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What order do the planets go in on Snapchat plus?

What order do the planets go in on Snapchat plus?

The order of the planets on Snapchat plus refers to the sequence in which the planets of our solar system appear when using the Snapchat planet lenses feature. This augmented reality feature allows Snapchat users to view each planet up close, providing educational information on the planets. Understanding the planet order can help Snapchat users identify each planet when using the lenses.

Quick Overview of the Planets

The planets in our solar system, in order from the sun, are:

  • Mercury
  • Venus
  • Earth
  • Mars
  • Jupiter
  • Saturn
  • Uranus
  • Neptune

There used to be nine planets, but Pluto was reclassified as a dwarf planet in 2006 and is no longer considered an official planet.

The inner planets – Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars – are smaller and rockier. The outer planets – Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune – are gas giants made up mostly of gases like hydrogen and helium.

The Order of the Planets on Snapchat Plus

When using the planet lenses on Snapchat plus, the planets appear in the following order:

  1. Mercury
  2. Venus
  3. Earth
  4. Mars
  5. Jupiter
  6. Saturn
  7. Uranus
  8. Neptune

This is the correct order of the planets from the sun. Snapchat has arranged the planet lenses to match the actual layout of our solar system.


Mercury is the smallest planet in our solar system and closest to the sun. On Snapchat plus, the Mercury planet lens displays the rocky, cratered surface of this tiny planet. Fun facts about Mercury:

  • Smallest planet in solar system
  • Closest to the Sun
  • Covered in craters
  • Has very thin atmosphere
  • Reaches blistering hot temperatures


The second planet from the sun, Venus is covered in thick clouds of sulfuric acid. The Venus lens shows the cloudy yellowish atmosphere of this extremely hot planet. Venus facts:

  • 2nd planet from Sun
  • Covered in thick sulfuric acid clouds
  • Rotate opposite direction as Earth
  • Hottest planet in solar system due to greenhouse effect
  • Called both morning star and evening star


Our home planet Earth appears third in Snapchat’s planet order. The Earth lens displays a beautiful view of our planet from space, with swirling white clouds. Interesting Earth facts:

  • 3rd planet from the Sun
  • Only known planet to support life
  • 70% of surface covered in water
  • Has one natural satellite, the Moon
  • Rotates on tilt axis creating seasons


The red planet Mars comes next, showing its rusty red surface and weather systems. Mars details:

  • 4th planet from the Sun
  • Known as the Red Planet due to iron oxide on surface
  • Two small moons, Phobos and Deimos
  • Some of the tallest mountains and deepest canyons in solar system
  • Possible water ice at polar ice caps


Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system. Its lens displays the giant gas planet with its swirling cloud bands. Jupiter fast facts:

  • 5th planet from the Sun
  • Largest planet in solar system
  • Gas giant made of hydrogen and helium
  • Famous Great Red Spot is a giant storm
  • Has 79 moons including 4 large Galilean moons


The sixth planet Saturn is known for its beautiful rings. The Snapchat lens shows the planet with its unmistakable ring system. Saturn information:

  • 6th planet from the Sun
  • Second largest planet after Jupiter
  • Most extensive ring system of any planet
  • Saturn’s density very low, could float in water
  • Wind speeds of up to 1100 mph


At seventh position, Uranus is an unusual icy planet that rotates on its side. The Uranus lens displays its faint blue-green atmosphere. Uranus facts:

  • 7th planet from the Sun
  • Icy giant planet with methane atmosphere
  • Rotates nearly on its side with extreme tilt
  • Colder than other gas giants due to distance from Sun
  • Was first planet discovered with telescope


Neptune orbits farthest from the sun of the planets featured on Snapchat. Its deep blue appearance comes from methane gas. Neptune details:

  • 8th and farthest major planet from the Sun
  • Similar composition to Uranus
  • Extreme winds and storms like Great Dark Spot
  • Coldest planet in solar system
  • Orbits Sun once every 165 Earth years

Mnemonic Devices to Remember Order

Remembering the order of the planets from the sun can be challenging. Here are some mnemonic devices and memory tricks:

“My Very Educated Mother Just Served Us Noodles”

This classic phrase uses the first letter of each planet in order:

  • M – Mercury
  • V – Venus
  • E – Earth
  • M – Mars
  • J – Jupiter
  • S – Saturn
  • U – Uranus
  • N – Neptune

“Mary’s Violet Eyes Make John Stay Up Nights”

Another phrase using the first letters to make a sentence:

  • Mary’s – Mercury
  • Violet – Venus
  • Eyes – Earth
  • Make – Mars
  • John – Jupiter
  • Stay – Saturn
  • Up – Uranus
  • Nights – Neptune

Number Trick

Remember the order by numbering the planets:

  1. Hot 1 (Mercury is closest to the Sun)
  2. 2 says Choo Choo (Venus)
  3. 3 Earth
  4. 4 Red (Mars is Red)
  5. 5 Jive (Jupiter)
  6. 6 Sticks (Saturn has 6 sides)
  7. 7 Heaven (Uranus)
  8. 8 Weight (Neptune)


Picture the planets in order and create a story or visualization to remember the sequence. For example, imagine a race with each planet crossing the finish line in the correct order.


On Snapchat plus, the planets appear in the proper sequential order from the sun: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune. This matches the layout of the real solar system. Mnemonic devices like planet acronyms and numbering tricks can help memorize the order. Visualizing the planets in a race finishing in sequence also helps cement the proper lineup. With practice, Snapchat users can easily identify all the amazing planets when using the fun Snapchat lenses. Exploring our solar system by seeing the planets up close is an engaging educational experience.