If someone removes you as a friend on Snapchat, you will no longer be able to view their Snapchat story or send them snaps. Your conversations with them will remain in your chat history, but you will not be able to send them any new messages.
You will no longer see their name on your Friends list
The most obvious effect is that the person who removed you will disappear from your Friends list in Snapchat. You will no longer see their username on the list when you open your Friends page. This means you have lost access to view their public Snapchat content.
You can no longer view their Snapchat Story
Each Snapchat user has a Story that acts as a public feed showing their photos and videos in chronological order. When someone removes you as a friend, you immediately lose the ability to watch their Story. If you try to view their Snapchat profile, it will say “Add Friend” instead of letting you see their Story. So removing you as a friend cuts off your access to any public snaps they post.
Your chat history remains, but you can’t send new messages
If you had existing message conversations with the person who removed you, those chats will still show up in your Friends list when you tap on Chat. You can still look through your old conversations with them. However, you will no longer be able to send them new chats. If you try to message them, Snapchat gives an error saying you must add them as a friend first.
Your sent snaps disappear from their inbox
Any unopened snaps you had sent to the person will be deleted from their inbox once they remove you as a friend. The snaps you sent them essentially disappear as they can no longer view them after removing you. Your sent snaps do not get deleted from their inbox if they just block you, but removing you as a friend erases any snaps you had waiting to be opened.
They stop showing up in your “Best Friends” list
Snapchat has a Best Friends feature that shows your top 3 friends who you interact with the most. If the person removing you was one of your Best Friends, they will immediately drop off the list once they remove you. Your Best Friends rankings then get recalculated based on your remaining friends’ snap activity. So removing you as a friend boots them out of your inner circle.
You disappear from their Friends list too
Obviously, removing you causes you to disappear from their Friends list as well. They will no longer see your name or Bitmoji on their end. It goes both ways – you lose access to view them, and vice versa. This prevents you from posting on their profile or sending them public snaps. You essentially become strangers again on Snapchat after one of you removes the other.
They won’t get notifications when you post Stories
When you have friends on Snapchat, they get notifications whenever you post to your Story. This allows friends to quickly watch what you’ve shared. But if someone removes you as a friend, they stop getting alerts about your Stories. Your public snaps will longer show up in their updates. This removes your content from their Snapchat feed.
Your Snapscore will decrease
Snapchat keeps a tally of your total snaps sent and received with all of your friends, known as your Snapscore. When a friend removes you, your Snapscore goes down since you lose those snap exchanges. For example, if you regularly snapped 50 times a day with that friend, your score drops by 50 once they remove you. The decrease depends on your past snap activity with that specific friend.
You can still view snaps they posted to Stories
Even though you can no longer actively view someone’s Story once they remove you, any public snaps they had previously posted to their Story do not disappear. You can still go back and look at their past Stories. The snaps just won’t show up under their name anymore – you have to go to Stories, click “All”, and search to find their old Stories mixed in with public Stories from other Snapchat users.
You can send them a friend request to re-add them
If you want to be friends with them again on Snapchat, you can send them a friend request and they will receive a notification. However, they have to accept the request for you to be officially friends again. If they reject your request, you will be unable to send another request and have to wait for them to add you. Getting removed as a friend cuts off your access until they let you back in.
How to tell if someone removes you as a friend
The main sign that alerts you to being removed is when that friend suddenly disappears from your Friends list. It’s an obvious red flag you are no longer connected. Another way to confirm is if you can no longer view their Stories or send them a chat. Trying to message them will bring up an error if they have removed you. Lastly, seeing them gone from your Best Friends is a clear signal they took you off their friend list and you should no longer have access to their profile.
Why do people remove friends on Snapchat?
There are a few common reasons someone may delete you as a friend on Snapchat:
- They want to cut off contact after a fight or breakup
- They are doing a purge of Snapchat friends they no longer talk to
- You posted something embarrassing or inappropriate
- They want more privacy and less people viewing their content
- You snap or message them too frequently and they find it annoying
In most cases, getting removed is the result of some issue in the friendship or the person wanting more distance. It’s typically not random. Some introspection into whether you may have upset the person is a good idea after being deleted.
What to do after being removed as a Snapchat friend
If you get removed by someone you want to stay connected with, here are some tips:
- Send them a friend request to show you want to still be friends.
- Reach out on another platform like texting to find out why.
- Give them space for a bit before re-adding if it followed a fight.
- Reflect on if you may have done something to upset them.
- Don’t bombard them with requests or messages.
In most cases, it’s best not to react emotionally. Take some time, give them space, and then try to open a calm dialogue. If it was just a reassessment of friendships on their part, simply re-sending a request is fine. But harassment after being removed can make the situation worse.
Can you tell who views your Snapchat Story?
No, Snapchat does not notify you exactly who has viewed your Story. However, you can see the total number of viewers your Story received in the past 24 hours. There is no way to get the list of specific people who watched your Story.
Snapchat used to have a feature called Best Friends that showed your closest friends based on Snapchat activity. This let you see who you interacted with most. But Snapchat removed this feature in 2018 to make the app feel less competitive and more inclusive for friendships.
What happens when you remove someone on Snapchat?
Removing another user as a friend gives you the same effects as if they had removed you. Here is what happens when you remove someone:
- They disappear from your Friends list.
- You can no longer view their Stories or send them snaps.
- Your old chats remain, but you cannot send new messages.
- You stop getting notifications about their Stories.
- They are removed from your Best Friends.
- Your Snapscore decreases.
So removing someone mutually cuts off access to communicating and interacting on Snapchat. You essentially “unfriend” each other. Your history remains, but removing them prevents any new activity together.
Can you delete or remove chats on Snapchat?
Yes, Snapchat allows you to delete specific chats you have with friends:
- Open the chat you want to delete
- Tap and hold on the message you want to delete
- Tap “Delete Chat” to erase the entire conversation
You can also delete chats by swiping right on a chat in your Friends list and tapping “Delete”. This removes the entire chat history with that friend. Snapchat does not currently allow selectively deleting certain messages.
Does Snapchat notify when you delete a chat?
No, Snapchat does not send any notification when you delete a chat. The other user will not be alerted or notified in any way.
Your chat will simply disappear from their inbox as well without them knowing you were the one who deleted it. There is currently no way to tell if someone deletes your shared chat history.
Can you recover deleted Snapchats?
Unfortunately, there is no way to recover deleted Snapchat messages, photos, or videos. Snapchat does not have a built-in feature to restore deleted chats or snaps.
Once a snap is deleted by either party, it is gone for good. The ephemeral nature of Snapchat means content is not meant to stick around forever.
However, users can save snaps before opening them using various third-party apps and workarounds. But natively within Snapchat, deleting snaps or chats is permanent.
In summary…
Getting removed as a friend on Snapchat cuts off your access to view that person’s content and communicate with them. They disappear from your Friends list and Stories. While your chat history remains, you cannot send them new messages.
In most cases, being deleted means they want distance from the friendship. You can try sending another friend request, but avoid harassment. Reflect on if you may have done something to cause it. Ultimately both people lose access when one removes the other.