Quick Answer
When Snapchat says “unviewed” on a story, it means that the person you sent the snap to has not yet viewed or opened that particular story update. Snapchat tracks views on stories and will indicate “unviewed” if the recipient has not watched that snap yet. It does not necessarily mean they haven’t opened Snapchat, just that they have not viewed that specific snap or story.
More Detailed Answer
On Snapchat, stories allow users to post snaps that are available for 24 hours to all of their friends. When you post a new snap to your story, Snapchat tracks who views it and will display “viewed” or “unviewed” accordingly under the snap. Here are some key things to know about unviewed stories on Snapchat:
- Unviewed means the specific snap has not been opened yet by that friend.
- It does not mean they haven’t opened Snapchat overall, just not that particular story update.
- The “unviewed” indicator will remain until they view that snap for the first time.
- You can see a list of who has viewed your story and who has not under the snap.
- If your friend never views the snap, it will stay “unviewed” until the story disappears in 24 hours.
- Stories do not notify someone when you post – so they may just not have checked Snapchat yet.
- There can be many reasons someone has not viewed a certain snap, it does not necessarily mean they are ignoring you.
- If your snap remains “unviewed”, it could mean your friend missed it or just hasn’t opened Snapchat during that timeframe.
The unviewed indicator is designed to let you know who has opened that specific snap in your story. If it says unviewed, it simply means that friend has not tapped to view the snap yet. It does not confirm whether they saw the preview and chose to ignore it.
Some reasons your story may remain unviewed include:
- They haven’t opened Snapchat since you posted
- They opened Snapchat but did not scroll far enough to trigger your snap loading
- They were busy and didn’t have time to view stories
- Poor internet connection prevented snaps from loading
- Your snap was further down in their story queue and they didn’t scroll that far
- They intentionally skipped your snap
The unviewed status will generally update as soon as they view the snap for the first time. Keep in mind that opening Snapchat does not automatically view stories, the user has to intentionally click on a story to view it. Overall, an unviewed story simply means it has not been opened yet, but does not definitively tell you why.
When Does a Story Appear Unviewed
There are a few key scenarios when a story will show up as unviewed for someone:
- Right after you post – since no one has viewed it yet
- If they haven’t opened Snapchat since you posted
- If they opened Snapchat but did not view stories
- If their Snapchat glitched and stories didn’t load
- If they have auto-advance turned off for stories
- If they purposefully skipped viewing your story
Essentially, anytime between when you post the story and when that friend views it, it will appear unviewed. Some common reasons it stays unviewed include:
- They don’t open Snapchat that day
- They only chat and don’t view stories
- Connectivity issues prevent stories from loading
- It gets buried under other stories in their queue
- They skip your story but view others
The unviewed status will switch to viewed as soon they open that snap for the first time. So if it stays unviewed, it generally means they have not clicked on or watched your particular story update yet.
Does Unviewed Mean They’re Ignoring You?
Not necessarily! While an unviewed story could mean someone is intentionally ignoring your snap, there are many perfectly normal reasons a story can remain unviewed:
- Haven’t opened Snapchat all day
- Only opened Snapchat to chat, not view stories
- They had connectivity issues and stories didn’t load
- Your snap got buried in their story queue
- They were busy and didn’t have time to view stories
- They purposefully skipped your snap for unknown reasons
Most of the time an unviewed story simply means your friend has not gotten around to opening that snap yet. Stories do not notify people when posted, so the recipient may be unaware you posted an update.
An unviewed story could occasionally mean someone is declining to watch your snap. But there is no way to know for sure based on the unviewed status alone, as many common situations could cause a story to be unopened.
If you notice someone is consistently leaving your stories unviewed, while actively viewing others, that may be a sign they are intentionally avoiding your snaps. But an unviewed story or two is generally nothing to worry about!
How Long Does Unviewed Last
The unviewed status remains from the time you post a snap story until the friend views that snap for the first time. Here is how long you can expect to see unviewed:
- Right after posting – will show unviewed for all friends
- Up to 24 hours – until the story expires if never opened
- Could last only a few minutes if they view immediately
- Will update to “viewed” as soon they watch your snap
Stories are available for 24 hours, so the unviewed indicator can remain for up to 24 hours if the person never views that snap. As soon as they open your story, the status will change from unviewed to viewed.
The time an unviewed story lasts can vary:
- Only minutes if they view immediately
- Hours if they don’t log in that day
- All day if they don’t typically watch stories
- 24 hours if they never view before it expires
So an unviewed story could disappear in minutes, or last up until your snap expires if they don’t open it. It all depends on their Snapchat usage and if/when they get around to watching your particular story.
Does Unviewed Mean Story is Deleted
No, an unviewed status does not mean the story or snap was deleted or that it failed to post. The unviewed indicator simply means your friend has not viewed that snap yet. Reasons your snap may show unviewed include:
- They haven’t opened Snapchat yet
- Connectivity issues preventing stories loading
- It was buried under other stories in their queue
- They opened chats but did not view stories
- They purposefully skipped viewing your snap
If your snap failed to post due to an error, it would not show up in your story at all. And if you delete a snap from your story, it will disappear from your friend’s story queue altogether.
The unviewed status is designed to let you know they simply have not viewed or opened that particular snap yet. It remains unviewed until the moment they watch your story for the first time.
So rest assured an unviewed story means your snap is safely posted – it is just waiting to be opened!
Can You Tell if Someone Screenshot Your Unviewed Story
Unfortunately, there is no way to tell if someone took a screenshot of your snap without opening it first. Here is what you need to know:
- Snapchat does not notify you of screenshots on stories
- The viewer can screenshot before officially viewing
- Your snap will still show as unviewed after they screenshot
- There is no indication if they screenshot before viewing
- You will only know they viewed after they officially view your snap
Even if someone screenshots your unopened snap, it will still show as unviewed for them. The status will not change until they click to view the snap in your story.
So while it is technically possible for someone to screenshot your story without watching it first, you will not receive any notification or indication if they do so. The unviewed status remains until they officially open your snap as normal.
Can You See Who Viewed Your Story
Yes, Snapchat does allow you to see which friends have viewed your story:
- Tap on your story to bring up the viewer list
- It will show who has viewed and who has not
- Those who have viewed will show their Bitmoji
- Friends who haven’t yet viewed will say “unviewed”
- You can see the viewer list for up to 24 hours
This lets you track who opens your story and who does not. You can also see the order of viewers – so you know who viewed first, second, third, and so on.
If you notice someone consistently viewing other stories but leaving yours unopened, that may be a sign they are avoiding your snaps. But keep in mind many factors could cause someone to miss your story, so don’t assume they are ignoring you!
Does Sending to a Group Count as Viewed
If you send a snap directly to a Group Chat, it will not show as viewed for each person. Here is how that works:
- Sending a chat to a group will not mark it viewed for each person
- It will only mark as viewed once they open the chat
- Your snap will still show as unviewed for anyone who has not opened it
- Group chats don’t auto open snaps or mark them viewed
So even if you send a snap to a group, each individual will still have to open it for their view to count. It behaves just like an individual chat – unviewed until opened.
The exception is if you post a snap to a Group Story. Group Stories instantly show as viewed by each member of the group, since all can access immediately.
But for basic Group Chats, it remains unviewed for anyone who hasn’t personally opened the snap you sent. Sending to a group does not automatically view for everyone.
When Snapchat says a story is unviewed, it simply means the person has not yet tapped to watch that particular snap. It does not necessarily mean they’re purposely ignoring you.
Unviewed stories can last for up to 24 hours until viewed or expiration. And there is no definite way to know if someone screenshotted your snap without watching.
Overall the unviewed status is designed to indicate who has opened a certain story and who has not. Don’t read too much into an unviewed snap, as many factors from connectivity to Snapchat usage can result in stories going unopened.