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What does it mean if someone sends you a blank snap?

What does it mean if someone sends you a blank snap?

Snapchat has become one of the most popular social media platforms, especially among younger users. One unique aspect of Snapchat is that pictures and videos (called snaps) disappear after being viewed. While this ephemeral nature is part of Snapchat’s appeal, it can also lead to confusion when trying to interpret snaps. This is especially true when it comes to blank snaps, where a user sends a snap with no photo or video – just a blank screen. So what does it mean if someone sends you a blank snap? There are a few potential reasons.

Accident or Pocket Snap

One of the most common explanations is that the blank snap was sent unintentionally. The sender may have accidentally opened their camera and hit send without meaning to. Another variation of this is a “pocket snap,” when the sender accidentally sends a snap while their phone is in their pocket. In either case, the blank snap was unintentional and you likely don’t need to read much into it. An accidental blank snap probably doesn’t signify anything about your relationship with the sender.

Technical Glitch

Snapchat isn’t a perfect platform, and technical glitches are known to happen. Sometimes a snap that is supposed to contain a photo or video ends up blank due to a glitch. Server errors and connectivity issues can also result in a blank snap being sent. If you know the person typically sends photos or videos, a random blank snap is likely due to a technical issue rather than an intentional message.

Starting a Chat

Sometimes a blank snap is used to initiate a conversation. The sender is essentially saying “hey” or “what’s up?” to spark a chat without sending a formal snap. This can be a way to be casual and noncommittal. Starting a conversation with a blank snap rather than substantive content puts the ball in your court for responding and steering the discussion. Consider replying by asking the sender how their day is going or what they’re up to.

Testing the Waters

A blank snap can also be a way for someone to test the waters with you, especially if they want to get flirty. Rather than being overly forward, the blank snap is innocuous while still getting you to engage. If you reply positively, the sender may take that as a sign of interest or tacit permission to get a little bolder. So a blank snap could mean someone is interested in you but being cautious in how they initiate contact.


Let’s be honest, people often use social media when they’re bored. A blank snap may signify the sender is bored and trying to cure their boredom by getting a response from you. This explains why a blank snap will often be followed up quickly if you don’t respond right away – the sender is looking for entertainment. While not the most flattering possibility, we’ve all been bored and reached out to a friend or significant other for a quick chat. Consider replying with something fun or amusing if you receive a random blank snap.

You’re Being Ignored

Sometimes a blank snap carries a more negative connotation – the sender is subtly ignoring you. While just not responding would be more overt, a blank snap allows the sender to technically respond while still conveying disregard. This can often feel even colder than simply being left on read. Receiving blank snaps again and again, especially after sending substantive messages, is likely a sign the sender is blowing you off without the confrontation of directly saying so.

Playfulness and Inside Jokes

Those who use Snapchat regularly with their friends or significant others often develop inside jokes and code for the different types of snaps they send. For example, your friend group may have a running joke where everyone sends blank snaps on Friday to celebrate making it through the workweek. Or a blank snap between partners could signify a request for a call later. Don’t read too much into a blank snap from someone you regularly communicate with on Snapchat – it may just be an inside joke.

Testing Snapchat Streaks

Many Snapchat users try to maintain “Snapstreaks” – long running streaks where you consecutively send snaps back and forth with someone. A blank snap may be someone’s attempt to keep a streak going when they don’t have anything interesting to send. The sender quickly shoots off a blank snap just to keep the numbers going up. So in the context of maintaining streaks, a blank snap likely doesn’t have deeper meaning.

Butt Snap

Yes, butt snaps are a thing. When a salacious snap of someone’s backside (clothed or otherwise) goes wrong, it can end up looking like a blank snap. Don’t assume a blank snap is unintentional – it may actually be a butt snap gone wrong! This is likely only a possibility if you have that kind of relationship with the sender, but it is worth keeping in mind. The sender probably does not realize you can’t see the image and may follow up disappointed or apologetic!


A blank snap without context can certainly be confusing. But in most cases, a blank snap does not signify anything egregious. Accidents happen and blank snaps are often just the result of glitches or user error. Even when sent intentionally, a blank snap is more likely to simply be a conversation starter or an attempt to be casual. Of course, in the context of your specific relationship and communication patterns, a blank snap could carry other meanings. But in general, don’t assume a blank snap indicates something sinister – it could just be your friend or partner’s way of reaching out to brighten your day with a little digital engagement!

Reason Meaning Your Response
Accident or Pocket Snap Unintentional blank snap Carry on as normal
Technical Glitch Normal snap failed to send Let the sender know there was no photo/video
Starting a Chat Casual conversation opener Reply and start chatting as usual
Testing the Waters Showing interest subtly Flirt back if interested
Boredom Looking to chat to cure boredom Send something fun or amusing
Ignoring You Dismissive message Don’t engage further
Inside Joke Part of regular communication Play along with inside joke
Maintain Streak Keeping snapstreak going Send snap back to keep streak