Having 5000 friends on Snapchat can lead to some interesting experiences! While most Snapchat users have a few hundred friends, hitting the 5000 mark means you likely have a sizable Snapchat presence. Here’s an overview of what to expect once your Snapchat friend count enters the thousands.
Your Stories and Snaps Will Have a Large Audience
The most obvious effect of having 5000 Snapchat friends is that your Stories and Snaps will broadcast to a very wide viewership. Whereas an average Snapchat user may have Snapstreaks with 20-30 friends, and close friends numbering 50-100, 5000 friends means your Snaps have the potential to be seen by thousands of people.
This can be powerful if you want to build a Snapchat following, but it can also be overwhelming if you’re used to a smaller inner circle on Snapchat. Essentially, whatever you post on Snapchat is now public content, even if you’re not a celebrity or influencer. You’ll want to keep this mass viewership in mind whenever you create Stories or send Snaps.
You’ll Receive Lots of Snapchats
Just as your Snaps will reach a huge audience, you can expect to receive tons of Snaps in return. Stories from friends will flood your feed. You’ll get random Snaps at all hours from people across your extended social network. Your Snapchat notifications will be constantly buzzing with new messages and content.
This flood of Snaps may feel fun and exciting at first. But it could quickly get overwhelming trying to keep up with all the visual communication. It helps to turn off notifications and check Snapchat only during certain times to avoid burnout.
It’s Hard to Maintain Relationships
With 5000 Snapchat friends, you likely have many acquaintances and strangers mixed into your friend list along with close friends. Trying to nurture thousands of one-on-one Snapchat friendships is nearly impossible. You’ll end up with lots of idle Snapchat connections rather than meaningful interactions.
That said, you can still strengthen bonds with an inner circle of best friends on Snapchat. Focus on regularly Snapping and chatting with your closest contacts. Be selective about who you invest time into with custom Stories and long chat sessions.
You’ll Receive Lots of Chat Messages
In addition to Snaps, you’ll also get tons of Chat messages once you have 5000 Snapchat friends. Random people will strike up conversations and ask you questions throughout the day. You’ll also receive chat invites from strangers who want to get to know you.
Like with Snaps, you may enjoy the constant communication at first, but it could quickly become a distraction. Turn off Chat notifications and only check messages during certain times to avoid feeling overwhelmed.
It’s Hard to Follow Stories
With 5000 friends added, your Snapchat Stories feed will be jam-packed. Friends will post Stories nonstop throughout the day. It can be tough to actually keep up with and watch all the Stories from your connections.
Be selective about whose Stories you view. Focus on the friends you really want to stay updated on. Tap through acquaintances’ Stories quickly just to maintain the friendships. Check Stories only at certain times rather than all day.
You’ll Get Lots of Story Replies
When you have 5000 Snapchat friends, all your Stories will receive tons of replies. You’ll get random reactions, chat messages, photo replies, and video replies from people across your friends list whenever you post a Story.
This enables you to have conversational Stories with two-way interaction. But it can also feel distracting getting a barrage of replies. Use your discretion in responding to replies from friends you want to engage with.
It’s Hard to Remember Who Everyone Is
With 5000 Snapchat friends, you’ll inevitably end up adding people you don’t know very well. You’ll forget who some friends are, how you met them, and why they got added. It’s nearly impossible to remember 5000 people.
Take time occasionally to scroll through your friend list and refresh your memory on who everyone is. Remove friends who you can’t recall befriending. And don’t worry about pruning your friends list to curate stronger ties.
You’ll Get Lots of Friend Requests
A friend count of 5000 sends a signal that you’re open to expanding your Snapchat network. This social proof will attract tons of friend requests and adds from strangers who come across your profile.
Some friends of friends may add you too. You’ll have to regularly review pending friend requests and decide who to accept or ignore. Decline requests from people you have no connection to in order to keep your network meaningful.
You’ll Appear on Quick Add Results
With 5000 friends, your account will start showing up in Quick Add search results. This Snapchat feature recommends new friends based on your existing connections. So strangers will find you through Quick Add and send friend requests.
If you prefer to keep a lower profile, you can opt out of Quick Add in your settings. But most people enjoy the added visibility, which further grows their Snapchat audience.
You’ll Get More Lens Views
If you create custom Lenses for Snapchat, having 5000 friends means each Lens will get viewed thousands of times. When you share a Lens to your Story, it will circulate among all your connections on the app.
The high Lens view count can incentivize you to create more fun AR effects to share with friends old and new. The popularity can serve as creative inspiration.
You’ll Appear on More Snap Map Results
The Snap Map lets friends view each other’s locations and public Snaps. With 5000 Snapchat friends, your Bitmoji will show up on the Map for thousands of people at any given time.
This gives a certain cool factor when friends can watch your location. But it also means your movements are publicly viewable. Keep privacy in mind and use Ghost Mode when needed.
You’ll Get More Story Views
Naturally, a Snapchat friend count of 5000 means your Stories will receive way more views. While an average Story may get 50-100 views, your Stories could easily get 5000+ views from your expansive friend audience.
The high view count can serve as great motivation to create entertaining Stories. You’ll be able to watch your view count rise in real time as friends across your network tune in.
You’ll Appear in More Search Results
With 5000 Snapchat friends, your account gains visibility and starts showing up in search results within the app. When people search names and usernames, your profile will appear more frequently.
This gives you a degree of “Snapchat fame” when strangers can find and add you easily. You’ll get even more friend requests from the increased discoverability.
You’ll Get More Group Chat Invites
Large Snapchat friend counts tend to attract group chat invites. You may get added by friends, friends of friends, brands, creators, and even strangers looking to grow their groups.
Join group chats selectively and mute ones you don’t want notifications from. Group chats are a fun way to engage with existing friends and meet new ones.
In Conclusion
5000 Snapchat friends means reaching influencer-level scale on the app. Your Snaps, Stories, Lenses, and Map presence will be visible to thousands of people. You’ll get tons of activity across chats, Stories, and Snap replies. Maintaining close friendships takes intention with a large network. But the possibilities for connection and creativity are endless!