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When a Snap is delivered but not opened?

When a Snap is delivered but not opened?

A Snap on Snapchat is considered delivered when it is sent successfully from one user to another. However, just because a Snap is delivered does not necessarily mean the receiving user has opened and viewed it. There are a few scenarios in which a delivered Snap may go unopened:

The Receiver Has Not Been Active

One of the most common reasons a delivered Snap goes unopened is simply because the receiving user has not been active on Snapchat recently to view it. For example, if User A sends a Snap to User B on Monday morning, but User B does not open Snapchat all day Monday, the Snap will remain unopened. Even though it was successfully delivered to User B’s account immediately on Monday morning, User B has not viewed it.

This can happen frequently if the recipient does not use Snapchat very often or has been away from their phone for an extended time. The Snap sits waiting for them, delivered but not opened.

The Receiver Ignored the Notification

Another possibility is that the receiving user received the Snap notification, but chose to ignore it and did not actually open the Snap. With Snapchat notifications coming to the lock screen or home screen of someone’s phone, it’s easy to see the notification but choose not to view it right away.

Maybe the user was busy with something else or simply did not want to open a Snap from that particular sender at the moment. Even though the Snap has been successfully delivered, the choice not to open it rests with the recipient.

Technical Errors or Bugs

Less commonly, a delivered Snap might go unopened due to some technical error or bug interfering with the recipient being able to view it.

For example, if the receiving user’s app is outdated, they might be unable to open new Snaps until updating. Or sometimes notifications can fail to come through properly about received Snaps. While rare, technical issues can interfere with an otherwise successfully delivered Snap.

How Long Does a Delivered but Unopened Snap Remain on Snapchat?

One of the signature features of Snapchat is that by default, Snaps disappear after being viewed. So what happens if a Snap is delivered but never opened? How long will it stay on Snapchat awaiting the recipient’s view?

The answer depends on the type of Snap:

Regular Photo/Video Snaps

For the standard photo and video Snaps, if they are delivered but not opened, they will remain on Snapchat for up to 30 days.

At this point, the Snaps will simply expire and disappear from the recipient’s account since they have gone unopened for that long.

Story Snaps

For Snaps sent to a user’s Story, the expiration time is much shorter. If other users do not view that Snap on the Story within 24 hours, the Snap will expire and disappear, even if unopened.

Chat Snaps

Finally, for Snaps sent directly in a Chat, the expiration time is some where between a regular Snap and a Story Snap. If unopened, a Chat Snap will remain for 24 hours or until the sender sends another Chat Snap to that user, whichever comes first.

Ways to See If a Snap Has Been Opened

As the sender of a Snap, is there a way to know if your Snap has been opened or if it’s been delivered but not viewed? There are a couple of ways to try to determine this:


The main way is that Snapchat will notify you when a recipient has opened one of your Snaps for the first time. You will see a small notification within the app saying the person’s name and that they opened your Snap.

However, keep in mind that users can turn off these notifications so that senders are not informed when they view a Snap.

Replay Arrow

For Stories, there is the replay arrow that appears next to a contact’s name if they have viewed your Story Snap. However, this does not mean they necessarily viewed that specific Snap from you, just that they were active on Stories in the past 24 hours. They may have opened some but not all of your Story Snaps sent recently.

No Notification After 24-48 Hours

If it has been 24-48 hours and you have received no notification of the Snap being opened, it is less and less likely to have been viewed, but there is no way to know for absolute certain. The recipient may have opened it without triggering the notification.

Snap Type Expiration if Unopened
Regular Photo/Video Snap 30 days
Story Snap 24 hours
Chat Snap 24 hours or after next Chat Snap

Reasons a User May Not Open a Delivered Snap

There are a variety of reasons that a delivered Snap may go unopened by the recipient, including:

  • They have not used Snapchat recently
  • They ignored the notification
  • Technical issues or bugs with the app
  • They don’t feel like talking to that person right now
  • They accidentally swiped away the notification
  • They haven’t had time to check Snapchat notifications
  • They want to respond later when they have more time
  • They feel awkward or anxious about opening it
  • The notification got buried under other notifications

The point is – just because a Snap was delivered does not necessarily mean the recipient has seen it yet. There are many valid reasons Snaps go unopened.

Improving the Odds a Snap is Opened

If you are sending Snaps and frequently having them delivered but not viewed, here are some tips to improve the chances your recipient will open them:

Send at Peak Times

Pay attention to when the recipient normally uses Snapchat and tailor your sends to those peak activity times. Sending midday or late at night when they are not on Snapchat often will lead to unopened Snaps.

Engage in Regular Conversations

If you frequently chat back and forth with the person on Snapchat, they will be primed to open your Snaps since they expect valuable conversation from you. Sporadic sends from inactive chat partners are easier to ignore.

Use Triggers

Send Snaps related to timely events, inside jokes, or ongoing conversations to trigger their interest in seeing your message. Ask questions or tease the exciting content in your Snap.

Follow Up Politely

If your Snap goes unopened for a while, follow up with another Snap politely asking if they saw your previous one. But avoid being pushy or aggressive about it.

Reduce Sending Frequency

If you are sending a lot of Snaps in a short time, the recipient may feel overwhelmed. Throttle down the frequency which can help ensure each Snap feels more valuable.


While a delivered but unopened Snap can be frustrating, it is often not personal and there are many innocuous reasons it can happen. Focus on your value to the recipient, send thoughtfully, troubleshoot technical issues, and don’t overreact if a few go unopened now and then. With good Snapchat etiquette, your important messages will get through.