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What is the screenshot symbol in Snapchat?

What is the screenshot symbol in Snapchat?

The screenshot symbol is an important notification feature in Snapchat that alerts users when someone takes a screenshot of their snaps. Snapchat introduced this symbol to encourage authentic sharing and prevent snaps from being saved without the sender’s knowledge. When a recipient takes a screenshot, a small notification icon immediately appears on the sender’s feed showing which snap has been captured. This helps Snapchatters understand who is screenshotting their content and provides transparency around sharing behaviors on the platform.

The Screenshot Symbol Appearance

When someone takes a screenshot of your snap in Snapchat, you’ll see a small white symbol appear in the chat window. This symbol looks like an arrow pointing towards a rectangular box. It’s located to the far right side of the blue “delivered” text that confirms your snap has been opened. The screenshot symbol will display even if you have notifications turned off for Snapchat.

The screenshot notification symbol is the same whether you’re using an iOS or Android device. On both platforms, it’s a minimalistic white icon that stands out from the chat interface. Some users have likened the symbol to a “camera” or “rectangle” outline. While simple in appearance, this symbol is your clue that the recipient has captured your snap rather than just viewing it temporarily.

When Does the Screenshot Notification Appear?

Snapchat triggers the screenshot notification immediately when someone takes a screenshot of your snap. There is no delay in the symbol appearing. As soon as the recipient presses their device’s buttons to capture your snap, the screenshot icon will display on your end of the conversation.

The notification symbol remains visible in the chat thread as long as you still have that snap available to view yourself. Snapchats delete automatically after being opened, so this timeframe is usually 1 to 10 seconds long depending on the snap’s duration. Once the snap expires from the recipient’s end, the screenshot symbol disappears from your chat as well.

One exception is if you have enabled “save in chat” on a particular snap. This feature lets you keep specific snaps accessible in the chat thread instead of having them automatically delete. If someone takes a screenshot of a snap you saved in chat, the notification will remain visible indefinitely so you’re always aware it was captured.

Who Can See the Screenshot Notification

The screenshot symbol is only visible to you as the snap’s sender. Recipients who take screenshots will not get any in-app notification that you were alerted to their action. The screenshot symbol and notification are designed to be discrete and only inform the sender when their snaps are captured.

You will only see the screenshot symbol if your own unique snap was captured. If someone takes a screenshot of a snap you previously screenshotted yourself and then forwarded to other friends, you will not receive a notification. The alert is limited just to any screenshots taken of snaps originating directly from you.

Recipients can take screenshots in group chats without triggering notifications. Only 1-on-1 chats will activate the symbol and alert the sender to screenshot activity.

Why Snapchat Added the Screenshot Notification

Snapchat introduced the screenshot notification feature on May 2014. This was relatively early in Snapchat’s history, just 2 years after launch. Adding the screenshot symbol helped promote Snapchat’s reputation for ephemeral sharing.

The notification symbol discourages recipients from saving snaps without permission. Previously, users had no idea if their friends were screenshotting their content. This opened the door for snaps being shared more broadly than intended. The screenshot symbol gives senders more control, transparency, and assurance over how their snaps are captured.

Snapchat co-founder Evan Spiegel explained that the screenshot notification helps hold friends accountable. If users try to screenshot sneakily, the symbol exposes their activity. Ideally, this deters screenshots being taken without consent. Spiegel felt this notification would make users more thoughtful about capturing snaps that were meant to be fleeting.

Does the Screenshot Notification Guarantee Privacy?

While the screenshot symbol provides visibility into when your snaps are captured, it doesn’t guarantee full privacy. There are still ways recipients can save your snaps without detection on your end:

  • Taking a photo or screen recording of the snap with another device.
  • Accessing the snap within a third-party app that bypasses Snapchat’s restrictions.
  • Jailbreaking or rooting their phone to manipulate Snapchat’s coding.
  • Capturing a photo of the screen with an external camera or another person’s help.

These workarounds allow recipients to screenshot invisibly. So while the notification symbol provides some accountability, senders should be careful about sharing truly sensitive content via Snapchat without complete confidence in the recipient.

Does Screenshot Notification Change Behavior?

Since the screenshot notification displays so prominently in the chat thread, does it actually deter recipients from taking screenshots?

The answer seems to depend on the individual. For casual friends and contacts, the symbol may prompt more requests for permission before capturing snaps. But in close friendships or relationships, many users ignore the symbol if they really want to save a snap.

Some Snapchatters have pointed out the notification makes them more cautious and selective when screenshotting. They don’t want friends to bombard them with questions about why a snap was captured. But overall, most recipients continue taking screenshots as needed, whether the sender is alerted or not.

Can You Disable the Screenshot Notification?

There is no setting in Snapchat to disable the screenshot notification. This feature is permanently enabled across the platform.

You will always be alerted when a recipient screenshots your snap in one-on-one chat. The only exception is snaps set to expire after being opened, which don’t trigger the notification if screenshotted after expiring.

Recipients likewise cannot disable the screenshot notification on their end. There are no options to screenshot secretly or prevent the symbol from being sent.

This ensures accountability for all users and emphasizes Snapchat’s focus on transparent, authentic sharing.

What Does Snapchat Say About Screenshotting?

Snapchat includes the following about screenshots in its Community Guidelines:

“We designed Snapchat to empower self-expression while respecting the privacy of friends. The privacy controls we provide are meant to create a safe environment, where everyone feels comfortable expressing themselves openly and honestly.”

“Don’t use Snapchat to embarrass, intimidate, or invade someone’s privacy. Think about how you would feel if someone took a screenshot of your Snap without asking.”

These guidelines reinforce the etiquette around screenshot notifications. Snapchat officially recommends asking permission before capturing someone’s snap whenever possible.

Can You Remove a Screenshot Notification?

There is no way to delete or remove the screenshot notification icon once it appears in your Snapchat chat thread. The symbol will remain visible until the associated snap expires and is deleted from the recipient’s end.

If the recipient takes multiple screenshots, a new notification will display for each one. The only way to clear them is by letting the snapped content auto-delete based on its expiry time.

If you have saved a snap in chat, its screenshot notification will stick around indefinitely unless you manually delete it. So be prepared for screenshot symbols to persist long-term for any snaps you designate for ongoing access in chat.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does screenshot notification work on Stories?

No, Snapchat does not show screenshot notifications when someone takes a screenshot of your Story. Only personal 1-on-1 snaps in chat will trigger the alert symbol.

Can you tell who screenshotted your snap?

The notification shows which snap was captured but not who specifically screenshotted it. If you recently sent the same snap to multiple people, you won’t know for certain which recipient took the screenshot.

Do screen recordings also trigger a notification?

No, the screenshot symbol only appears when still image screenshots are taken. If someone screen records your snap, you will not be notified within Snapchat.

Can you remove screenshot notifications after 24 hours?

No, screenshot notifications persist until the associated snap is deleted. The notification won’t automatically disappear after 24 hours or any set timeframe.

Why do some snaps not have screenshot notifications?

For snaps that expire a few seconds after being viewed, the screenshot notification may not display if the recipient captures it fast enough before expiration. Notifications only appear for captured snaps still active in the chat thread.


The screenshot notification symbol is a key feature of Snapchat that encourages transparency around snaps being captured. While not foolproof, it provides senders with visibility when recipients take screenshots in 1-on-1 chats. This insight into screenshot activity helps preserve the intimate, in-the-moment experience Snapchat aims to create.

However, the notification symbol should not be seen as a guarantee of privacy or security. Recipients can still screenshot through workarounds without triggering alerts. Overall, Snapchat users are advised to keep their screenshotting practices ethical and avoid capturing sensitive content without permission whenever possible.

Screenshot Notification Symbol Appearance
White arrow-like icon Located in snap sender’s chat thread
Appears immediately when screenshot is taken Remains until screenshotted snap expires
Only viewable by snap sender Not removable or able to be disabled