but shows you are still close friends.

Baby Emoji

The baby emoji means you just became friends with this person. It appears next to a new friend until you send your first snap together.

  • Means you just added each other
  • Haven’t snapped yet
  • New friendship!

The baby symbol is a cute way to denote a new Snapchat friend before you get to know each other better. Once you send your first snap, it will likely change to the grimace or smiley face emoji.

Selena Gomez Emoji

If you see the Selena Gomez emoji, it means you are one of Selena’s best friends! This exclusive emoji is only available for Selena to use, so if she has you added, you may get this special icon next to your name. Fans were petitioning Snapchat for a Selena emoji, and their wish came true.

Justin Bieber Emoji

Similar to Selena Gomez above, the Justin Bieber emoji appears if he has added you as a best friend. You made friends with Justin! He worked with Snapchat to get his own custom emoji as a popular celebrity.

Snapchat Official Emojis

There are also some emojis on Snapchat that are official symbols, not related to your friends. This includes:

  • The settings gear – represents Snapchat settings
  • Glasses – represents Spectacles
  • bell – notifications
  • Mailbox – Snapchat mail
  • Chat bubble – Snapchat chat

These basic icons help you navigate the Snapchat app interface and aren’t tied to your friendships.

Summary Table

Here is a summary table of all the Snapchat emoji meanings:

Emoji Meaning
Yellow Heart #1 Best Friend for 2 Weeks
Red Heart #1 Best Friend for 2 Months
Pink Hearts #1 Best Friends with Each Other for 2 Weeks
Number (e.g. 56) Snapstreak – Snapping Streak for Number of Days
Fire Snapstreak About to Expire – Snap to Keep It Alive
Hourglass Snapstreak Almost Expired – Last Chance to Snap
Birthday Cake Friend’s Birthday
Sunglasses One of Your Best Friends, But You’re Not One of Theirs
Grimacing Face Haven’t Snapped this Friend Yet
Smiling Face Good Friend, But Not #1 Best Friend
Gold Star One of Your Best Friends
Baby New Friend – Just Added Each Other


Snapchat emojis provide a fun and easy way to track your friendships! Each emoji has a distinct meaning based on how you interact with that friend. The emojis not only add some flair to your profile, but also provide a simple visual indicator for seeing who your closest friends are, maintaining streaks, starting new friendships, and more. Next time you open your Snapchat friend list, take note of the emoji to read into your relationships on Snapchat!